Memorable Dreams
Last night I had a dream that my family had moved to the neigbouring town of ours, Gibsons, On our way moving there I remember getting stuck in a dirt parking lot, I remember where on the highway it was, it's just that it isnt there, I was with my mom, I found a coat that was almost identical to mine (spare the little piece of fabric attached to the zipper, which i chewed off). We finally got to the house in Gibsons I remember spending the night there. When I woke up the next day we had breakfast, and then my parents left to shop or something. And I went into the garage. A couple guys dropped by, whose faces I couldn't put to a name in real life, but I do remember seeing one of them. We start smoking a huge joint, and i take a couple tokes and just as my parents get home the kids leave, and the huge joint is now a burrito. I ate that burrito, all in all, this was a very very strange dream.
It stated out non lucid, and I was staying with my friend who has an apartment in Vancouver. I was showering there, after my shower I went down the elevator and found myself on the field of my old elementary school. I was talking to a friend from highschool. And when i finished talking to her I said I had to get back to the apartment. And by this time I realised i was at the elementary school, and was like WTF?? And i got really pissed and fell to the ground and started punching it. And then went wait, I must be dreaming. Plugged my nose for reality check, yes lucid, I quickly got up of the ground and just sprinted off onto the road, jumped up and had flight, flew all the way to the post office ans dtopped, and turned down another road. At the end of the road i tired pulling an IPod or IPhone out of my pocket with expectation, but instead got candy wrappers (problem was i hesitated which one). I again tried it when i found two changing screens. The lucid ended with a non lucid false awakening, where i went on DV and told the IRC about it. OldSparta didn't believe me .