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    18th Night

    by , 02-13-2012 at 09:59 PM (400 Views)
    February 13, 2012
    Pretty good night- much better than last night. I can recall one full dream and one dream fragment.

    1) Dream fragment: I was in my room putting on skinny jeans. After that it skips to me in a hallway at my school along with a few people- one of them being my friend. I remember that there were lockers in the hallway, but it was weird because there aren't supposed to be lockers there and they were the lockers from the previous school I was at. I remember sitting by the lockers and noticing my friend seemed mad at me/ wouldn't talk to me. I also recall looking down at my pants and realizing that I had put a pair of normal black pants over the skinny jeans I had on that morning. At one point I think I looked over the lockers out of the window and then some kid comes up and tells me to move because I'm blocking his way. He seems bad but then smiles like he was kidding. That's all I remember.

    After that dream I woke up and attempted to WILD. Sadly, I wasn't aware of the time and just when I felt like I was almost relaxed enough my alarm goes off . I turned it off and them fell back asleep for about a half an hour. That is when I had my full dream.

    2) It started out with me trying to go somewhere but to get there I would have to go down this narrow dirt road. I was worried that some creeper might come and kidnapp me so I decided to disguise myself as a gross old man. I remember I had a cloak on and walked with a cane, holding a basket in my hands. At one point a car with a man comes near but doesn't attempt anything.
    The scene skips to me in my kitchen. I am waiting for something. Soon, my mom walks in as the man I was just seconds ago, but instead of a basket in her hands there is a glass jar. There was something in the jar that I needed, so I asks her to give it to me and I open it. Inside there is this gross, half rotted head submerged in a bunch of brown/yellow liquid. I dump it out and ask her something like "why is this in here?" She tells me she needed to hide the thing I needed and make sure no one tried to take it. She went through a lot to get her hands on it. Once the jar is emptied of the foul contents I reach my hand in and pull out what I need- a small vile made of stone shaped like some sort of animal. Immediately I notice the thing is cracked and that all of the liquid contents have escaped. I get really mad at her and start to panic- because that vile was filled with medicine that I needed in order to live. I ask her for help- maybe I can salvage some from from the liquid I poured out of the jar onto the floor- but she says no. As she stirs some peppers on the stove she tells me to suck it up and that life is not always the way you want it to be. I think I said something like "but I'll die!" but she doesn't care. She goes onto tell me that if she has to deal with her horrible coworkers then I can deal with this. I remember feeling disbelief at her attitude towards the situation. That's when the dream ends and I wake up.

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    Updated 02-13-2012 at 10:03 PM by 52908

    non-lucid , dream fragment
