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    Oneiric Mirror

    Riot !!!!! (Between 20 th August 2010 to 21 th August 2010)

    by , 10-08-2011 at 06:45 PM (488 Views)
    I dreamed I was in F. F. in the bedroom of my grandparents.
    He had come from a all-night stand (work or play, I do not know), and needed to sleep.
    There was a lot of people in the bedroom, my mother, my grandmother and my father.
    I sent everyone away so i could get some sleep.

    After sleeping a while, i got out of the house. It was night time again. I walked for a while and stopped near a water fountain. I lay down on the grass that surrounds the fountain.
    Herein comes G , T (peaceful-looking) and M and ask me what I was doing there. Suddenly there is more people around us, some of them are my acquaintances, others i donīt know.We are all having a party near a hot dog stand.
    I was talking with Omnio.

    I asked him if there was a way to speak between all network operators through messaging, and he replied:
    "Yes, there is...itīs called mobile Messenger... in America."
    As he was speaking, he was messing with a Nokia phone.

    After I talk to him, I laid my blackberry touchscreen over a hood of a jeep and started talking to someone, I do not remember who.

    A gang member approached me, and gave me a friendly punch in the right leg.

    M begins to speak with him in Creole, and after talking to him, M turns to me and and says:

    "Well, let's take a walk? This guyīs gang just want to get in trouble with us, and I donīt feel like it tonight. "

    As the gang member steps away from us, the turns to M and says:

    "You bounce, only when youīre with your friends!"

    Me, T and M go for a walk through what appears to be narrow and old big city streets.
    When we return to the hot dog stand, we saw a crowd in front of us...it was a riot! Two factions against each other. Our friends against the gang from the guy to whom M spoke.
    One of our friends saw M, and said to him:
    "Come, come, let us beat the hell out of them!"

    M began to run towards the enemy faction.

    The crowd grabbed him and I saw his arm disappearing into the crowd.
    T and I started to "smash heads" to see if we could rescue M.
    I grabbed a long black hair guy (looked like a typical heavy metal fan) that was grabbing the arm of M and started kicking and biting the arm of that guy. I pushed his hair until a little bit of the scalp of his head came out...he let M go.

    I started to feel an electrical vibration through my body, and i teared his skull apart with my bare hands, i felt pieces of flesh from his scalp between my hands...my hands were covered in blood.
    Before he died he said:

    "This must be the new way to enjoy this scene."

    The whole scene happened to the sound of Deftones - Back to School.

    Only I could hear the music.

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