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    Setting up a date

    by , 03-27-2013 at 01:27 AM (392 Views)
    I'm sitting in a bus, looking at my cellphone, which in this dream is an old flippidy-floppedy silver model. The windows are pitch black and the bus is only lit up by the long orange-yellow lamps. The cellphone shows a message I had written to Cecilie a day ago in the dream, which asks her if she would like to go out with me this weekend. I'm about to write something to discard or excuse my message, when someone on the seat on the opposite side of the bus to my left says:
    "I would love to go out with you this weekend," and there sits Cecilie in all her blonde glory, almost like she was illuminated by some holy light. Her voice made me feel relieved and ecstatic. She was beautiful, but she looked.. older.
    "Where would you like to take me?" she asks and moves onto the seat next to me. The more I looked at her face, the less attractive she was. For each time I looked at her face, it looked more worn and old, yet in very subtle steps. Imagine a meth addict whose skin gradually turns ugly. She ended up looking like a different person, and I'm not sure, but I think her blonde hair got a few shades closer to light brown.
    "I'm not sure. Any suggestions?" I reply.
    "We'll find out," she ensures. We spend the rest of the dream browsing images on my cellphone.

    Side note: I did once ask this if she was doing anything in the following weekend. She was busy but I backed down when she couldn't understand I wanted to ask her out. Looking back at how she had treated me even before I tried to ask her out (and even worse after), although I didn't realize it at the time, I think it was a good idea not to pull through.

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    non-lucid , memorable , side notes
