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    4th Lucid Dream

    by , 02-24-2013 at 01:18 AM (325 Views)
    January 29, 2013 - 8.5 hours in - 30 seconds - WBTB, SSILD

    Every 90 minutes starting 2 hours in I set an alarm and did a few SSILD cycles as I fell back asleep.

    Pre-lucidity, I am at a nice tropical beach supposedly in Costa Rica. I think how much nicer the weather is here and try to remember what it was like when I left, but I can't remember.

    I converse with my friend A. and he asks me if I got a permit for the clams I was gathering pre-lucidity. This memory prompt triggers lucidity - I say, "Oh no, this is a dream!" (I had wished it to be reality!) I look at my hand and it is distorted - this time, some fingers are short but alternate between being short and their normal length. I show A. and say, 'See? This is a dream.' He says, "Wow," in a realistic manner, as though he believed me.

    The scene turns blurry and I rub my hands together, and it restabilizes. I see the surface of a trash can and it is a pattern of little white pebbles, like a real trash can you might see in a park. I look up and see the sunlight coming through the tall trees. I feel it fade and shout "Clarity! Clarity! Stability!" but the scene fades into my bedroom.

    This later turned out to be a false awakening however.

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    Updated 02-24-2013 at 05:37 AM by 59987

