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    Asian Mail-Order Girlfriend

    by , 03-30-2013 at 01:17 AM (426 Views)
    I am in my room, except it is bigger and looks like a luxurious house or apartment with walls and rooms and kitchen and panorama windows and a sunset outside and everything, but still with hints of it being my good old room. In the room with me, there's a tall beautiful Asian girl. My head tells me she's my more-or-less forced mate. We're deep in a conversation and she tells me she was something along the lines of an African princess. As we speak, short glimpses of walking through stinky cattle carcasses lined up behind a small hill with thin trees in a grassy area appear before my eyes. The rest of the conversation is very unclear to me, but I somehow appeared on the chair in front of my computer where I was doing work, when I realized I seemed disinterested in what she had to say. I was unsure what she just said to me, so I replied:
    "Oh, so how did that go?" She lit a bit up again with the excitement of me being interested and kept talking.

    Side note: I believe this dream was caused from me stumbling across this odd video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiSSDFC3LgA

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    non-lucid , side notes
