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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Ice Hockey and death

      by , 01-12-2011 at 01:13 PM
      I was on the ice hockey team with A and S. I was very good at it. S was not so she left. Afterwards a guy I don't remember and I were sitting across from Marissa at a table. She was crying because she couldn't skate which she attributed to the fact that she was fat. Neither of us said anything for a while. Then I said "A. You're not fat, you're beautiful and B." and then I couldn't think of a B but I think I made something up. Then A and I were with some people at the mall. She wanted a slurpee so she walked faster and was separated from the pack of people we were with. I also separated from the pack, I was between the pack and A and I didn't know why I was walking alone. I felt anxious and felt like they were judging me for not walking with them. Then I recognized a guy walking toward us who had no shirt on. He was very skinny and I touched his abs. Then I was in my car driving somewhere. A was supposed to be there but she wasn't so I called her phone. She didn't answer and the message came on but it was different. It said that S had died and she was at the funeral. I was frantic and tried calling her again and then calling S but nobody picked up. I then had to go through a maze of garbage and scraps of metal and wood and insulation outside of some sort of warehouse and attempt to pick up my mom from somewhere.
    2. Italian Restaurant

      by , 01-12-2011 at 01:03 PM
      I frequently went to a small Italian restaurant which had a little patio outside with tables and chairs. I was walking through the patio and saw some bread in a basket on one of the tables. I talked to the people at the table for a few seconds and then took the bread and ran. The streets were old and dirty and possibly looked like Italy. One of the chubby waiters ran after me, yelling for the bread back. When he finally caught up to me he was very friendly and understanding and told me that I should come back tomorrow and sit down and have a meal but I was too embarrassed and I knew I would never come back there again.
    3. French

      by , 01-12-2011 at 01:00 PM
      I was in bed and there was a blackboard on the wall across from me. I was studying for a French test. Then my dad came in and asked how it was going and then proceeded to write some French on the board and teach it to me. I was uncomfortable.
    4. New room

      by , 01-12-2011 at 12:56 PM
      I was buying new curtains for my room for college which for some reason was a slightly different room for the second semester. More of a long rectangular shape. We asked for the beds to be un-bunked and they were but now they were all in a row next to each other right next to the door which none of us liked. While I was buying curtains E was there talking and sports and I said I wanted to join one maybe. She seemed to think this idea was ridiculous and tried to talk me out of it. A kid on the baseball team was also there arguing with his mother about his room and about baseball.