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    Lucid dreaming with Rauwz

    6th Lucid dream, Crystal clear, and flying success!

    by , 06-02-2012 at 08:55 AM (488 Views)
    6th Lucid dream, Crystal clear, and flying success! (DILD)


    I was walking on a street that I hadn't seen before.

    I've been doing a new kind of reality check, wich seems to be working very well. I might go into further details if i can make it work better.

    I thought to myself, "This might be a dream.". I was walking on a overpass, where there was highway under. I was looking at the cars, while still thinking to myself, am i dreaming?

    I looked at my hands, and counted my fingers. 1,2,3,4,5,6... 6?
    I looked again, yep, there was 8 fingers on my one hand, and as allways, they where deform, and placed weirdly.

    I thought to myself, "wow, I'm really having and LD.". But i also remembered to calm down, because I've allready tried waking once from over excitement, and I didn't want to do it again. I plugged my nose just to make sure i was actually dreaming, and yep, I could also breath through that.

    I stopped walking, looked at my hands, and tried to pick out the details. IT WAS SO CLEAR! I honestly don't think I needed to clarify it, but i did. I looked at every little line i had on my hands, and i yelled, "Clarify, NOW!". I looked up, and everything seemed just like waking life!

    I walked around a corner, and into some school concrete area. My mom was standing there for some reason. I said to her that I was going to fly, and she was like "cool, good luck.".

    I ran forward, flapped my arms, and jumped.
    And for the first time ever, had succes with actually flying in an LD.
    i didn't go that far, or that high, but I know I could've if I wanted. That's a nice feeling .

    So i flew a couple of times, and that was cool. I though to myself, "I should totally jump off a roof, and start flying mid-air. So I found a roof, but got a surprise when i got there. My friends was sitting at a bench right besides the house.

    I said hi to my friends, and asked them if they wanted to learn to fly, only one of them said yes. I then took him by his arm and walked up a roof, yes, walked. It was a really weird roof, but it was perfect for jumping, so who cares ?.

    I tried making him fly a bit, but it didn't rreally succeed. I then told him goodbye, because I wanted to do something else.

    at this point, the dream was starting to fade.

    I then said bye to my mum, and went onto the roof, jumped down, and flew off. I didn't get very far, until I woke up.

    But there it is! My 6th LD!
    This one was crystal fucking clear too! Nothing like the other ones.

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    Updated 06-08-2012 at 01:34 AM by 54919

