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    1. I meet or rather see again my DG, Dean and she confirms being my DG

      , 12-27-2013 at 03:55 PM
      This dream is from earlier this month, when I am finally properly introduced to my Dream Guide. I first met my DG in my first LD about 3 months ago…though I didn't know she was my DG. A couple of months later I saw her again and she appeared different but I knew it was her (also maybe because I summoned her). Here's my dream where I met her the second time but this time I confirmed it with her that she is my DG.

      I'm in a low lucidity dream and at the end of the dream I start spinning and I'm in an abyss experiencing a feeling of true bliss. This lasts about 5 seconds and then I wind up on my bed still spinning. The spinning comes to a stop and I try to get out of bed. I find it difficult to sit up and in fact feel my stomach muscles contract trying to sit up. I finally make it and get out of bed. I know I’m dreaming and I do an RC just to make sure. I look at my hands but they look normal, which lately has been happening a lot. I try to breathe through my pinched nose and it doesn’t work but I try again and it works the second time. I also jump up in the air to see if I can float and I do float back down. I first think of flying out the window but then decide that I’m going to call Dean (my Dream Guide…she told me her name in my first LD where I met her but didn't know she was my DG) on the phone to see if she is waiting for me downstairs. I grab the phone off my desk and head out the door. I don’t dial but just call Dean’s name like I’m talking to her and she answers. I ask her if she is waiting for me downstairs but she doesn’t know what I’m talking about and maybe doesn’t recognize me. I tell her “it’s me, are you waiting for me downstairs,” as I’m waiting for the elevator. She answers “no, I’m in my room getting ready.” I decide that her room is going to be the apartment just across from the elevator. It seems that all the doors on my floor are covered with some kind of red carpeting, with the exception of my door. I go to the door and try it but it seems locked and I knock on the door. Then I decide the door is going to be open as I try to open it again...and voila...it opens. I walk in and it’s a nice apartment and I hear the shower running. I go to the bathroom and I see the door is kind of cracked open with some steam coming out. I knock on the door and enter and I see an attractive black woman about 5’5 with short hair (not too short) taking a shower and I know it’s Dean. It’s a large bathroom and the shower is sort of in the middle and it’s open with no doors around it. She covers herself up but I’m not even really looking at her nudity...maybe just a little. I turn around and I tell her “Dean, I have to ask you a question - are you my dream guide?” She’s still in the shower and she answers me but I don’t quite hear what she says. I ask her again and she says “yes.” I run to hug her and tell her “oh my god, I’m so happy” and in fact I am. I don’t care about the fact that she’s naked and I have no sexual thoughts toward her. I’m just truly happy to encounter my DG. I ask her to help me in the future and she says she will. I also ask her if she’s going to look different every time she appears and she says that she will and in fact tomorrow (or some other day) she will look like (I don’t recall what she said). Maybe I’m paying less attention still caught up in being so happy finding out she’s my DG. There is a baby or maybe even two babies in the apartment but I kind of just ignore them. I figure that while Dean gets ready I can go have some fun and I ask her if she has any attractive girlfriends that live nearby...maybe neighbors so I could just go next door. She says “no...oh yea, there is one.” I head out into the living room and she’s almost ready also she just doesn’t have her shoes on. So I decide to just wait for her to get her shoes on and I think maybe I also decide to do a recall of my personal info (name, dob, address, phone #, etc.) but then I wake up.
    2. Flying Cow Demon

      , 12-23-2013 at 03:56 AM
      I’m standing outside like a house or a school or a church. I’m talking to someone maybe a kid or something and then I walk over to the building ahead of me and I see my sister there but she’s very young like 14 maybe. I say hi and I realize that I’m dreaming. I start stabilizing by looking at my hands but it’s not working very well as my hands are kind of unstable so I decide I need to touch stuff. I walk back to the building where I was standing and start touching the wall, really feeling it. It’s made out of little bricks or tiles and I feel the grooves and then I decide I will kneel down and feel the grass or flowers that are growing from the ground right at the wall. As I’m doing this some little kid comes from behind me and starts grabbing my shirt. I tell him to get off me and what the hell is he doing. He keeps at it and actually I decide that it’s ok because it just adds to my stabilization because I can feel my shirt better. After a moment or two he just disappears. I’m fully lucid now and as I look up I’m amazed at how crystal clear everything is (note: I forgot to say verbal commands to stabilize and also forgot to say that I’m anchored in lucidity and anchored to this dream and I’m all powerful and I can do anything). Anyway, as I look up I see this amazing green lawn of grass ahead of me and it also looks like a bed in a bedroom at the same time, even though it’s a large lawn...strange and hard to describe really but that’s what it looks like. So even though I’m outside I’m also inside and I go on to explore this house where I now find myself...possibly my dreamscape changed somewhat while I was stabilizing. I walk through a few rooms and I don’t recall now exactly how that went but the last room that I went into I see a woman doing something and she looks like my wife and I get closer and in fact it is my wife. I momentarily have a thought of having sex with her and I feel my lucidity drop a bit, so I decide to just go ahead with exploring the dream. I go outside and take off flying over this lawn of grass. I keep going higher without wanting to and I see down on the lawn a black cow with I think white spots. I consider this cow to be an excellent target to practice my magic spells and I want to land but I can’t. I then try to just stop flying so that I can fall down and land on the grass and that doesn’t work either. I then try to throw a fireball as I’m flying over the cow but that doesn’t work either (note: I should have stopped to stabilize at this point as I was loosing my lucidity). Now the cow grows wings and takes off flying like a cow demon. It flies to this roof of a building where I can see something protruding that looks like spider legs (giant spider at that)...but I can’t really see to tell for sure. So the cow lands there and I fly after it trying to throw another fireball and it’s not working again. I try to make a tight fist and imagine heat inside to make the fireball..doesn’t work. I then try to shoot lightning out of my fingertips at it and that doesn’t work either. The demon cow now notices me and takes off flying after me. It flies much much faster than I so it catches up to me in like 2 seconds and we are fighting in the air. I imagine that if I rip off it’s nose it will die and I grab onto the nose and try to tear it off. After a few seconds I can feel it giving way but I also find myself in a limbo where I no longer see anything and I transition into the next dream, which turns out to be a false awakening but I don't realize it and continue non-lucid.

      The dream was a MILD and I had taken Galantamind 4mg, Alpha GPC 300mg and Melatonin 0.75mg 2 hours before the dream. The dream lasted a little less than 2 min.

      Updated 12-23-2013 at 03:59 AM by 66593

    3. My longest LD to date…about 8 min

      , 12-18-2013 at 03:00 AM
      I'd like to share a lucid dream from early November 2013. This is so far the longest lucid dream that I've had. That night I took B6 100mg after 5 hours of sleep and the LD occurred 2.5 hours later.

      I am in my bed and I look at my hands (RC) and realize that I’m dreaming. I get up and start stabilizing the dream. I think first I rubbed my hands but I don’t recall for sure. I decide that I need to eat something to stimulate my taste and in fact I seem to think there should be some lobster in the kitchen that I put into shrimp water so it would be tasty. I go in the kitchen and the layout is different from my kitchen. I check a toaster oven and there are slices of bread with something on top but I decide to forgo tasting this. I then look in the oven and there is a filet of fish..again I don’t really want this. Then I look in a pot on the stove and there is something weird and possibly slimy in there and I decide to try it - it was disgusting and I spit it out. Enough for my sense of taste...hahaha. I walk out into the living room and start looking around. The room is completely different and the view outside is so clear. I am on the first floor of a house and I’m looking out through large floor to ceiling (or close to it) windows. I’m in a city. I then go ahead with anchoring and I imagine lines with anchors pulling me and attaching to this world...the lines go down and sideways. I also say out loud some stuff such as ‘I’m all powerful’ and ‘I’m anchored to the dream.’ Outside I see a car and I levitate it without going out. Then I see a van and I levitate it too and make it shoot out into the distance real fast. It went flying but then for some reason started coming back and I caught it with my telekinesis and put it down. Then I made some more cars crash on the street and then I smashed two cars into each other. I also flicked my finger and made a car slide sideways on another street. After I was done having my fun with telekinesis I decided it’s time to move through solid objects. I am trying to put my hand through a piece of wood that is part of a staircase. It is not working and after a few attempts I gave up. There was an older guy maybe a father figure but not my dad. He had some needles without syringes and I assumed he wanted to poke me and either make me fall asleep or wake up for real. I decide that I would not allow this to happen because I don’t want to loose my lucidity. I grab the needles from him and then I try to convince him that this is a dream. I tell him that I will tell him what’s going on but he will probably not believe me. I take him aside and I tell him that I’m a human being and that this is my dream and he is a part of my dream. He of course does not believe me. I take the needles away from him and I want to run away and fly away. He holds onto me for a bit but then I break free and fly away. As I’m flying out I see down the street someone I need to pick up....I think it’s whom I believe to be my girlfriend. I pick her up and hold on to her as I’m flying. In a little while the person I picked up turns out to be my little brother ( I don't have a brother in WL). As I’m flying I say out loud something like I’m still anchored. I decide I want to go see a pretty girl. First I see a house up ahead on my right and I consider this to be the place I will go to see her but then I see a tall apartment building up ahead a bit to my left and I decide that that’s better. I want to drop off my little brother and leave him there and I land. The little guy would not let go of me and I try pushing him off and then I bite him real hard on his finger. I think I almost bit it off...I definitely bit into it and made an impression but it was sort of plasticky and there was no blood. He didn’t seem to be hurting too much and was still holding onto me. I slapped him around a bit and then I grabbed him and smacked him into a tree. Finally he let go and I woke up.

      Updated 12-23-2013 at 03:57 AM by 66593

      lucid , false awakening
    4. My first real lucid

      , 12-16-2013 at 03:39 AM
      I'm starting my dream journal entries with the hope that they may help some of my fellow aeronauts that are just starting out as well as maybe get some helpful input from those on DV that are much more experienced than I. I started researching and really getting interested in Lucid Dreaming about 3 months ago. I used to have maybe 1 dream a month if not less before I started my quest to become lucid. I read a lot on DV, started a dream journal, etc. In my first week I did not notice any changes until one day I had 3 dreams in one night and 4 dreams the following night. Since then I have been averaging about 5 dreams a night and sometimes as many as 10…not all vivid of course as some are just a tiny portion of the dream that I can recall. My first LD was about 2 weeks after I started my research. And of course as many others I woke up as soon as I became lucid. For the next week and a half or so I had several more LDs where I woke up immediately after becoming lucid until one night….

      I am in my apartment and I’m walking around and I went to get some water. I am walking through my living room and I decide to do a RC (I am assuming I am awake and just doing a practice RC as usual). I look at my hands and it hits me...This is a Dream! I couldn’t really count the fingers on my hand because I couldn’t see them but I knew I was dreaming. The dream started fading at that time because I must have gotten too excited and I started rubbing my hands and trying to spin...that brought me back into the dream. I believe I then did a math problem but nothing changed after that...I was probably fully lucid at that point. Retrospectively, I should have spent a little more time stabilizing the dream before going on. Anyway, I had a glass of water in my hand about half full maybe a little less. I put it down on the little table in the living room and I tried to levitate it. I think it didn’t work the first time but it did the second try. I had the glass levitating in the air about 6 feet in front of me. It wasn’t following my intended movements right away but after a little practice with my newly acquired skill of telekinesis I was able to move it as I expected. I made it move away from me, side to side and then toward me and into my hand. I threw it down to the floor and I wanted to try something heavier. There was some kind of object lying toward the far right corner of my daughters' and I think it was on the bed. I was not able to lift it after a few tries. There was a black handbag on top of that object and I was able to levitate that and I made it go up and them put it back down. There was another item - I think it was a big box. I wan’t able to lift that either so then I gave up on it. I then decide that I want to fly...no problem. I flew around the room for a sec and flew out the window...my thoughts from WL were with me (my concerns of what if I’m not really dreaming and I just fall out the window) but I knew I was dreaming 100% so I just flew out the window. I think the window just opened when I was flying through it. I flew for a bit until I came up to a tree branch and the leaves were like in my face. I just floated there for a second and then I decided I want to fly to the Dominican Republic to see my wife and daughter where they are on vacation. As I am floating I look around to see what direction I need to fly but I can’t figure it out. I call out I want to go to DR..which way do I go? This lady appears...I didn’t see her appear she was just there (a couple of months later I find out she is my Dream Guide and I will post that dream later as well). She is blond and maybe around 5’6 or 5’7 but that is with heels. I believe she was wearing a skirt up to just over her knees and it was either white or light grey...not sure of blouse but I think a light color as well. She is somewhat attractive but not distractingly so. After waking up I was able to rather clearly recall her face (that’s a first...I can almost never recall faces). She starts telling me which direction is what and she points to one direction and says the name of a city or state and then a bit to the left she says that’s Florida and I see a building that makes me think that that’s Florida right there (Dominican Republic is in the same direction from where I live…south). I decide that is the direction I will go. I ask her what is your name. She answered - Dean. At this point we are no longer in the air and we are standing on the ground. I tell her I want to go to DR but then my dream faded and I woke up. The dream lasted about 5 min. I took B6 100mg after about 5 hours of sleep and the Lucid Dream occurred about 2 hours after that.

      Updated 12-23-2013 at 03:58 AM by 66593
