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    1. Almost there...

      by , 09-21-2010 at 04:38 PM
      Lots of random details

      -I'm on break for rehearsal, so I walk around the campus. For some reason, the campus is more like a mall. I, for some reason, think there's a red light, so I stop walking and wait for green. My high school history teacher comes out of a nearby shop with her husband and child and asks why I'm not moving. I realize there's no red light, because nobody's driving any cars, and I keep walking.

      -Different part of the campus. My sister's here. She leaves to go shopping on the second floor.

      -I'm in bed. A disembodied voice tells me he doesn't think it works correctly, but it can take me to any place I want. A cellphone appears in my hand. I realize I'm dreaming. A picture of a city (one of my old computer wallpapers) appears on the phone's screen and I focus on it. It starts to blur and stretch, I feel myself being pulled out of my body. I'm almost gone, and suddenly I'm back in bed, frustrated. The TV is on. I try again, but the TV is too distracting now.

      I have to fight to get out of bed and I feel sluggish. I turn off the TV and try again, but the cellphone's gone and I can't get it back. I realize this is all a dream. I know I'm dreaming and I can control my own movements, but I can't do anything with my surroundings. I keep trying then suddenly-

      I wake up for real. The TV is still on.
      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. meh, kinda wish i didn't remember this one

      by , 08-06-2010 at 05:33 PM
      this entire dream has me depressed or scared the entire time, and depressed when i wake up.

      my parents and my brother have moved away and i live alone. i have no job and no friends. i live in a half destroyed, abandoned hotel. I've run out of light bulbs. there's lots before this, but i can't remember it.

      at some point there was a dream inside my dream about giant cockroaches.

      i make a plan to go to the apartment my family used to live in and get a plastic bag, then go through the entire apartment taking lightbulbs. that apartment is also deserted.

      suddenly my brother is there and we're driving to the apartment. its strange because he's driving except me. he takes us to the wrong apartment and i tell him to go to the right one.

      on his way over there, he hits something with the car. i ignore it. then i get a vision of him in court and crying and the sister of the person he hit crying. i dont think i was crying. then i go back to "reality"

      i say we need to see what we hit and i get out and there's a wounded dog in the bed of the truck (which was a minivan a little while ago).

      he wants to leave it and i try to get it out. i go slowly in case the dog is hurt. he gets impatient and yanks the dog out. it doesn't yelp, but when he puts it down, its back leg is wounded.

      i see that we're holding up traffic, so i tell him to leave and go grab the lightbulbs while i find this dog's family.

      he leaves and i'm alone with the dog. it's night time and we're in a residential neighborhood. i start to walk around and i hear a woman screaming. for a long time, i don't go anywhere. when i finally start to move, the screaming still hasn't stopped. i see a street that i think the dog lives on and as i get closer to it, the screaming gets more intense.

      as i reach the opening of the street, there are two run down houses on either corner. i'm afraid of both of them.
      the one on the opposite side of the street is where the screaming is coming from. i'm worried that there's a murder or a rape going on there. i decide not to go down this street.

      i carefully cross the street, going past the house where the street is coming from. when i get to the point where i can see into the window, i don't see anything, but i hear a man yelling. i get scared, drop the dog, and run as fast as i can.

      i get into an alleyway behind a house a little ways away and stop, and i see the man has followed me. he stares at me for a second, says something like "they were going to get us, they're still after us, i had to do it" and runs away. i'm still afraid and i don't know what to do. i try to hide from him in case he comes back and-

      -i wake up.
    3. Friends, Car theives, Golden Spoon.

      by , 07-21-2010 at 05:05 PM
      Hey, good news! I'm starting to get to the point where I actually experience these dreams, instead of just waking up and remembering them!

      Anyway, here we go.

      I joined the NROTC and I'm back in high school, dressed in my navy clothes. I see Kayla, and she looks much older, and I go say hi. We walk together and then separate, and I see Trent. We walk together and hang out. He leaves the parking lot we're in and we go to a group of friends. Two that I remember are Matt and Jeff. When I arrive, I see Mr. Werner walking past us toward the school.

      I'm at a gym or roller rink or something along those lines with a friend. On our way out I see a car that looks exactly like my sister's. I think she's come to pick me up. I go to my friends car. It's someone else. They drive behind us. A girl in the passenger seat asks her dad if he can grab her homework books from my friend. He gets out of the car and asks my friend, who agrees. While he's waiting, he sits in the driver's seat of my friend's car. I'm sitting in the seat behind him. He's acting very suspiciously and I think he might try to steal it. I'm prepared to punch him repeatedly in the face if he does.

      My friend gets him the books and he leaves.

      Next thing I know, I'm sitting in my car alone, parked in a parking lot during the daytime. I'm just sitting and thinking. I have a big heavy blanket and a skateboard. I swing out behind me and start driving across the parking lot toward a Golden Spoon, because I decide I really want frozen yogurt.

      At some point during the drive, I'm no longer driving, but walking or riding the skateboard. I get to golden spoon and the curb is two feet high. I try to hang the skateboard off the side of the curb so I can see if it gets stolen, but it falls off. I put the skateboard on the sidewalk and wrap in in the blanket (which, for some reason, is now on a stick). There's something about it, either a sign or something I wrote, that says "this blanket is very heavy."

      When I get in, it looks like an average Golden Spoon. I see the drinks menu when I enter (Apple juice in a can, Apple juice, some other juice, Strawberry juice, Kiwi juice, green tea, and some other juice), and decide I want to mix apple juice and green tea. I'm waiting in line when the manager comes and asks me if everything is "splendid." I look at him and he looks extremely familiar. I ask if I know him and he starts acting suspicious and hiding his nametag so I push him in order to see it better and find out its Mike. I say hi and we both laugh and smile and hug and a co-worker of his gets angry.

      At some point, the Golden Spoon turns into a donut/gum shop. There are female friends of mine there, who I can't remember. It's finally my turn. I can't decide on what to get. I remember there aren't many choices of gum. All the gum is just inside toys; I ended up going with to gum flashlights, but there were gum barbie dolls, gum lightsabers, and gum super soakers. A very fat female employee tried to sell me the "Waistblaster," a gigantic donut.

      When I go pay, I notice the Golden Spoon drink menu I saw on the way in. As I slowly start to wake up, I start to realize that this was a Golden Spoon a minute ago, but instead of becoming lucid, I just think "Goddamnit, I came here for Golden Spoon!"

      And I wake up.
    4. Desert themed dreams

      by , 07-18-2010 at 09:12 PM
      I live on a mountain. It has houses on it. I don't remember mine, but it's there. There's a steep road down and at the bottom, there's a Wal-Mart. It's me, Dad, and my brother. We go in. There are huge walls like a castle. The "watchtowers" are Wal-Mart brand hospitals, tax return places, etc. The actual store is a building in the middle. We're birthday shopping for one of my baby cousins.

      DAD: "Is Phil [my brother] coming [to the party]?"
      ME: "That depends. He's coming if Timmy is there, if it's at our house, or if you force him to."

      I catch a glimpse of Phil before I start over to the store. Dad stops me.
      "You want me to go with you?"
      "No I'm fine." He gives me some money. It's not very much.

      I think of going to the ATM and pulling some money out of my real life account, but just like in real life, I'm not eighteen yet, so I can't use the ATM.

      I go to the store. Outside, I see Allie. She's gained weight (Something she needs to do because she's so skinny) I comment on how good she looks. In the dream, I thought she was drop-dead gorgeous, but looking back, the dream version of her was hideous.

      I hug her, say goodbye, and tell her to get on facebook and IM me (haha wtf?) then I go into the store.

      Next thing I remember is sleeping at a house and waking up. My brother (not Phil) is sleeping still. Somebody tells me to meet them at Great Plains (Red Dead Redemption, anyone?). I sneak out and go there and there's a map marker to get on a train to Blackwater (RED DEAD REDEMPTON, ANYONE!?!?)

      When I get there, it's daytime. I climb on and the caboose is two stories high. I go to the second story and there's a man with a rifle watching a window, and a second man removing money from a safe and hiding it under the floorboards. I lean against the wall, not trying to hide at all. They don't seem to notice me. When they leave, I'm about to get to work when Katherine shows up. We start talking and I forget about the safe.

      More friends show up, like Kevin and Sara and Josh and we just talk and have fun.

      And then I wake up.
    5. Bits and Bobs

      by , 07-15-2010 at 01:11 AM
      I fell asleep in the middle of the day. That might be why I can't really bring up a total recall, just (as the title implies), bits and bobs.

      -In somebody's house, watching gay porn on HBO. It's not a porn program, more of a drama program (one that shows intense gay sex, at least).

      -Writing music at an old folks home. There was someone else doing the same thing. I wanted to work with him, but didn't go after it. I see a beautiful woman in a stagecoach.

      -Driving with an Asian friend. Kind of like a Crime movie (I'd been watching a buttload of shitty Asian crime movies earlier today). He drove. I didn't do much. Lots of car chases though. He turned into Joseph (a Mexican) and we had one more car chase. Then we were talking about fire and noticed a song about fire on the radio, an animated billboard featuring fire, and two houses on fire. We laughed about that, then we got to the beach. To get there, you had to go down a road on a huge beautiful hill. I remember the image perfectly. Beautiful sunset.

      Me: "You know my favorite thing about going to the beach?"
      Joseph: "What?"
      Me: "Getting there. It's beautiful."

      -Can't remember what happened next, but I did lots of killing in like a GTA environment. I was avoiding some jerkoff who kept killing me (or trying to, I can't remember). I was at a beach (one of those shitty ones that nobody uses because there's trash and boats and a highway overpass) and I spawn a plane. I try and take off but he shoots at me and as I fly away, I lose control and crash land on a dock between a ship and a crashed 747. For some reason, it sets on fire so I climb onto the ship and fire rockets at the 747 until it explodes.

      And then I wake up.
    6. Damn all these sex dreams.

      by , 07-14-2010 at 04:37 PM
      Remembered this perfectly when I woke up, but was too exhausted to write it down. Went back to sleep, and here I am.

      Ehh, another sex dream. Me and Allie this time.

      She lives in my house and sleeps in my room, and I sleep in my brother's. Don't know where my family has gone, and her Dad has moved in.

      Strange sidenote, my house is almost the exact layout it is in real life. That almost never happens with me. Usually it's changed drastically.

      I go into her room, take my shirt off, and climb into bed with her. At first, we're just talking. Chatting and having fun. Don't remember exactly when, but we start kissing. I'm really good at it (even though I'm doing it in a way that would be completely terrible in real life. Apparently, this is how to do it best in dream world). She sits up on her knees and I can see her better; she's wearing nothing but a bra and a thong.

      I try and go down on her. When I touch her, she freezes. Freaks out and jumps out of the bed. Can't remember if she says something, or just stands there. I try and calm her down. I keep apologizing. She eventually calms down and gets back in bed.

      We watch TV. We're watching a show about this new video game that's coming out. Oddly enough, I'm pretty sure it's a video game in real life, though I can't remember what it is. She's really interested in it, which isn't exactly characteristic of Allie in real life, but I don't question it.

      The last thing I remember is "falling asleep" and telling her to wake me up before I go out. I don't want her dad to find me sleeping with her tomorrow morning.
    7. Late entry

      by , 06-18-2010 at 07:22 AM
      I apologize. This one actually happened a few days ago. I remembered it clearly when I woke up, told my friends about it, and then forgot about it until just now. Copypasted from my dream journal on my computer.

      Date unknown
      There is a lot before now, but I can’t remember it.
      Now: I’m driving on the highway. Speeding. Taking care of two little children, about 8-10 years old. They’re clinging to the top of the SUV (Don’t ask me why). Somebody is shooting missiles or something at us. It’s like a stupid action movie.
      I open the sunroof and scream for the kids to get in. One of them does. I ask where the other is. “Oh, he fell off about an hour ago.” I freak out and stop the car. I get out and the boy is clinging to the side of the SUV, naked, freezing, and crying. I pull him off and look for a towel.
      We’re on a bridge. I probably forgot to mention that. There is an oil pipe perpendicular to the bridge, and a dangerous looking access stairway on it. The boy scurries down and I chase after him. As I get lower and lower down the stairway, the steps get more and more narrow and I wonder how we haven’t fallen off. When I reach the bottom, It’s a mix between a Spanish mesa village and something out of Killzone 2 (Minus the gas mask space Nazis). I start chasing the kid around. At some point during this ordeal, the kid suddenly is no longer 8-10, but now 5-6, and the environment brightens and changes until it’s more like a regular mall. I run into a bookstore, constantly screaming the kid’s name. I run past Rebekah and some guy she’s with (probably her boyfriend, but for some reason it’s not Steve). I wonder about this for a split second, then continue looking for the kid.
      I never find him. After that point, it’s all fragments. Little flashes of thoughts, or tiny observations of the layout of the mall, etc. Last I remember is standing in the middle of a parking lot outside, very depressed, not being able to find the kid.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    8. In love with a best friend, on the set of a movie.

      by , 06-18-2010 at 02:42 AM
      Woo, this marks my first return to DV since... Forever. I kinda lost focus on this whole thing, but now that I'm graduating high school and will have nothing to do for quite some time, I'm gonna get back on and try to achieve that elusive LD...

      Anyway, this is my FIRST dream journal (thank God there's something to remember)! All names are altered to protect the identities of those involved (this one was about real people in my life).

      Morning of Thursday, June 17, 2010

      My memory of the dream begins at a party in an empty yellow room. I think I remember one window. There are people from choir there. I am talking to Mr. Shuester. I can’t remember if I’m finished or she interrupts me, but Rebekah kisses me.

      I take her to a dark room. She climbs on top of me and tries to make out. I interrupt her. “Are you sure this is what you want?” I’m thinking of her ex, Steve, or maybe some other boyfriend she might’ve just broken up with. I can’t remember what she says. She kisses me again. I think I get up at that point. We are in the room for a short period of time, I can’t remember what we’re doing, but not having sex. Most likely talking. I have a vague memory of someone showing up who wasn’t there before, and didn’t belong there. We leave. On the way out, I kiss her one last time.

      I return to the party and suddenly, it’s a house on a fake looking beach. I look in the backyard and there are aliens who want to kill humans. They speak. I can’t remember what they say exactly, but it’s something about another alien who should be here. I see humans talking to the aliens. I realize it’s the set of a movie.

      There is an oddly fake looking ocean that stretches out from a concrete beach into the horizon. I don’t realize at first that it’s fake. At some point I realize it is and ask Mr. Shuester, “In real life, how big is that ocean?” He says “It ends at about that shadow right there.” I realize that the whole movie set is built on a stage, and I’m seeing it as if all the missing elements were green-screened in. The mountain I focus on in the distance is most likely the tech room, or maybe the spotlight.

      Suddenly, I see it for the set it is. It was bright before, now it’s dark. The aliens are replaced by regular actors, and I start to recognize friends of mine who are also acting in the movie. We start to rehearse. I’m backstage with four or five people (two I can remember are Kate and John). We are supposed to walk out on stage at the appropriate time. We all miss our cues and scramble out on stage at the same time. John trips and exclaims that he lost his camera.

      This is where the dream ends.

      I wake up at 5 in the morning, very depressed, and I want to see Rebekah..

      Updated 06-18-2010 at 07:12 AM by 15790

      non-lucid , memorable