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    by michaelskar on 01-27-2012 at 04:22 PM
    Again not much recall...awoken several times with trains again! Terrible trains! So loud like they were in my bedroom...waking my son, etc. this was real. Only dream memory was of my advisor (looking different but pretty sure it was he) scoffing at the idea of me finishing my studies...basically saying it is obvious I won't pull it off. Not a good dream.


    by michaelskar on 01-27-2012 at 04:20 PM
    Only a brief memory from my dreams...seeing a pool of water in the middle of the living room floor. I woke up and it had rained hard through the night, actually causing the rain to come in under the door and soak the little rug by the door...and leaving a puddle in the floor. I don't chalk this up to anything more than my subconscious knows when it rains hard like that rain comes in...and this time it was right. But perhaps not...


    by michaelskar on 01-25-2012 at 05:25 PM
    Not much recall. Did have the nice experience of remembering nothing when waking (except the vague feeling I had had a dream), then concentrating on remembering, and coming up with a few details. Perhaps this is progress...

    Only details remembered were a vague idea of performing lots of tasks...needing to figure things out. I remember using a computer. Having to line up a picture of something (I think a beetle or other insect). The picture was broken into six different horizontally cut pieces, each slid a bit out of place. I specifically recall lining up the bottom of the insect with the body, it's abdomen a bright green rectangle that came together neatly. I also recall seeing an imagined facebook video of some ex-coworkers acting very silly...running around, etc.

    Not too terribly interesting. I did wake several times in the night due to loud train whistles (real ones)...but didn't wake enough to really try to WILD or anything.


    by michaelskar on 01-24-2012 at 04:52 PM
    Not much recall. Went to bed thinking of knowing I was dreaming and being able to remember dreams when awake.

    Dreamed that I was looking through a book, seeing the last pages of chapters. I knew the chapters were dreams. This image possibly came from watching LOTR with the handwritten book at the end. Remember thinking "this is where this dream ends because the last page is just one-third full of writing. Can't remember if I could read the writing or not, but it was a paperback in a font that looked both hand-written and printed (printed script).

    Attempts to WILD in the middle of night not successful (fell back to sleep).