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    Crossing the street

    by , 08-28-2011 at 10:55 PM (519 Views)
    Wowzer, short end of dream, but intense revelations anyways. I'm trying to cross the street, and there is a bunch of busses, and they are all cartoon like, almost like the ones from spongebob square pants. Then, a huge blast of wind blasted me up WAAAAAYYYY high up in the air. I was almost to space. I started falling, and it was really cool!! There was a bunch of people around me. I looked around, and everything was curved, as if I was inside, or above a bubble- very odd. The bubble was distorted, around the edges it was super curved, so it was more like this.
    ( )
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    ( me )
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    Except the bubble was a lot bigger. I tried moving around, and then I woke up.

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