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    1. Duude

      by , 11-22-2011 at 12:04 AM
      So I was like at school, and like I was in the parking lot of like my old school. But it was like my school ya know
      So I like saw the skaters/stoners from my school walking to the school from across the parking lot, so I like walked up to them. This chick was with them too ya know. So we were like talking and I said like "remember that time I was high?" and they were like "we don't know every time you're high man" so I like still walked with them and like almost flushed my jacket down the toilet. It like didn't tho man.

      Updated 11-22-2011 at 01:02 AM by 48081

    2. The stores and mountain grandstands

      by , 11-21-2011 at 02:47 AM
      I am at a high school football game with some of my friends. Josh is there and is sitting on the ground part of the stands whilst my other friend(can't remember who) is sitting right next to him. I walk up from the front and Josh says "James! Look at him scaling the mountain"
      I just smiled at the remark.

      I'm at the stores with my family. There is this building that has a wooden room next to it. I drove a truck through it. I'm sitting outside an apartment that is next to that store with a group of friends. All I can remember is Tiffany, Alexis, and Payton are there. I also notice this one girl from my school walk by. A little girl comes out of the store and one of us makes a remark. She stays until one of us says who made it. Tiffany said it I guess. The remark was making fun of her. The circle was filled with about 10-15 people. It was more like a blob then a circle. We were sitting on the sidewalk.

      Before I went to the circle/ stores I saw my friend Trevor walking with his girlfriend down our friend Ryan's street. He turns into the driveway of a two story house that is colored blue. The house is on the corner between the busy road and the residential one. The grass is free from clutter and they just walk in. I asked him if they needed a ride but he said they were going to an amusement park.
    3. 4th Lucid and Flying

      by , 10-01-2011 at 02:51 PM
      I was at my grandparents house. We have some cousins from Ireland over. One of the cousins made a bunch of deserts. One of them was this blueberry cheescake. While we were having them my dad was calling me names and putting me down. So now Im walking home. I'm on the side of the road and next to me there is an empty lot. It is full of weeds and stuff. I don't know what exactly triggered it but I did a nose reality check. I could breathe. So I decided to fly but I fell. I felt in my pocket for this blue sticker that gives me flying
      powers. It was in my pocket. I put it on but it fell
      off. I could fly though! I flew to my school to try to find my friends. I land in the back of my school. The whole layout is different. I decide to walk around to the front. So as I'm walking I'm rubbing my hands together stabilising the dream. As I walk by this one could from school last year was walking by and started laughing at what I was doing. I walk up to the door of the cafeteria. There are two of them. I opened the door thinking this room will be loud. I open the door and it is dead silent. Everyone in there is looking at me. I start to run to the other side of the cafeteria just because of how creepy it was. I get to the front of the school. I see one of my friends there. She is alone. I start to hang out with her then some more of my friends come by. It's Payton and some other guy. I tell them I can make them fly. Payton said it reminded him of some other dream he had a while back, which made me think of dream sharing. He said it was cool.

      [SIZE="2"] I know I'm missing a ton of details but this is all I remember pretty much [/COLOR]
      Tags: flying, friends, lucid
    4. Lucid Dream now woth 25% more sex

      by , 09-24-2011 at 07:43 PM
      I was on my couch with my brother and this annoying girl from my english class. I am sitting there and she asks if she can move to the other side of me. I say "go for it" and ahe moved. Also the couch is moved Right in front of the fireplace. There is no fire going on. Then randomly she jumps on me and kisses me. I get up pissed off and say this cant be real. I then do the nose reality check. I could breathe even with it closed. It felt weird but awesome. So i did it a couple of times. It stablized the dream unintentionally. So after becoming lucid i walk around my house. I want to go outside but it's dark and I don't want to get trapped in a black void. I ask my mom what time it was, she said "it's monday morning you can't make new memories". I looked at the clock it said 10:24. I walked to the sliding door in the back of my house and saw one of
      those painted glass windows there instead. I see my
      dad walking around looking out the windows and getting ready for work. I walked up to the frontdoor to see if it got any lighter but it didn't. I turned around and saw my pc. It had a mac snow leopard background and was moving. I turned around it had turned lighter out. Just like your everyday morning.i open the door and walk out. It was crystal clear. I saw my neighbors houses and even the grass looked realistic. I saw some brownish goldish thing on the ground. I thought it was a mushroom, I was going to eat it and trip in this dream. But when i got there it turned out to be leaves. I started walking to the side of my house. The whole neighborhood seemed a little emptier house wise. Upon turning i saw a mushroom on the ground. I kicked it and a crickett jumped away from it. I kept walking and had the idea to fly. I jumped up and then fell right on the ground. I then thought that there might be something i could use as an archetype to fly in my pocket. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a donut stick and two twinkies. I also pulled out a clarity pill, but i decided not to take it. (i wish i did.) i kept walking and found a mushroom. I ate it. It didn't really taste that good. It tasted rather stale. There were no effects from it. Soon i saw behind my neighbors shed a whole group of people picking mushrooms. I saw a bunch of them but decided not to pick any even though someone said they were good for you. I kept walking and saw a road and some bleachers on the road. I went up to the bleachers and saw this girl michelle I know. So I went up to her and we had sex. I saw my brother and sister while i was fucking her but they didnt come up to say anything. After i was done michelle left and went into the woods with my sister behind the bleachers. My brother was talking to some freshman who accidently texted him, he made some joke and i was brought into the convo. The dream ended.
    5. No peace for shrooms

      by , 09-06-2011 at 12:41 AM
      I had this dream a while ago I just haven't had time to post recently.

      I am paired up with 2 people in my school for this project. We were studying harmony in music class and the project is that we must disect and sing a harmony. The classroom is in the middle of the Road at 4 corners area. The song they chose was "halfway there" by BTR. I get there late. They are pissed at me. I tell them that i was late because i was disecting the harmony and tying to learn an acoustic version of it. I was teamed up with this girl rebecca and some random dude. I could tell they liked each other and didnt like me at all. I heard them practising, they sounded pretty good. Class is over and i go home. I walk on the side of the house and find some magic mushrooms. I eat a few but have no trip. I walk over to the house across the street and it turned into some sort of fun house. The guy in it wrote a book on shrooms. I got in through a slide. I started talking to him and he said i dont write books for shroom eaters get out before i call the police. He was jamaican. I walk back to my house in front of my car and look at my hand and gain lucidity. I try to change the sky color but i fail and say i might as well wake up. I do and am pissed off that i did it.
    6. 7/12

      by , 07-13-2011 at 01:30 PM
      My family is on a vacation. We are in this eastern style city. The buildings look like they have been made from clay. We walk down the road. We see people walking,talking, having a good time. We see people getting messages in the front of buildings. We stop at a giftshop. I see something i like so I just pick it up and put it in my pocket. We then go to a grocery store. We see a man there who got caught with stealing. The grocery store has a glass entrance. It looks pretty cool. We get all of the grocerys we need. My dad says he'll be right back, he went to the bathroom. I say when the door opened how disgusting it was. But then we left and I don't think we paid for the food either.
      I don't know how but we were at a school now. We are on the track field. I am racing too. We start I am faster than most people. All, except Chris. Next we have class. I am sitting next to this dude and this girl. The class is outside. It's cloudy. If I were lucid, I would've made the clouds disappear. We had to make something.I forgot what it was. I then feel like I had to throw up or something. So I went to the bathroom. These ones are disgusting too.
      I am back in the gift shop from dream 1. I take the thing I stole out from my pocket and put it back. I look
      around. They had some pretty neat stuff in there. We leave.
      We are now at this dump or something. But the sky is crystal clear and beautiful. Pipes were everywhere. This mad man came up on screen. He tells us we spend too much of his money. He decided on two options to fix that.
      Option 1. Send us to fairy world
      Option 2. Let us go

      Option 1 had the most votes. We escaped though.
    7. Warzone

      by , 07-10-2011 at 07:35 PM
      I'm fighting in a war. We get to a huge building. It is known to be the enemy base. Also it has all the enemies in that building. We are told to charge in. I rush in and we kill a couple of people. I get taken hostage. I am in a room it has a couch. A tv that doesn't work. It has Teddy bears in it too. The walls are painted light yellow. A guy comes in. He tranquilizes me.I feel like I am sent to my childhood. The room is dark. The tv is on but I'm not watching it. The Teddy bears stare at me. I think I'm going insane.
      I know I turn the match around and break out but I can't remember.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Band audition and lucid dream

      by , 07-10-2011 at 12:57 AM
      I'm at my house with my friend Payton. He has a friend who is starting a band. Payton told him I might be interested. There is a strat and a roland micro cube amp on the table. Payton calls him up and we do the audition through the phone. He tells me to play fade to black heavy part. Now I do it but then I don't know why but there was this tremolo picking part. I screw up on that. The kids yelling that I suck. He says "Let me hear you sing." i reply saying "I'm not much of a singer but I suppose I could do back up vocals and harmonization." but then I decide not not to even join this band. This kid is a dick. I yell into the phone "screw you and your faggot band". I'm not usually one to do outbursts like that. I walk
      Into my living room. my parents are in there. They say they are concerned. I go to my room. I lay on my bed. The next thing I know i am waking up. I look at my hand and I see 6 fingers. I go all like . I then look at the clock. It says 7:10:80. Now I know I am dreaming. I quickly run out of my room and say I'm going outside. It is the evening. I look to the sky and say turn clear blue as it is at noon. It does it. The sun is beating down now. I get the idea to turn the world around me into Alice in wonderland theme. I command the sky to turn purple and the trees to turn blue. They change but it's a dull purple and blue. I turn around and my mom is there. She says she wishes she could have learned this when she was a kid. I look in my driveway and some family friends are over. I didn't have control at this point. There were egg yolks and whites out of their shells and we were throwing them at each other. Then I got control again. I summoned a maze. I got through it but then I woke up into the real world.
      Mah first lucid!
    9. Night of 7/7/11

      by , 07-08-2011 at 02:17 PM
      I'm in my middle school again. I'm in gym class. We are in our lines. This girl behind me is whispering something to me. She says "float on the clouds". I can't hear her well. I thought she was saying she liked me or something.
      -Don't remember-
      I'm at this concert. The concert is on a huge TV. I hear some music I like. I'm walking around trying to find someone I know. There is a couple rows of seats and cars filled with people circle around the seats. The cars were old cars. People are crowded into their cars. I don't see anyone I know. I try to find a seat to watch the concert. Every time I ask someone they say the seat is taken. I'm not talking about trying to get in someone's car but in the row of seats. Then this one guy says to me " You need a seat?" "yeah" I replied. He showed me to an empty seat. The guy sat next to me. We started talking. He asked what school I go to. I told him I go to a k-8 which is odd because I'm actually a high schooler. Then i heard an announcer say that this is a pay per view. And told everyone to thank my mom. I turn my head and finally found her.
      Now I'm at the middle school again. I'm volunteering.I hear the bell ring and I panic I thought I was late for German class. I ran to the attendance office where. Actually had to go to volunteer. I got a name tag. And then I went to help out at the gym. I see my high school principle there. She has longer hair. I go on a computer go on dv forums and see someone posted "Float on the clouds". Was it her?
    10. Underwater Cave/ Beach

      by , 07-06-2011 at 01:38 PM
      Me and my brother Tom are underwater in a cave. This cave looks like something you would see in a Mario game. There were blocks everywhere. When we got out we saw this blue flower. We didn't know what it was called but this girl comes up and tells us it's name. I don't remember it's name. We go home. Tom has to go to football practice. I decide to mow the lawn. It didn't feel like an endless meadow of grass today. It felt small and went by fast. I didn't finish. I went in. Later my dad thanked me for the work I have done. I go back out. This time the lawnmower is different. I have to attach my dog to it in order for it to move. I get my yellow lab attached to it. I finish the lawn. Later on in the night my dad takes the whole family to the beach. We find a beach ball to play with which is owned by the beach for public use along with a sandbox. This guy yells at me and my brother for playing with it. He said the ball belonged to his daughter. I didn't accept his claim. I said "that's bullshit". I then took the ball and started to play with the sandbox.then the guy started yelling at my dad. I was shouting stuff at him like " this is for public use". When he left me and my brother started playing tag near the restaurant right next to the beach. The restaurant was Texas style. There was a cow mascot running through the place. The entrance was on the second story but had a cool winding staircase. I ran up a little bit but then woke up right as he was about to get me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Wtf ld in a dream?

      by , 07-05-2011 at 02:14 PM
      This dream is weird I found out I was lucid dreaming inside a dream. I was dreaming and inside that dream I was LDing.
      Here is the dream.
      I'm at my Church. We are having this huge brunch thing but they have loads of chocolaty stuff. I ate so much chocolate. But anyway after the brunch was over me and my friends leave. My friend has a tow vehicle. Some dude starts speeding over to us and tries to get a tow.we hid the hook so he couldn't. So then we go to my other friends house. There are about 4 people. Me, my friend, my girlfriend and her friend. We then go to my other friends house to pick him up. I'll call him friend number 2. He is a little overweight. Wears black shirts a lot too. So then we go to this place faraway. I don't remember this part too well. At that faraway place my girlfriend leaves me for friend no.2. I start walking a bit alone. I say this is a dream over and over again.and then I remember it was like my eyes were opening but that was a dream too. So the dream goes back to normal. And I still walk down the road. The road is sandy where tires usually travel on and grassy in between. There are trees around me. This place must have been covered in water about 100 years ago. There was this dock. I decide to sit there. My buddy Shane is there too. Idk why. Lol. We were talking. I spotted a phone under the dock. Actually 2 of them. I go get 1 for me and Shane. We looked at them. They still had batteries and bars.I decided to put some radio on. It was fairly easy to find a station. So we just hang there for a bit. Then my friend comes up in his car. In the car is friend no.2 and my girlfriend. I get in. I have to get home somehow. We finally get into housing area. I see 2 story houses on the lakeside. The houses were very nice. We get to friend no.2's house he gets out. Then we got to my house. There are more cars then usually. I get out. I walk in my house. My cousins come in. They start playing with a microphone I have. I got it to work for them. I said "so which one of you guys can sing. 2/3 can sing. But for my third cousin she couldn't even sin badly. Nothing was coming out.
    12. Psycho killer and prison

      by , 07-04-2011 at 01:26 PM
      I am at my house alone. The radio is on. A special message comes onto the radio. It's saying " Lock all your doors and close all your windows. A psychotic Killer is on the loose in these areas...". He is in my area so I lock the doors and stuff. I hide under my bed. Within a few minutes I hear someone messing around with the front door. I get freaked out. The door now opens. My dad comes home he is home early today. We lock everything again. Soon, my brother,sister,and mom come home. I tell them about it but they just shrug it off. They go in the pool. They invite their friends to go in the pool. So then I go in the pool. My moms friend who runs a website forgot his password to something. I Knew it though. He asks me for it. I tell him the password is "Imfat2" after the pool I go to my grandmas house. My brother accidentally dropped a chip. My aunt freaked out and put him in time out. My brother is seventeen. I do the same but pick it up quickly before anyone notices.

      I dont remember this part that well. All I can remember is being in the car with this Kevin James like guy. He is taking me to jail. Why? I don't know.I end up in prison but I think I escaped.
    13. Bohemian Rhapsody Mix

      by , 07-01-2011 at 01:52 PM
      I went to a hangout with my friends. A bunch of people went this time. We were playing games but some of them had witchcraft involvement.after all the games they would give out prizes. One of them was a bass guitar.once every game was done, a band comes up and plays a different version of bohemian rhapsody. I said to my buddy "I can play that it's simple." after the band played everyone was leaving. The owners of the place were around someone told them to play a mini keyboard. She said "I don't want to play that piece of crap it's to small. Someone else can have it." I checked it out but left it. I got in my car and went home. The building was sort of a church looking building.
      Tags: metallicuh
    14. 6/30/11

      by , 06-30-2011 at 03:39 PM
      I remember 3 dreams from last night
      These dreams are non lucid

      My friend Brad called me. He asks me if I want to hang out with him and some other friends. So I go. I don't remember how I got there but I did. On the way there my other friend texts me which is odd since I don't have a phone. The message is about Lucid Dreaming. I don't know if I responded to him though. (And how he knew about LD's I don't know.) I get to my friends house. After a while there(don't recall events) I ask him if I could use his phone. My voice is slow and sounds like I was crying. He asks me if I'm crying. I tell him I'm nit but I'm just tired. (someone in my family asked me this question yesterday and my answer was the same thing basically) I don't remember the phone call. So I put the phone down and realize something odd. He was a water pump thing in his house. (the thing you connect a hose to) then my friend who texted me showed up at brad's house. He asks me questions about LDing again. Then we started to leave. We were walking with a group. We didn't know anyone in the group. But the girls started talking about one of their ex's. Turns out he was there though. As we come to a turn in the road my friend started to turn. I said "why do you want to go that way? Come this way." he agreed which is odd of him and walked with me. Then there was another group of kids. We actually knew someone in this group. She looked at us oddly. Maybe she recognized us and was trying to remember us.

      Dream number two: me and my friend Chris are in a forest. He is lost. I am flying above it shouting his name trying to find him. He finally responds after a while. I swoop down and see him trapped under a spider web. I became fidgety since I went through the tree. All of a sudden a spider twice the size of his face emerges.I don't remember if I saved him or not. But I do remember hearing this woman's voice complaining about the rail roads location. (The voice sounded like Jo from the office. The boss of the company that bought dunder mifflin.)

      dream no.3
      I am looking for my sister after school to see how she wants to go home. I look around the parking lot. She isn't there. I look on the bus, she isn't there. But I decide to stay on the bus. Everyone is so chilled out instead of being obnoxious. Like they usually are. Everything was peaceful.

      I had many opportunities to go lucid last night but I couldn't.
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