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    1st Lucid Dream

    by , 02-24-2013 at 12:55 AM (500 Views)
    It should be noted that throughout my efforts at lucid dreaming, I keep a private dream journal with all of my dreams to increase recall. I also do reality checks every 90 minutes through the day as reminded by my cellphone. It took 16 days of trying before this first lucid dream.



    Date - How much of the night's sleep had passed when I woke up - Length of time lucid - Methods involved (CAT includes when I became lucid at a time when I would have woken up for the day, the day before; WBTB is when I woke up after some sleep but before the lucid dream for even a very short time; FA is any dream in which I became lucid from a false awakening; RC is any dream in which a reality check directly caused lucidity; DS is when a dream sign motivated me to question if I was dreaming; other abbreviations are lucid dreaming induction techniques)

    Description of what I did beforehand that may have helped in attaining lucidity

    Details of dream

    January 3, 2013 - About 5 hours in - 5 minutes - CAT, WBTB, MILD, RC

    The day before, I got up for the day at the time I became lucid today. 1 hour before bed, I take 3,000 mg of omega-3 fish oil and a multivitamin which has, among other things, 100 mg niacin, 25 mg B6, 15 mg zinc, and 7.2 mg magnesium. At about 3.5 hours in, I get up, drink water, and use the bathroom. Going back to sleep, I use MILD.

    This dream is set in my house, but it combined elements of the house I live in now and the previous one, and I didn't notice this until waking up.

    At some point, for an unknown reason, I engage in reality checks. Either my hands or my nose was the first one done. My hands don't look noticeably different at first, but I think something is 'off' and it seems to take slightly longer to count my fingers. For the nose check, I can still breathe through the left side. I reach my left hand up to see how that is, and I can feel the air rushing around where my finger is blocking it (in real life the finger is of course more than enough to block all of it). I realize that this in fact a dream! I can hardly believe it. I look at my hand again and the little finger is expanding for some reason. I look at the clocks nearby, and they all read differently. Some say impossible times, something like 8:68. I make a clock's digit change by focusing on it and visualizing it as the other digit, which it fades into.

    After this I am in the kitchen of the old house. While here I get the idea to try to summon a person, so I decide to make C. appear. I think of them and think, 'When I turn around, they will be there.' I turn around and nobody is there. I note the front door and closet door and think of opening them to see if they will be there, but I decide to move on. While in the kitchen I note it getting a little blurry and I look at my hand. It has about 6 fingers. (Another time it has about two sets of the 4 plus ones in between. Even though these hand distortions may sound creepy, they aren't at all. The hands work normally, they just don't show up right.) When I do this things get clearer and my mind feels 'freer'. I also test blinking to see what it does. It does the same thing as real life.

    On the way out I go back in my bedroom, where I was pre-lucidity, which looks like the new bedroom but is in the location in the house of the old, and there I retrieve my phone to see if it has begun working again (it broke with sparks pre-lucidity). It turns on with the lock screen background, and the words 'Darth Maul' on it. I assume this is some sort of 'cool' sounding new operating system. I take the phone and leave.

    I go out the back door of the old house. It is night and snowy. I think that it will be cold but then I remember that since it is a dream it won't be bad. I do feel it a little but it goes away. I jump on top of the fence of the old backyard, and I see the streetlights and the neighborhood, but then I see that the dream has decided that I have no pants on. I consider continuing on to explore, but I decide that even though it is only a dream I would feel more comfortable with pants on, so I go back in to put pants on.

    While inside I realize that I can drive my car instead to explore. I go to the garage through the house somehow and am in the garage of the new house. I see a car in the middle of the garage, which I don't recognize as my car, but it looks similar. I look at the license plate, which says, "717-CIC" (which is nothing like it is in reality). Unfortunately I am stopped from starting the car, and the tension causes the dream to disappear.

    At this point, I wake up.

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    Updated 02-26-2013 at 12:24 AM by 59987

