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    1. Staying above the fire

      by , 01-02-2013 at 03:35 PM
      Dream 1-Lucid
      I was in some field by my grandfathers house, and I was with my grandfather and one of his friends. There was a huge fire moving towards us, and I could see it. We had received warnings on the news that there were many fires like this. We had gotten a very strange structure, white in color, and had two chairs on a platform led up by a ladder. It was taller than the fire. Our plan was to wait up the while the fire came. It would hit us dead on and we would be fine. I had my phone out to record when the fire passed. By this time people were evacuating, and I think the tornado sirens were going off. A lot of people had stopped where we were stationed. Well, we weren't up on our platform thing yet but we were about to.

      Then I had realized the fire wasn't there anymore. I had asked someone and they said "Yeah the fire was going the other way." They had then told all the people there to get in one big group, and we lined ourselves into about 5 rows. I was about in the middle. Havoc started happening, and people didn't know what to do. People were running up the line, and already leaving. Multiple people said that someone had threw up near the back of the line (dream sign) and I became lucid there. Being emetophobic though, I had to get out of there quickly. I was stuck paralyzed in fear, and I was shaking. I was no longer in control of my body. My eyes had closed and I started running. Well, I watched myself run through my eyes. We had reached some place near two buildings, and away from a lot of people. There were some people still there. I decided to make myself wake up, as this lucid has already turned for the worst.

      Dream 2
      I'm in my biology class. There's a freshman beside me named kyler with an orange rubik's cube, on that looked exactly like mine. We had gotten into a conversation with another freshman, and he was talking about how he knew a teacher could solve it in 18 seconds. I went back to my seat and the teacher started handing us out candy. I had gotten some weird colored twizzlers. The class ended and I left the room. It was my last class of the day. I start to walk down the hallway, when I realize someone had thrown up in the hall in front of me (dream sign, but I failed to become lucid here) I decided I was simply going to take a longer way around, but someone had thrown up in that hall too. The Jr. High principle was near me, so I asked her if I could just leave out the doors that were beside me. She said no. I noticed they had cleaned up the vomit in the hall directly ahead of me. Except it wasn't a janitor, it was a few girls with paper towels. I walked a bit closer and came to another door. I asked again if I could just leave out of these ones, and she said yes. I was outside of our atrium now, and had to wait to walk home with my friend Michael. I sat down in the snow and waited. There were people sitting down on steps in front of me. He had came and we started to walk home. I saw my friend geoffrie going to his car, so I said "Later Geoffrie". He didn't respond, and looked at my strangely, as if he didn't know me. Then I saw another person who looked exactly like Geoffrie trying to catch up to him. He said "hey dude" and I realized that was his twin I was trying to talk to, although he doesn't have a twin in real life.

      Dream 3
      I'm back in my biology class. These two girls came into our class. One was a peer in my grade, named Kylie. Another was a really young girl, probably around 6. They were here to do some sort of presentation. Our teacher mentioned that Kylie had to skip the first of every class to be here, and the younger one skipped school completely. They never presented everything, but Kylie had came and sat in front of me, facing me. Someone took my chair so I looked around for one. I had found one, but when I sat on it, it became very tall. I was overlooking the class now. I panned around the class, looking at everyone, not knowing my mind had created them all. I woke up sometime later.
    2. The dead remains of Athena

      by , 05-07-2012 at 10:40 PM
      So me, my neighbor, and my brother are going to a amusement park. It's nighttime. We go to a fast food place and there is a girl cashier. We order shakes. We have two options, one is something along the lines of a sick shake, the other a vomit shake( not made of, but if you drink and go to the amusement park that's what will happen eg.) We leave. My brother is gone and my neighbor pulls up a car, which is actually a box. Inside the box is dead remains of what was Athena. I told him let me drive the box. I woke up
    3. Runescape :o

      by , 04-04-2012 at 11:55 AM
      Last night I put in offers for rare items at a low price. I went to bed and dreamt that they bought. I was excited until I realized they had implemented cheats for everything, skills, quests, and even items.
    4. Power out!

      by , 03-30-2012 at 12:06 PM
      I was at school, it was during study hall. I was in the back of the class with my friends Evan and Alec. They were talking (which we do everyday in that hour) I got up for some reason and when I went to sit back down, the teacher started getting really mad at me for no reason. My friend Evan said something along the lines of "Yah he didn't do anything" Our teacher gave everone a long packet =.= Near the end of that class, The lights went out, and came back on. Except they were dimmer (I assumed they were backup lights) The bell rang and the power was still out. I was walking with Raegan, we were conversing about something but I don't remember. The hallways were pitch black, and when I got to the room I tried to turn on a light switch. It didn't work, and everyone started laughing at me :l
    5. Kongregate

      by , 03-13-2012 at 01:16 AM
      I'm playing kongregate. The have updated a LOT of their old games. I was casually playing them, when I found one called "Duck Life 4 Classic" I played it. It had nothing to do with ducks. It was a very weird game where as you were walking in real life, you press the space bar. Everytime you press the space bar, the girl is dumped by her husband once. Everytime you walk infront of a doorway, it resets. I managed to get like 14,999 (I didn't really press it that many times though)

      (I had this dream a few nights ago, but I never put it in. I did right it down that day though)
    6. Orange Fanta

      by , 03-03-2012 at 07:47 PM
      I remember nothing but an Orange Fanta. Perhaps I may need this for future reference