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    Leather jackets

    by , 02-13-2011 at 11:19 PM (707 Views)
    to start off, i only remember one dream from last night, but i have two fragments from the same dream.

    Fragment 1: I'm standing in line with a bunch of other kids who are dressed the same as me, leather jackets and sunglasses. I'm talking to two DC's and a friend from school. I'm trying to sing Daft Punk's "Harder better faster stronger" but i keep messing up because I don't know the lyrics. Then a big black lady comes out and says "We are now in phase 2: rehabilitation. We are going to start off with a spa"

    Fragment 2: Same dream, same outfit, and same friend from school. We're standing behind a balloon stand and i ask "What did you get for your grades" He says "100 %" I say "oh i got a 92" Then i spin around and the dream ends

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