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    Follow that clock!

    by , 06-21-2011 at 10:17 AM (389 Views)
    I havent put a name to this LD method, but this is something that I have been doing for several years, and last night it became very clear as to what and how I have been doing it.
    Now there are many LD methods and categories here on Dreamviews...and I dont know where this one falls under, all I know is that it works for me and it possibly could work for you.

    If you have a set bedtime, and you become tired as that time approaches, so much the better. I normally dont have a regular bedtime because I work different shifts, but I will eventually become tired and ready for bed like everyone else.
    As that urge to get under the sheets becomes stronger, and I become sleepier, I will not go to bed. Instead I will watch the TV, read a little, walk around the house, play the piano, peruse the internet.
    What happens is my mind begins to wander as it shifts towards the sleep mode. I will begin to almost hallucinate as I keep myself awake with the above mentioned acivities. It becomes more and more difficult to concentrate on what I am doing as a heavy sleepiness takes over.
    (Remember that you must already be as tired as possible and ready to go to bed before you start 'denying yourself' the act of sleeping.)

    When I become very sleepy and close to nodding off, I will finally go to bed. I will allow myself to relax without thnking about doing a WILD or other LD inducing exercise. My body has relaxed, and now the scattered mental images begin to parade in front of me as I begin to fall asleep.
    As I 'go under', the images play out before me, objects, places, people, sounds, shapes, ideas, shadows, arcs of light, etc...
    I have learned to watch the display without loosing conciousness. Eventually what happens, is one of the images will suddenly increase in clarity and realism. It could be a car, a toy, a person, a tree, anything that stands out above the other mentally formed images, I will lock on to.

    Last night, it was a large red wind up clock, waking past me on little legs. It became so real to me as it passed by.
    I then followed it down the road with the rest of the parade of images straight into a LD. The clock faded from view, and I was now walking along in LD-Land!
    Finding myself going straight into a LD can be an exciting and intimidating experience, but I am getting better and more accustomed to using this method that has become more reliable as time passes.
    At that point, I was very aware that I was not fully asleep, I could have simply sat up and started over, but the image and sensations of the red clock walking along became my guide straight into a LD.
    I have used this method many times over the years, but I wasnt sure of the exact circumstance until last night.
    I wish that I could convey the feelings asociated with the powerful draw that a ridiculous image like a red clock walking feels like.
    There have been many other objects that I have followed into LD's, animals, people, cars, a rock, a plant.

    I guess the overall idea is to focus and 'latch' on to the image that has become the most realistic to you as your mind does its pre-sleep file sorting. That object can then become a 'shortcut' into the dream state.

    Maybe I will call this method OILD (Object Induced Lucid Dream)

    What is your take on this method?

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