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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. I'm too tired to make up a title, 30-35 minutes

      by , 01-21-2011 at 06:14 PM
      I think the dream started from about a kilometre high in the air. I am falling down. Soon I open a little parachute (way too small to help from that high). I float down. There are about a dozen of young men with their shirts couloured depending on their countries. They are standing in a circle. When I am on their level I turn my body into a vertical position and turn twice so that I kick them all (twice). They start to protest and leave (I might have been lucid and kicked them just to annoy them). Only the dutches in their brown shirts stay. I ask them if I could visit any of them. One of them agrees so we go to his home. It is an old cave-like stone building. Soon he leaves, but there are other people in the room. There is a flagstone in the floor. It has three differently coloured circles in it: red, yellow and green. It needs three people that represent those colours in order to activate. I can represent any of those colours so now we just need two people of two different colours. Soon I find fitting people. The other one of the two goes to his spot and I go to mine, but the third one goes briefly to her circle (red) and then steps off, saying it doesn't work. I tell her to stay there. Soon all the circles start glowing. The projector in the ceiling activates.
      I leave the room. I enter a room that looks like a classroom. Soon my history teacher and a boy from a special class, who is going to try normal class for a while. "We'll make you normal", the teacher keeps telling to him. When they leave, two girls come in. They have a calendar and ask me about several parties they are going to arrange. I leave after them and arrive in a square. There is a small corner store with a red button on its wall. The button reveals a secret passage. I can't remember the rest of the dream very well. I spot my teacher and go to tell her something. After it she takes me to the secret passage.
    2. An unsuccesful attempt on toty, 25-30 minutes

      by , 01-20-2011 at 07:45 PM
      I am in a bus. There are also other people it, including my classmates. We leave the bus. In front of us is a building of which I've dreamt before. We enter the building. The next thing I remember is my friend chasing me with a pistol that has a RPG attached on it. He shoots at me four times with it until he runs out of ammo. I leave the building and become lucid. I had decided to do the wizard of Oz part of Task of the Year so I teleport to land of Oz.
      There is a road in front of me so I stay where I arrive and wait for Dorothy. Soon she arrives, although from a direction I didn't expect. I spot the slippers. I follow her and soon she takes her slippers off. I sit on the ground and start stuffing my feet into them (for you trying to do the task, Dorothy has small feet ). Suddenly I am in my bedroom, stuffing my feet into my little sister's slippers. I fear that I woke up but soon the scene changes back to land of Oz. I manage to get the shoes on so I get up and go looking for Dorothy. When I find her, she has become a tree.

      Of course I didn't remember to tap the slippers together, or if I did tap them I don't remember it.
    3. Task of the Year for 2011, Casablanca, 30-35 minutes

      by , 01-08-2011 at 11:38 AM
      The dream starts with someone explaining something about 'offside-shootings'. I am watching a document, and my view shifts into it. I am now walking with a camera in my hand, filming a man that steals a car. He throws a dog that was in the car off the car, somehow the dog ends up in a big rubbish bin. I go to the bin and film the dog. It looks sadly at my. I start backing up. An old woman appears and helps the dog off the rubbish bin. I walk for a while. A police officer has stopped the car thief.
      I walk to the car. "You already seem to have several cars so I guess it's okay if I confiscate your car", the officer says to the thief. "Sure, I'll just take my stuff", the thief answers. He takes a packet from the car. The commentator says that theres a gun in the packet. I and the police officer get in the car. I look at the thief. He is curling his fingers like he would be pulling the trigger of the gun.
      We drive off. The police officer asks if I want to drive (or then I asked if I could drive). Anyway I agree. I am now driving the car (I don't have a driving license), though the wheel is on the right side of the car (like in the UK). I see a police car. "That will lead us to the police station", I say to the police officer and follow the car. It turns to someone's yard. I state that the car doesn't lead us to the police station after all. I drive for a while and almost hit several children.
      We arrive to an intersection. I push the brake and manage to stop in time. I start turning to right but remember that the police station is to the left. I drive for a while and realize that the police officer doesn't know I don't have a driving license. I realize that it doesn't matter because I'm dreaming. I consider telling the officer that I don't have a license, just to annoy her but then I decide to do the task of the year. I also consider driving around for a while, but decide to do the task now because the dream has already continued for quite a while.
      I teleport off the car, to the bar. I decide that because Casablanca is black and white, the dream should also be. So when people start forming around me, everything is black and white. The teleporting worsened the dream's quality, but luckily I still am in deep sleep. I see Sam and ask him to play something for me. He starts playing a jazz piece I've never heard before. At the same time I see the sheet music in front of me. After he has finished the piece, a woman arrives. Shortly after this the dream ends.
    4. Being the Chosen One, 55-65 minutes

      by , 12-19-2010 at 12:06 PM
      I am outside a ruined building (possibly the Colosseum). There are some smaller constructions in front of me (a miniature tower and a piece of wall). My friends break them accidentally and replace them.
      I go to the place from where they got the replacements. There is a (statue of?) a huge man who I know as the Emperor (I remember seeing him (or a statue of him, or him turned into a statue) with no head). I've seen him also in my other dreams (possibly the same place as this one).
      The next thing I remember is being at the ruined building. At least now it is not the Colosseum. I Buzz Lightyear and fly to the other side of the clearing. I go inside the building. The Emperor is there, in the form of a snake. He is enraged and hissing at me, because he thinks I'm going to take his place as the Emperor (because of the statue thing). I assume him I'm not going to take his place. He calms down a little bit. His assistant arrives and leaves with him. I jump off the window (I'm at the second floor), straight towards the ground. I turn my fall into a swoop just in the last second before hitting the ground. I fly outside the building (it is a square building with at least two floors and some towers and a square clearing in the middle). The Emperor gives me and some others invisible slingshots. There are some creatures we have to shoot at with them. I go into an impossible position, hanging between a door and the building's wall. I start shooting at the creatures (I can't remember what they looked like). I don't seem to hit them (the ammunition is also invisible, I even can't feel the slingshot), but they start to complain about someone shooting at them. They even look straight at me. A friend of mine appears. I start shooting at her too, but she doesn't notice it. I fly on top of the building. I stay there for a while and jump off the roof, shooting with the slingshot. Once again I barely prevent myself from hitting the ground. I fly to my friend. She tells me her mom, though she is mentally ill, is also a Chosen One. Her mom appears and leaves. I go after her. I go round a corner and almost run into her. I back up several steps, while she follows me. I ask her for advice in being the Chosen One. She looks very old, old enough to be my friend's grandmother, rather than her mother. I can't remember correctly what she answered.
      The dream gets mixed up with Eragon (in which magic is used by uttering words of the ancient language). She tells me they teach us youngsters wrong words. Then she starts speaking out an ancient poem with lots of words in it that haven't been used in hundreds of years. He takes me into a temple. There are lots of people in there. Where the altar would be, there is an ancient man, someone even older than the woman with me, lying in a hammock, which is held by assistants. We go to him. The woman tells me he is the father of the current pope, who is at least 300 years old, so the father is even older. The pope is not doing his duties well enough and as long as he remains the pope his father must take care of the pope's duties and for that he is way too old (pretty confusing). I take the hammock's other end and someone with me takes the other. I look at the ancient man as the woman explains me something. I say that he's quite heavy. The woman tells me he's four metres tall. He certainly isn't that tall but very tall indeed (over two metres). I bow and we leave. At the door I bow again and the people in the room applaud. We leave the building and the woman runs of in a superhuman speed. I follow her, but we run (and fly?) at same speeds so she keeps her distance of about ten metres from me. I realize she doesn't want me following her so I stop.
      I see my brother and my cousin playing a star wars game. My view shifts into the game. Now I'm again in the temple, but this time theres nobody or nothing in it. I have a double-bladed violet lightsaber. Darth Maul comes at me, but he doesn't attack me. Mace Windu is behind me. We attack him. Soon I abandon my lightsaber and start using the Force and my hands. After some minutes I win him. The dream ends. So basically I had lucid powers because I thought I was the Chosen One.

      I also had a lucid dream where I was playing the piano. The room was dark so I really couldn't see the piano. First I started playing an etude to check if the piano is in tune. The piece sounded correct, even though I started it about an octave too high. Next I tried Chopin's second nocturne. It didn't sound good so I started the piece over. This time I managed to play a few measures. The dream was very clear, I actually thought that I would wake up at any moment and that I also move my real body. Conclusion: playing an instrument in dreams is possible, but you'll really have to focus on what you're doing.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Enigma, 60-70 minutes.

      by , 12-02-2010 at 08:02 PM
      I am at a lakefront. There are some other, unknown people with me. I possibly swam in the lake. I'm quite sure theres a part of the beginning of the dream missing. We go to an island by car. There we drive recklessly around. After driving for a while, we stop. I get off the car and go into a house. I can't remember what we did there. After it we go to a bus. The woman (I think she was female) with me takes a green blanket and says that we'd have to mask ourselves. She wraps the cloth around her head and I go under it. I (or we?) leave the bus.

      At this point I had a false awakening. I woke up in my room and started writing down some notes of the dream. There were some unknown people in our house, a man, his wife and their daughter. The computer was on so I showed something to the daughter. Then I went back to sleep.

      The dream continued from the island. We go driving again. After that it's the time to leave. I go to the shore, where we landed. Now there are some people I know with me. A friend of mine says she has to go already. I can't remember with what she left. My brother comes to me, showing me a map. Theres northern Europe and the Baltic sea. We are somewhere in Poland. Theres our route marked with red. Meanwhile, mom is driving to the same place from France. My brother says he'll go there with mom's ride so he'll be there before me. After that he disappears. The next thing I remember is being where the dream started. I go into a shopping centre. I see my friend again, but she goes into a device of some sort and disappears. I walk around for some time. I realize that I have no money at all. Someone drops a coin, not noticing it. I pick it up. It's a two euros. I go back the way I came. Theres a square pit on the ground. My view shifts into it. Now I see myself as a creature made of pure energy. I'm in a alcove at the wall of the pit. Orange beams of energy form a grid about half a metre from the pit's bottom. Also my friend is there, in the form of an energy creature. Also numbers and letters form to the sides of the square. There are now nine smaller squares and about nine numbers or letters at a side of a square. Now she speaks.
      "This enigma may seem complicated to you. However, once we get more known with each other, things like this will be part of everyday routine."
      The dream ends before I have time to ask what she means.
    6. Dream fragment

      by , 11-22-2010 at 06:49 PM
      I am in my dream world, at the temple thingy near which most of my dreams there take part. After having dreamed there several times I can now confirm that there is a school-like building near it. I remember being near to the temple (I have never been in it). I also was in the school. I remember going down the stairs to the seashore. It was quite stormy. When I went back up, I considered flying but decided not to.

      I really should've written up some key words when I woke up at 4.00 am but I was too tired. As usually, I also remembered two or three other dreams when I woke up, but forgot them during the day due to not writing any key words (as usually).
      Tags: dream world
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    7. A camp, 50-60 minutes

      by , 11-17-2010 at 06:05 PM
      I am going to a camp. I go into a large building. Inside it is dark. There is an outer hall, after which there is a chain of rooms surrounding a large hall, which is connected to a little smaller room. I go to one of the rooms surrounding the large hall. There is a creature in it. I can't remember precisely, what it looked like, but I recall it was a large, purple mass connected to the floor and ceiling. Someone comes to me explaining something about parallel universes. We exist in multiple universes and do at least partially the same things in them, but this (I don't remember what 'this' was) we should do only in this universe and let the other universes take care of themselves. I continue to the hall. There is a bazaar in it. It is very dark, there are only some purple lights in the ceiling. I go to the other end of the room, to the smaller room. There is someone playing a piano there. There is also a lift in the middle of the room. I leave the room and go back to the bazaar. I go through it to one of the smaller rooms. I continue to the next room. It is about four times the size of the previous room. It is made of grey stone and there is a forge and some anvils in it. There was someone by the forge. I go through the room, and end up in the room with the lift in it. There are some people in it. I join them. The lift starts to rise but I am overcome by the fear of high places and leave it before it goes too high. I go back through the room with the forge in it, to the room with the thing in it and into the bazaar. I see a friend of mine. She is pushing some guy on the wall on the diaphragm with her elbow. Her face is dark with anger. I turn to the opposite direction. Some thugs surround me.
      "You couldn't poke even a synthetic hole"
      I leave that unanswered. Another of the speaks to me:
      "Didn't you hear? And besides, you should be in your class. You see, right here"
      He points at a list nailed on a pillar. I read it. The lesson is outside, in the sports field.

      I leave the building and go to the sports field, which is just outside. There are some of my friends there. We leave the field and the camp area. The building is in a city. We are now in the city centre. I become lucid (at least partially, I realized that I'm in a dream and can do anything, but I still stayed with my friends). In this case anything didn't mean anything you can't do while awake but instead anything you can do while awake while no one is watching. Braking windows and going into buildings (without getting hurt), that sort of stuff. Now also my friends knew we could do anything so we decided to hang around in dangerous places. After hanging in a building site my friend asked:
      "Where is the city centre?"
      I answered that we are already there. We go around a corner. Below us is a park by a river. Another friend of my friend is sitting there on a bench. We go to talk to her. I ask her something.
      "You are a part of my dream so you know, what I mean"
      She starts melding into the wood, getting smaller and smaller. Before she can answer, her head is smaller than a fingertip. I put my finger on her face and when I take it off, she is gone.
      "No! Come back!"
      The image changes. Now there is a computer screen in front of me. I put my hand over it. The image changes again.
      "Come back!"
      The farmer on the computer speaks:
      "Keep yourself lucky enough. Only five out of fifty get an answer."
      Now I have a thin stick on my hand. Every time I wave it over the image, it changes, though only little. First the wallet hanging from the farmer's belt changes, the the colour of his clothes etc. I keep waving the stick over the image furiously until I wake up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Some short dreams

      by , 11-15-2010 at 08:55 PM
      I'm in my grandparents' bathroom, sitting on the toilet. There are two doors in the room that really aren't there. Also the toilet seat was on the wrong side of the room. Some people come in. I tell them to go off. They are students from some school. Their teacher comes in also. I tell her for them to get the fuck out of here because I'm on the toilet. More students keep coming in. I lose my nerve and start pushing them off the room with my feet. I fall off the seat. They laugh at me. I get back to the seat and grab a boy from his feet with mine and throw him on the wall with superhuman power. Finally they leave the room. I also leave it. I go to tell to mom. On the way I think: "How didn't I realize that was a dream? There were two extra doors and the toilet seat was on the wrong side of the room!"

      There are 4 people in a hotel room, two girls and two boys. They were about 19 years old. They had to stay for the night in the room. They go to sleep. But then another of the girl goes naked and they end up having sex. Another of the boys got a STD from the girl. By the way, the view was nice (I mean from the hotel room, not the girls you pervert ).
      Tags: sex, toilet
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. Earthquake, 55-65 minutes

      by , 11-10-2010 at 06:51 PM
      I am in a city with my brother. The sun shines warmly. We go to a marketplace. I notice my brother has disappeared. The earth starts to tremor. There are some people running in the opposite direction.

      The next thing I remember is being in a school where I haven't been before. I go searching for a class, number 320. I wander around the building for some time but just can't find it. Finally my teacher spots me. She says the lesson has already begun. I answer it's a little wonder as the door she's pointing at (class 320) has something completely different than 320 in it (something like g24). I go outside and follow a path that leads to a forested hill. There's a man with me. He's also a teacher. He has two dogs with him. I start playing with the dogs. The other dog attacks me from behind and bites my hand. Its owner tells him to go down.

      "Aw, he raked your jacket"

      I notice I have a bright green jacket on. I leave the hill. The earth starts to tremor again, this time more violently.

      The next thing I remember is being in a cardboard box. It is big enough for me to sit in it comfortably. There are also pillows and blankets in it. I crawl out of my chamber in the box and find that there are other chambers in the box. My friend, also in the box says that she built it and it should protect us from the doomsdays earthquakes. There are also some others in the box system. We wait for the earthquake to stop. After it we emerge from the box. We are on a pillar of stone, about 20 metres high. The ground all around us is red. It looks like Mars. It is also snowing. A gigantic monster appears in front of us. It looks like an enormous snail, only with four heads full dagger-like teeth. I have now a huge sword in my hands, but it is almost too heavy for me to lift, let alone to slay the monster with it. I can only wave the sword powerlessly in front of it when it snaps at us. There is a large, muscular man next to me. He tells me to stab at the monster next time its head comes close. I do as he says. He grabs the sword from my grip and plunges it deep into the monsters throat and then cuts it head off. The monster dies. I look to the other side of the canyon (we are in the middle of it). There is an orc there. A dwarf that is with us says he wants to fight the orc. He yells at the orc. The orc says he accepts the challenge. It starts to walk in the air, towards us. The dwarf, encouraged by this, jumps off the pillar, but doesn't stay in the air like the orc but instead starts falling like a rock. The view changes into 3D. I follow the dwarf falling about 200 metres. When he is near the ground, the orc dives down and rescues him. When the orc lets him go, he also can walk in the air. I don't want the dwarf to fight because I fear he'd die. However, I forget about the dwarf and fly to the other side of the canyon. There is a wooden hut there. It has no walls in it so I fly in. There is a talking bird sitting in there. I get a feeling that he is a long-time friend of mine. There are also some other people there, also my friends, when the bird starts talking:

      "I'm tired of this, tired of all this beguiling and deceiving, tired of hiding my friends my true form"

      With these words, he pulls his heart out. I'm overcome by sorrow. I say that I'll send our friend to his last flight and throw him to canyon. After it I dive after him. In the bottom of the canyon there are other survivors and lots of press. I turn facing the sky just when I'm about to crash to the earth. I soar upwards, now with a newspaper in my hand. I read the headlines: 'A man kills his beloved bird companion'. I turn the page, and watch a map about the earthquake's havoc. The picture is moving, like those in Harry Potter, though this one is coloured. I see the earth swallowing thousands of square kilometres. I get back to the hut. That is my last memory from the dream.

      I also had a short LD where I was searching for my brother (who disappeared in previous dream). I had gone back to our childhood but I wanted my brother as his older self so I decided to search him and make him grow up, so to say . I abandoned the idea soon as too complicated, though I don't know why I wanted to find my brother in a LD anyway.
      Tags: earthquake
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Two lucid dreams, 60-70 minutes

      by , 11-07-2010 at 10:32 AM
      I had a WILD last night so I'll start from being awake. I think I woke up at 6.00, though my alarm is set to 4.30 so my alarm didn't wake me up. Before going to sleep I had decided to try VILD.

      The dream

      I start the visualization, visualizing myself in a jungle. Now I am at least entering the dream state. I think I reminded to myself that I'm dreaming. There is a lagoon in front of me and a path behind me. I follow the path. My father joins me. He points towards a little cave formed under the roots of a dead tree and tells me to go hiding. I'm not sure, what I replied, it was "I don't want to" or "I don't have to, because it's my dream". I watch my sister entering the jungle and going hiding under one of the trees. Some thugs are coming down the path. I turn and start walking down the path, away from the thugs. I arrive back to the lagoon. I try the visualization once more, checking if I have all my senses. After that I get out of the jungle, entering a crowded opening. There are some old women by a campfire. One of them yells at me to come to them. I obey her. The woman tells me that theres some sort of game, but they'd need more players. I tell them my father's coming there. I see him in the crowd. I tell the woman he's that man in the black jacket. The woman yells at my father. He comes to us. Now we can get the game started. The woman tells us the rules. We are some drunken amoebas that want to reproduce. In order to do this, we have to touch another drunken amoeba. We begin the game. I touch my father and leave. I go to the other side of the opening and enter the jungle. My dream body disappears. Now I see a dragon. Theres someone telling me it's story. (S?)he is a (wo?)man who shapeshifted into a dragon for a hundred years. Now (s?)he is turning into human again. At the same time (s?)he is hatching (this is the strange part, I have a feeling that it was a he, but still (s)he hatched). The dragon keeps laying eggs and changing between human and dragon. I watch it for a few minutes. Then the dream ends.

      Dream number 2

      I fall asleep soon after waking up. Now I am in a bus. Soon I remember that I'm dreaming. I check my senses. Everything except vision is working well. My vision is about as poor as it is awake. Well, theres a cure for it. Dream eyeglasses! I summon my eyeglasses and put them on. My vision goes better. Nah, these'll just get in the way, I'll use dream contact lenses! I summon my contact lenses and put them on. Problem solved. The bus stops and I get out of it holding three bags. The bus starts to leave. "Wait!" I cry at the bus driver. "I'll just check if my backbag is in there". It isn't. I try to fly, jumping in the air and going into a horizontal position. I crash on the ground, but I don't hurt myself. I get back up, deciding to walk. A girl I know and her friend leave the bus also. I start walking towards my home. They turn to a different direction. There's pretty much snow on the ground but it isn't very cold. The girls stop to a snow hill to glide on mini skis. Other one of them yells at me that I can't glide as well as they can. I go to the hill, pick up a mini ski and climb on top of it (if you are wondering, what mini skis are, they are about 40 cm long skis). The hill is about 4,5 metres high. The girl is about a metre below me. She glides down on her ski. I glide down on mine, but don't do very well. Luckily for me, I have a plan. The girl laughs at me saying something like 'you see? I'm better!'. I summon jetpacks and use them, but I only fly a few metres. "Don't laugh yet, I'm still moving", I tell her. "Hey! That's cheating!" she protests. "It isn't! It's my dream and I can do whatever I want!" I say, going some metres more. "This thing isn't working properly". I get the jetpacks working and boost myself into space. Below me the Earth explodes. Gravity pulls the pieces back together (in a way it wouldn't really do) in to a crudely shaped ball. The oceans are still left so the Earth is still recognizable. The oceans boil out, leaving the Earth. Bender's voice from futurama says something like 'not anymore'. I go back to the Earth. There's still some jungle left. I go to a village. It's very small, about 20-35 people live there. There's a narrow canal with green water in it. That's their all drinking water. The canal is separated in the middle and on the other side the water is a little bit clearer. I ask a man that is with me if that's their all drinking water. He says that it is. There's a woman that could help me somehow. My view changes on her. She is dead, lying in a campfire. I go to her and see that she really is dead. The dream ended soon after this.
    11. A fight with a vampire, 20-25 minutes.

      by , 11-06-2010 at 11:42 AM
      I can't remember well where the dream began but I remember going to a room. There was a vampire there that was my arch enemy or something like that. He is pale-faced, black- and short-haired and wears a tailcoat and a cape. We start battling. I grab him from the wrists and try to get him down. There is also someone with me, an incorporeal boy. I manage to get him down. I say: "If I were one of you, I would bite your neck". I start to leave but hesitate. "He's faking!" I cry to the boy. The vampire gets up and charges on me. I grab his hands again. I manage to scratch him. He gets even more enraged. I fear that he'll hurt me. I manage to drive him to a corner. The ghost boy goes behind him. I summon two more helpers, another ghost and an incorporeal dog. They attack him, turning him incorporeal. I make the ghosts attack him again. This time he summons ghosts of his own behind mine. His ghosts attack mine, melding themselves into mine. When my ghosts attack him for the second time, he turns back into corporeal. He attacks me again. I grab his arms again, but he drives me to the other end of the room. He forces my grip off, pushes me further from him and takes up golden braces. "He's trying to bind me!" I cry to to the boy."Help!". I try to steal the braces from him while he tries to get them on me. I manage to get a grip on the braces. I pull them from his grip. He backs up. I throw the braces away and attack the vampire. I force him to the other end of the room, where he was when I entered the room. I force him down. I know that he'd simply rise up again and again so I turn, jump and start flying about 30 centimetres from the floor. Theres the door through which I came. I fly straight towards it. Somehow I know I can go through it (even though I wasn't lucid, the dream was extremely near to being a LD). I fear a little bit that I'll just crash hard on the door, but I manage to go through it. It only opens slightly. Theres another door behind it. I go through it with no problems at all. I turn right and fly upstairs, ending to a room that is just above the room where I left the vampire. I fear that the vampire will find me so I wake myself up (at least I think I did).
    12. A trip and a short LD, 37-45 minutes

      by , 10-26-2010 at 05:48 PM
      I am in my room. There are four of my classmates in the room. I sit on my bed and put some sweets on it. I also have an unopened bar of chocolate with me. One of the classmates asks me to give her some sweets. I give the rest except the chocolate to her. She gives me some money. I look at the coins. One 2,25 euro coin and a 1,75 euro coin. I wonder it for a while, but well, I've heard about 5 euro coins so why not 2,25 and 1,75? I ask her if they are euros or cents. "Cents", she answers. So a 22,5 and a 17,5 cent coin, then.
      I leave the room and arrive on a forested hill. My class and a guide is also there. We go for a trip. The path is narrow and we have to walk in line. The next thing I remember is when we came back. This time the path is blocked. I climb about a metre. The path continues about a metre below me. I try to climb on the top of the hill, about one more metre, using the grass growing there to help me. "I could climb this if the rock wasn't wet", I say to the guide. I walk along the path and find a tree. I grab it and heave myself to the top of the hill. I see the rest of the class emerging from the forest. I feel my strength fade. One of them comes to me. "Fourth", he says. I think he meant himself. I manage to get myself on the top of the hill.
      I enter a house through the door from which I came to the hill in the first place. It's a simple wooden house with nothing at all in it. Suddenly I realise I'm dreaming, but I feel the dream beginning to fade. I can almost feel my eyelids, closed to keep the image of the dream in my head. A DC comes in and says the dream will not end yet. I wait for the dream to stabilize and soon it does. Almost waking up worsened the dream's quality. I'm now dreaming in third person and have no touch sense. I leave the house. Soon my attention is captured by a scene nearby. There was someone telling Zeus he should leave this plane of existence for a while because his brother, a powerful wizard was plotting something. Next thing I remember is puncturing yellow and red balloons. The dream ended soon after that.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    13. Summer cottage, 30-40 minutes

      by , 10-18-2010 at 09:35 PM
      We have just arrived to our summer cottage. I get out of the car. My sister and my father are with me. It is dark and snowy. I walk to the cottage. It's too dark to see properly. The only thing giving light is one of the buildings. It's burnt remains are glowing faintly. The other buildings seem old. All the paint has worn off. There is also a building that isn't there in the waking world. I go back to the car and ask my father for a lamp. He gives me one and I go back. Even with the lamp it is really dark, I can only see the buildings as gray shadows even when they are close. A man from a nearby cottage swoops in on a snowmobile. He says he had used our shore to go to the lake. I say it's no problem. I get back to the car again. When I get there the man's there also, speaking with my father. I go back to the cottage. It doesn't look like our real cottage (I've visited the place in previous dreams and the cottage has looked the same as it did in this dream). I follow a path and arrive in front of a cellar built in a mound. It is not dark anymore, but the sun is shining. I open the door to the cellar. Behind it is another door. And another. After about seven doors, of which each is smaller than the former door, they have formed a tunnel through the mound. The tunnel is too narrow for me so I go round the mound to the other side. I notice the thing is actually a big telescope with no lenses. Apparently it is ancient. I look through it. The doors have vanished. I wonder what to do with it. I has many mirrors attached to its sides. I get an idea. What if I'd mirror the sunlight with the mirrors to...what? I start turning the mirrors. It seems I get something done right, because the telescope turns into a space rocket. The view changes into third person and I'm in space. I think there was someone with me. I pilot the rocket back to the Earth. Once there, I leave the telescope.
      I possibly left the cottage and ended up in a desert or then it was completely a different dream. There was a man who had a fighting school. A woman there was pregnant. I don't remember much from the dream except that the woman gave birth in it.
    14. The order, 45-55 minutes.

      by , 10-07-2010 at 07:24 PM
      I am in front of a McDonald's. Behind me is our car and with me are my brother and mom. We go into the restaurant. At the other side of the room there are WC doors. I ask someone which of them is for men. When I am about to enter one room, he says it's not that one. Soon I find the right door, a few steps down to stairs. When I at the business, three girls enter the room. One of them works at the restaurant. She reluctantly gives them some coordinates. someone is after us and those were the coordinates of our car. I rush to the car. My mom and brother are there. I tell them we have to leave. Soon we arrive to my grandparents'. Some evil robot things emerge from their doorway. The view changes into 3rd person and my brother shoots them with a laser turret. More come. I say we have to leave but he says he can handle them. I tell that more and more will come until we're trapped. The car turns into a ball and rolls of.
      I get off the car and meet a group of people, some of my friends among them. They are an order that (as I later concluded) adores logic, science and God as their source. I join them. We go into an underground tunnel. We go into a house. There is an about 17 years old girl in the house. I don't remember much what happened next, but I think the girl got killed. We go back into the tunnel. This time it's narrower and foggy. One from the order asks if I think the tunnel has got narrower, with a tone that he knew all along it's going to happen. I say yes. We enter a cavern about the size and the shape of a church. There is an altar in the middle. In there ceiling there are paintings of God, also the Creation of Adam. I go to one of the walls. There are some stick figure drawings in it with descriptions. Somehow i get the message they are not blasphemy, but made with respect. We go into another tunnel and soon emerge into a yard. I think we did something there but I can't remember what. There is a building nearby. I walk alongside it and as I look inside from the window I notice its a church or a school building (there are children inside, the ones near me have instruments). I go down, following a path near the building. There is a fence. I jump over it. Now I am in front of the building. Nearby me is an altar of the order. It is fairly simple, a cushion on which one can kneel, and some plaques. They have names on them. I only remember one, Tchaikovsky. A friend of mine kneels on the cushion and utters a short prayer: "Let me be like them". There is a pipe of some kind in the ground. Another of the order's hideouts. I enter a room trough it. Soon I leave the room, but see the car of the bad guy who is after me. I go back up, where we first emerged from the underground tunnels. I don't remember what happened next, apparently I woke up soon.
    15. Shared dream with dream characters, 50-60 minutes

      by , 09-18-2010 at 02:45 PM
      I am going to visit my fried and his family with my family. We are staying there three nights. We arrive there, but instead of their house, we are at our home. Our room is in the garage, but it isn't like our garage at all. It is nicely decorated. The ladders that lead to the attic are pulled down. I climb up feeling none of the vertigo I usually feel when climbing there. The attic also isn't anywhere near the same it actually is. It a little bigger than in the waking world and instead of the stuff it has in it in the waking world, it is dark and full of mattresses with bedding. I go back down and off the garage.
      Around he house is a small village that is in ruins. I explore the village for a while. I go back to the garage and up the ladders to the attic. There is a window of some sort in the back of the room. Out from the window there are DCs coming in. I go there and open the window. I try to put my hand in, but there is an invisible obstacle my hand cannot pass. A DC grins at me while another one comes in. I'm not very sure what happened next. I think I went down and possibly told about the DCs to someone. After it I went to the outskirts of the village.
      There my brother and a friend of his comes to me. They have short, wooden baseball clubs and they are intending to beat me with them. I take the club from my brother and hit his friend hard on the head. He seems not to even notice it. He swings at me, but i parry with my club. We trade a few blows. He manages to hit me on the fingers and to the hip. I turn to escape. My brother pulls out a pistol. I run off. I go back to my friend's house. Just outside the garage there is a long hallway. Outside the hallway is the ruined village. I talk to someone. He has a bottle of lemonade in his palm. My mother comes to the hallway. I think we discuss about the DCs pouring into our world. I'm not completely sure what we called them, but it might've well been DC. Someone tells they can get drunk. We cheer. Now we'd only need to get enough alcohol to get them all drunk. I notice my mother is holding bottle of cider. I go to a salon. It, like the other rooms, is heavily furnished. There is a door in the room. I open it. The tavern behind the door is full of dream characters. They are sitting around tables. The tavern is filled with their voices. They turn to look at me. I start mocking them. Everyone around me tells me not to. Apparently they are afraid of the DCs. I throw the bottle of cider at them and close the door. I think someone said "now you got them really angry" or something like that. We go back to the garage and up the ladders. The window is still there. Its dark so I take my phone from my pocket for some light. There are eight of us. We form two teams, four in each. I am with the Invincible Man, Joker and Tower Man. I don't remember who were in the other team. We have a shared dream where we beat the DCs. It pretty much happened so that I had three cards. In one of the cards, there was our team. The picture of us was alive, just like in Harry Potter. The other card was for the other team and the third card for the DCs. Eight blue dots appear in the two cards of our teams, four in a card, under the pictures. One by one they turn into squares. The sames happens with the third card. The only difference is that the dots/squares are red.
      I leave the attic and go back to the hallway. There is a lamp hanging from the ceiling. I (or was it someone else?) pull(s) it. The hallway (or a room near it?) changes into something else. The room into which it changes is still heavily furnished. I (or he/she) do(es) it some times more. I say we need to get it turn back into the salon. I think we succeeded (now there definitely was someone else in the room). If the room into which I next went was the salon, I didn't open the door to the DCs' world again. Instead I opened the door that took me outside. Whoever was with me, he didn't follow me there.
      I am now in front of our home again. Our car's trunk is open. My mother says we are leaving. Apparently the three days have already passed. I wouldn't want to leave yet. I go back to the garage. This time there is no heavily furnished salon nor hallways. There's only our home's hall. Also the garage is lacking the furniture it had. I doesn't even have the normal tables and shelfs. There is only the empty, gray room. I go up the ladders. The mattresses and the beddings are still there. I don't remember about the window. I go back down and out. There I go around the house, where the ruins were. They aren't there. I go up the hill where my brother and his friend tried to beat me. At the top of the hill there is a dam. There is at least one man there, maybe more, I can't remember. The dam breaks. The mass of water rushes down to the valley below, even though the current isn't as powerful as it would be in the waking world. I go about a metre from the flow to take some pictures with my mobile phone. Before I have time to take it from my pocket, I see some people caught in the water. I go to rescue them. I grab a woman's hand and pull her to land. I see another person in the water, a man. I go to rescue him too. I get his hand, too, but after dragging him for a few metres his hand slips off from mine. The man I first see is shouting at, pleading me to get farther away from the water. I do so. My brother comes at me with a pistol in his hand. He shoots at me, but misses. I only feel a sharp air current moving my hair. I run at my brother, jump and kick him on chest with my both feet. The kick sends him tumbling (or flying?) backwards. There is now a fall of maybe 30 metres instead of the hill. My brother falls down. I'm afraid he got hurt so I go and see. Luckily he only fell for a few metres, down on a deck of a ship. I think I woke up somewhere at this point.
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