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    1. Twins and BF3

      by , 01-26-2012 at 07:02 PM
      Date: 26 January

      Running around with a FAD and red dot sight. I see someone, start shooting, and since it is BF3 I wonder why I don't have to compensate for bullet drop. I then see another, and since I am poking my head up from behind a wall, I know he can't get me back, so I shoot him too. Then i get down and am wandering around, when someone form the other side of the bridge starts shooting at me. Since I am so low on health, I decide to charge him. I am nearly dead, and I jump and press B, knifing him. I see the cool knife animation of me plunging it into the back of his neck. I lay down, because I'm dying, and the police come. I am a fugitive and they have been hunting me for ages, but they leave me for they think I am dead.
      I go to the autopsy of this guy I killed.
      I then think there is some conspiracy or something going on. I look over a bridge and see four Asian girls that all look the same. I exclaim something, but it's wrong. The girls then break up into pairs, and I exclaim "twins!" I got it right. It turns out that the guy I killed was my twin.
      He and I go to this elevator in a brick column where there are other twins and some young pairs of twins (i.e 5-6 years old). My twin is wearing a blue checkered top, it reminded me of Marshall Ericson from HIMYM. I hide behind him, and we get ready to go up the elevator to whatever is up there.
    2. Cuddly Sheep

      by , 01-22-2012 at 09:07 PM
      I was walking with my dad, and I looked over to my left. I saw a small lamb. I went over to him and picked him up.
      He was SO CUDDLY.
      I asked if we could keep him, but he said no. I didn't listen, and took it with me.
      I thought about when he would grow up, and I'd have to shear it.
      Dad and I were walking around where I found the lamb, and the grass was Minecraft grass. It started raining, and I saw some blocks that had turned to hydrated farmland, and some crops had grown on them.
    3. 1st HQ dream

      by , 01-22-2012 at 08:58 PM
      In a large treehouse, searching for some Russian girl's file on a computer connected to HQ. Can't find them, so I wonder why someone wouldn't be on HQ's computers. I call them up. They give me the file.

      There was also heaps of activity going on around the treehouse, like a big party or going-on in the town.
    4. Alana

      by , 01-21-2012 at 08:29 PM
      Date: 19 January

      Someone's talking to me about staying at Alana's house, or maybe Alana's cousin's, as Alana's staying with a lesbian friend.
      I go over to whatever house t is, and I make my house. From scratch. It's not ramshackle, it's just unsafe. e.g for my bed I put my mattress in a mattress-sized hole in the 2nd story floor. Nothing holding it in. Just.... sitting there. I decide it's too unsafe, and so sleep on the 1st floor,under aforementioned mattress.
      Alana and my dad walk outside along the docks.
      Then Alana's on a plane, and she has to parachute out. She lands in like a cabbage patch or something. There's a chicken bone, no idea what for, but it's old.
      Something else about a fish, that has to keep swimming around.
    5. Alex's family

      by , 01-21-2012 at 08:16 PM
      Date: 19 January

      Dropping Alex off at her house after hanging out at Sylvia Park or whatever.
      I'm walking up the drive, and she has a massive, modern house. It's all white concrete, and sloping, and weird.
      The garage door on the left starts opening, and the front door tot he left opens. Her dad stands in the doorway, and he looks completely unlike how I imagined him. He has long hair, and looks like a rock-star would. Her mum is in the garage.
      Tags: alex, house, modern
    6. GLaDOS

      by , 01-09-2012 at 08:28 PM
      In a big, spherical room. There are heaps of people, including me, locked (maybe chained?) to the wall, all the way round.
      There is an evil AI in the middle of the room (I don't think it was GLaDOS) and it was going to kill us all. An Indian girl found a little circuit board. She said there was a transponder ship inn the middle, and if she poked around in the middle of it, she could alter it and use it to save us. It didn't work, and I used a teleporter to teleport out of there. My plan was to find the TARDIS and teleport in behind aforementioned evil AI, but someone saw me. I took off running, and ran into a huge warehouse, where inside were some docks with ships in them. I dived into the water, and swam to an underwater entrance to my house.
      I go inside, and see GLaDOS, however she is asleep, or dormant, or turned off, or something. I go over to a little control panel with a switch and a button. The button says "self destruct." I push it. I rush to GLaDOS who is now awake and rip her off her ceiling mount. I run and burst through the window as the house explodes behind me. I jump onto my neighbour's roof, then jump onto the next, and the next. I come to a certain house, and I jump off the roof, over the road. I spread my arms as if i were a plane, and float down.

      At this point I become semi-lucid. I am not aware of the dream before me. To my conscious self, I believe have just WILD'd, or something similar, and am trying to stabilize it.

      I corkscrew and try to stabilize the dream, however I drift into blackness, like you would no-clipping out of the map in Half Life, and lose the dream.
      Tags: glados, teleport
    7. Lots of internet.

      by , 01-07-2012 at 08:49 PM
      See Orcon's latest internet deals. They have really big ones (like 300GB etc.) for really expensive prices ($300-$500 etc.)
      Go over to our house, apparently we're not living in it ( I think, at least just for the first part of the dream) because it's being built. We're on a small plan, but I check our usage.
      It says that we've used all our internet, so they've upgraded us to a 300GB plan. The next day they gave us another 300 GBs. I had no clue what was using it up. I was going to Google how much internet Xbox LIVE takes up, but I never get around to it.
      Tags: internet, orcon, xbox
    8. Extra rubbish bin....

      by , 01-07-2012 at 08:34 PM
      Go outside to take the rubbish out. Find there's an extra red bin. My dad is with me. We have no idea who's it is.

      Updated 01-11-2012 at 08:13 AM by 52176

      Tags: rubbish
      dream fragment
    9. Marble skateboard. Ok......

      by , 01-07-2012 at 08:32 PM
      With Tara, Grandma and I outside some fancy natural gym which was just literally just around the corner from Grammar.
      Tara gave me a large rectangular piece or wood, about the same size as me, with thin slabs of marble glued to the side. She said it was a skateboard.
      I tried to slide on the grass using it as a body board, but I didn't get very far. I scooted around the field on it for a bit.
      I was in the middle of the field and this kid was coming toward me. I hurried forward on my marble slab and saw a wallet on the ground. I picked it up, and went to a playground in the corner of the field and hid it in the bushes. Then Grayson found me and said he was looking for his dad's wallet. I ran him around for a bit before telling him it was in the bushes.