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    Pog's Dream Journal

    Multiple Dream Oddities Leading to Lucidity

    , 04-14-2013 at 02:41 PM (491 Views)
    So, last night I had a range of dream phenomena linked together.

    First, I had 'normal' dreams that blurred into an especially vivid and convoluted 'dream-within-a-dream' (I dreamt I was dreaming etc). Secondly, I then awoke and started checking because I was really unsure as to whether I was still dreaming or not. I became satisfied I was in reality, but a minute later I realised I was in the 'wrong' house - I was dreaming. It starts to get a little blurry here, but I think I then tried to initiate a WILD or WBTB or something similar even though I had recognised I was dreaming (odd) - but it seems that it 'worked' in that I entered another dream (or dream-within-a-dream, or continuation of the original dream, however you want to see it) where I knew I was dreaming ... a round about way of doing it, I guess, but lucidity reached nevertheless

    Knowing I was dreaming I started to panic a little about losing lucidity, so I tried to stabilise. People had posted on here that one method to stabilise was to concentrate upon the senses, and this advice had obviously struck a chord with me because I concentrated upon the feel of a sock I was holding (don't ask). This worked; although I did not have the elation-sensation or the hyper-real sensation I'd had with previous LDs, I was dreaming in a dreamscape that was as 'real' as the waking world, I knew I was dreaming, and I had stabilised it.

    Lucidity didn't last as long as I wanted, and soon I was awake (I think something disturbed my sleep from outside, grrrrr!), but all in all a successful LD.

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    lucid , false awakening
