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    dog v.s. car

    by , 05-08-2012 at 02:38 PM (352 Views)
    (i wake up in the early morning and as i drift back to sleep anxious for the dreams to follow i think to myself repetitively "i will know i am dreaming")
    my dream begins with me walking down a highly populated street with many people walking dogs down the pitch black pavement. i ask myself "am i dreaming yet?" and then mentally answer my question "yes" i walk by one person holding three dogs, a Datamation escapes from this person and runs up to a red (in the process getting larger to the point where it is larger than the car.) the dog begins beating on the cars hood with its front paws leaving enormous dents. at this point the dream leaves my memory-
    (sadly although i partiality acknowledged that i was dreaming i did not preform a reality check, otherwise i would have had a full lucid dream. the dream still felt as if it where real life)

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