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    Robo's Dreams

    Return to the caverns of minecraft

    by , 06-17-2011 at 12:18 PM (467 Views)
    I don't think I ever posted the dream were I created/found these caverns, just a heads up.

    I am hanging out with some friends in a Minecraft base, I hind a hidden alcove in the base, full of cacti. I am stunned for a few second by it's beauty, how the light from the ceiling enters the room and makes it glow, and the fact the I remember it from a previous dream. I call my friends over to have them help explore. I look around, searching for the entrance to the maze I remember having trouble with in the previous dream. I spot the entrance, a small hole barley big enough to walk through. there is a Minecraft zombie guarding the entrance... or just standing there stupidly, not sure which. Either way, it's a threat in my mind.

    I lunge at the zombie, knock it over, and Cleve it to death with some sort of pickaxe/sword thing. It disappears, and I look upward. again, the sight is breathtaking, the room has an open area, like a lobby. the cacti are on raised platforms, 3 blocks long, 1 block tall and wide. then the room branches into a maze. I take note of some monsters trying to get the jump on us, but I don't pay attention to them, I figure they would be a nice surprise for my friends. we traverse the maze with little difficulty, and we don't run into any monsters either. we exit the maze to find ourselves in some sort of abandoned gun museum.

    After exploring for a bit, I come across a rather nice-looking shotgun. I attempt to pick it up, but the text, "Achievement Unlocked" appears in small, bold, red letters on my "screen" for lack of a better word. I came to the conclusion that this is DLC, and express this to my friends before waking up.

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