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    by , 01-25-2012 at 05:25 PM (308 Views)
    Not much recall. Did have the nice experience of remembering nothing when waking (except the vague feeling I had had a dream), then concentrating on remembering, and coming up with a few details. Perhaps this is progress...

    Only details remembered were a vague idea of performing lots of tasks...needing to figure things out. I remember using a computer. Having to line up a picture of something (I think a beetle or other insect). The picture was broken into six different horizontally cut pieces, each slid a bit out of place. I specifically recall lining up the bottom of the insect with the body, it's abdomen a bright green rectangle that came together neatly. I also recall seeing an imagined facebook video of some ex-coworkers acting very silly...running around, etc.

    Not too terribly interesting. I did wake several times in the night due to loud train whistles (real ones)...but didn't wake enough to really try to WILD or anything.

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