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    My Dog Dream

    by , 01-19-2012 at 02:00 PM (413 Views)
    I was outside my house on my driveway. My brother and I were popping J's (Shooting hoops). My dog ran outside and my sister followed to try to get her back in the house. I remember it being somewhat dark outside. Anyway, FedEx began to come down the road. While they were dropping off our mail (Weird), my dog ran inside the driver's seat as they took off. My parents immediately ran outside. My mom said that they would be taking the dog to the shelter across the street, so everyone got in the car and drove off. For some reason, my electric scooter was replaced with a street legal gas scooter. I drove down my street and took a left to the main road. I stopped at the road crossing and looked across the street. It said I could go to I hit the gas. The weird thing was the white lines that you cross the street on were crooked. It started big and straight, but as it turned left it got smaller. Same with the other side off the road too. Anyway, when I was in the marketplace, it was really rundown. They looked like the stores you would see in Mexico, one story with metal roofing and lights on them. By now it began to rain. So I drove straight and took at right, then I found the shelter. I went inside and found my parents in a line waiting to claim our dog. I smiled and waved goodbye, then drove out the door. When I came out the door, I wasn't in the marketplace, I came out off the house opposite to my house. I then woke up.

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