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    Chaos and the End of....something

    by , 04-27-2011 at 03:09 PM (371 Views)
    I had this dream quite a number of times when I was about five and six. I didn't watch the Terminator, or anything related to that at the time. But I always remembered waking up in terror. It was sort of like a night terror because by the time my parents had gotten me calmed down, I couldn't remember what the dream was about. I remembered pictures of things happening. But I could never remember what it was. I didn't know. Over time though, more memories have come back, and I've been able to just vaguely explain it. It'd honestly be easier if I could draw it, but I never have. I'm going to start doing that though.

    Anyway, I have always thought of this dream as symbolic. It stood for something. I know it did. I've had psychic/pre-cognitive dreams in the past, and I still do.

    Anyway, here it goes.

    First Time I had Dream:

    I was sitting on something. I don't know what it was, and I was holding something rather large. I was in a city some place, because I remember people being there. It was all quiet. But something was wrong and I remember going around and trying to tell people something was wrong and to be "ready". And then everything happened at once. There was this flash of blue light and all hell broke loose. It was like an explosion or something, because everything was slightly tinted after that. I remember panicking because there was this massive crowd of people running for their lives all around me and I could get no where. Then I saw a face. I don't know who it was. Just a face. I could hear a man's voice shouting orders into I guess a microphone or something. He wasn't acting all macho like a drill sergeant, but by his voice you could tell he meant business. Then I woke up screaming.

    Second Time:

    It started out differently.

    I was sitting in a building. There were no windows whatsoever, and everything was made out of conrete. I wasn't supposed to be there, but I was. I remember there were also people running back and forth in white coats. I knocked something over and it broke, and one of the white coated men started flipping out on me. Then that ended and I remember running in a panicked fury to a different room, where another white coat was going to press a red button. I started flipping out, trying to stop him from pressing the red button, something about destroying the world. He did anyway, and then all of what happened the first time, happened all over again. And I woke up screaming.

    I had the first dream one more time. And then it was it. Since then though, I've had dreams of volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, massive hurricanes, huge tornadoes, and a Holocaust type incident which involved Asian people coming in and sending people to work camps, making some of them go to war, and rationing our food and water (no they were not Chinese. I don't know who they were).

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    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
