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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. False Awakening

      by , 01-08-2013 at 09:10 AM
      I tried the SSILD method and my body began to feel weightless. I got up after about ten minutes and looked around my room to see if anything was wrong. I then did some RC's. Surprisingly, no Reality Checks worked and my alarm looked as if it was working perfectly. I went to the bathroom and then appeared in my bed, waking up from my FA. I was actually surprised about how vivid it was. It looked just like my room.
      false awakening , non-lucid
    2. A couple non-vivid dreams

      by , 01-07-2013 at 05:04 AM
      One dream was about me being hunted down by assasins that are constantly looking through windows in my house to find me. My task was to avoid being spot when they looked through the windows and only move when they are moving to a new window.

      The other one was I pretending to be a guard for a powerful man that I wanted to kill. I then saw him text CIC to someone, and immediatly knew that he had recognized me and he was telling his boss to come over. I ran out of my home and hid in this tower which I was eventually spotted in.

      I was almost able to WILD last night too, I started to get a grey image of where I wanted to be but then it faded away. It also gave me a headache.
    3. Vague Dream

      by , 04-02-2012 at 05:52 AM
      The dream started in some ruins left in a rainforest. The ruins were made of stone, mostly covered in moss. In the four corners of the square (the ruins) there were paths to smaller squares where four different animals lived. I was a dog and was sent to go to each animal for some unknown purpose.

      I had to collect one of the remains of each type of animal. I remember I collected a chicken head. Anyway, I burned all of them at the end and stepped in the fire. I had become a human-dragon who could walk on his legs and was pretty buff.

      At the same time, some apes attacked the ruins, specifically, me. I fought most of them off, until one mega huge ape pinned me down.

      He held me by the neck and counted down from ten to one. Each number he would get to would make me weaker. His voice was quite soft. I remember screaming and telling him not to do this. When he got to one I was a dog again, crying, and I said "I tried, and I tried hard." He said, "I know you did." He then politely broke my neck.
    4. Police Chase

      by , 01-20-2012 at 02:04 PM
      I was overlooking the police office from a walkway above. I knew today I was going to be able to do my run. I jumped down and began my sprint. I ran through the metal detector as the police guard fell. However, at the door there were around seven police officers all practicing sniping at the range. They each at the time were reloading. They each had a little window for themselves, and a door on each end to run out off. I picked the left door and sprinted out. As I ran out, I somehow heard the police chief on the radio talking to the snipers. He said "Escape in progress, snipers, take him down." I then heard a sniper reply, "Don't worry chief, this is just like sniping those GSC-17s." I was at the end of the parking lot and beginning to run on a road into a neighborhood. They each took a shot and missed. The police chief then went back on the radio and said, "Well, what are you doing? Get in the cars and chase him down, he is still on foot, and there are no forces around him to protect him. Get him!" I knew I had to hide if I were to be safe. I woke up.

      End Notes: Very vivid dream. It seemed like video game graphics in a way, but it was very clear.
    5. My Dog Dream

      by , 01-19-2012 at 02:00 PM
      I was outside my house on my driveway. My brother and I were popping J's (Shooting hoops). My dog ran outside and my sister followed to try to get her back in the house. I remember it being somewhat dark outside. Anyway, FedEx began to come down the road. While they were dropping off our mail (Weird), my dog ran inside the driver's seat as they took off. My parents immediately ran outside. My mom said that they would be taking the dog to the shelter across the street, so everyone got in the car and drove off. For some reason, my electric scooter was replaced with a street legal gas scooter. I drove down my street and took a left to the main road. I stopped at the road crossing and looked across the street. It said I could go to I hit the gas. The weird thing was the white lines that you cross the street on were crooked. It started big and straight, but as it turned left it got smaller. Same with the other side off the road too. Anyway, when I was in the marketplace, it was really rundown. They looked like the stores you would see in Mexico, one story with metal roofing and lights on them. By now it began to rain. So I drove straight and took at right, then I found the shelter. I went inside and found my parents in a line waiting to claim our dog. I smiled and waved goodbye, then drove out the door. When I came out the door, I wasn't in the marketplace, I came out off the house opposite to my house. I then woke up.
    6. Narnia dream

      by , 02-21-2011 at 01:22 PM
      I don't remember how it started off. I remember it was about me and a small, intelligent mouse that could talk. I remember a part of the dream was when I was in a factory and I threw the mouse on the snow to go in and kill some guards or grab something. At the end I really remember that the kid from Narnia with the black hair looked older and wanted the mouse. I think I stole it from them. My girl partner took it and put it in her pocket. We are in my jujitsu place and there are huge guns on the wall. I remember seeing a blue nerf stampede. The dude comes up to me and says "Let me show you something I learned in tenth grade." He comes up and kicks me over and over. He says "Are you going to be my advocate or something?" I got up and put my shield on my head. It wall the end of the longshot connected to my hand and it was plush. The dude comes up to me and starts punching me on the shield, over and over again. Soon enough he just stops and walks away. Before he starts going down the stairs, I grab the blue gun and charge it up and say "It this good enough to be an advocate?" My dream ends right before I shoot him, and I see the mouse infront a pitch black backround.
      non-lucid , dream fragment