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    Camp with family and friends with DEILD

    by , 01-12-2013 at 10:02 AM (353 Views)
    It starts out a pretty good dream. I am with my friend, Levi, and we are in a cabin of some sort at a campground somewhere. The cabin is actually really nice set with a flat screen and couches and what not. We are both sitting on the couch hitting his rasta bong I had mentioned in another dream. I walk outside and set the bong right in the entrance way on a small sidewalk. I walk into the second cabin right next to our other one. I turn around before I walk in and see my mom and john leaving our campsite and walking down the dirt road. I am worried they might see the bong but I don't seem to move it from its position. I am in the cabin with my brothers and Levi talking about something, not sure what.

    Dream skip

    I am going though a line that has two electric fences on both sides. It is a line for some type of campground police enforcement. It starts to become to narrow as I reach the little building where they give me the results of whatever I am here for. I get stuck and complain the fence is shocking the shit out of my legs. The officers tell me to go back a bit and jump over the side of the fence. I step down with my foot and it bends. I make my way over. They notify me I am now on probation.

    Dream skip

    I see myself in third person (as a memory) and I am walking with my friends when I slip and smack the back of my head on the ground. I wake up in a field to hear Levi's cellphone blaring right in my ear on full blast. I look over to my left and see him holding the phone now up to my face. I am still in a daze. It pisses me off being awaken from being knocked out so I act like it hurts the shit out of my head and scream in pain. Eventually the cellphone is still there but he is gone. I then see in a third person point of view Levi, Tyler, and a third guy unknown carrying grocery bags round and packed full of personal items and illegal things as well. I remember Levi staring at my third person view and saying something about if I wanted this I would get up (because I have actually wanted some bud lately). It switches back to me and of course I'm up. I see them come around the hill I was laying on and greet me. I tell Levi about his stupid ass phone blowing out my eardrum and me screaming in pain, because I thought now that it was just his phone and not him (even though I saw him). We eventually start walking towards the recreational grounds still carrying the bags. I tell them I'm on probation because there are campground officers patrolling the grounds. We walk on to the side of this hill with a bunch of people all grouped up down the hill, sort of in a line. We are towards the back and set the bags down on the ground. I see they have some of my clothes IRL packed in them, like my Sipknot shirt and others. I don't want the officers to confiscate my things, but I also would rather not be caught with illegal herbs while on probation. We are sneaking away and I look back to see some people we know standing in a group around our bags so the officers don't check them. We get out to the field again. I now see and recognize the third person in the dream and IRL. it is Frank the father in Everybody Loves Raymond dressed in a t-shirt and jeans like a younger person. Levi says that he is hungry, I say I'm fucking starving, so we all agree to head out to eat. We make it to a basketball court which has no hoops or anything, just a concrete slab pretty much. It is filled with bunches of people just standing around like on the hill. The officers make every one leave the court and go into these prison cells to the left of it. This is all outside, like just square cells and with no roof, just opened. I go into one with my brother Miles. I wake up after that.

    I then close my eyes because I am still in a sleepy state and try to go back into the dream. The DEILD works. I wake up in the grass laying in the exact same sleeping position. I get up and am fully lucid. I am at a part of the dream I didn't mention before because I barely remember it. I am following a small group in a line. There is a hot chick that was in the line just like I had previously seen, but this time she catches my attention. She travels off the trail from the group to the right by herself, which she had done also previously. I swear my brain set me at this part in the dream to trick me into following her because I am trying not to induce sex in my lucid dreams lately because that is want I want to do 80% of the time when I am lucid. Sex excites me which wakes me up most of the time. I walk with her and walk out in front of her and ask her if she will follow me. I start walking towards the tree behind her and it immediately becomes super blurry. I completely forgot to stabilize and I wake up. I swear that girl was put there for me to fuck it up. I learned my lesson.

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    lucid , non-lucid
