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    Adventures in Dreamland

    Days 1 - 26

    by , 04-03-2012 at 10:16 PM (620 Views)
    Italics are side comments I've made, blue text is lucid dreaming, and normal black text is non-lucid. Also note that I refer to my family as my 'real' family because a lot of times, I will have a separate family in the dream

    Day 1
    Posting on Ponychan
    Had Pinkie Pie temporary tattoo
    Girl recognized it (at Steak n Shake?)


    Went to Kangaroo Express store and bought sunflower seeds and ice cream

    Day 2
    Ezreal does super cool Lux ult across the map (a map I’ve never seen before)
    Family is going to see The Great and Powerful Trixie, my real grandmother tells me that if she flies that I should leave, etc
    Amusement park?

    I burn something down

    Day 3
    Given loan by my real aunt and I’m expected to pay it off immediately.
    Play game (LoL?) with MaximumRevolver and some others, have to avoid a lot of Galios
    Playing as Mitsuki (An OC of mine I was using in a roleplay at the time), I’m super strong


    Twilight Sparkle survives a thingy

    I am in a grocery store trying to catch a shoplifter

    Day 4 (Hehehe I love this one :3)
    I am a prince. My brother wishes to wage war on a dragon, but I won’t let him. I was on a ship at one point, either looking for a shark or worried about one coming. There was only one small accessible room on the ship, but there were no other doors on the ship. I said that there might be another room we haven’t found yet, and we all have a good laugh about it.
    My brother ignores my order, waging war on the dragon. I have to ‘redeem’ myself. My sister has to stay near me, but she wants to go off by herself. She locks me in my room with silk rope. I get out and go to find her.

    I am holding a pillow, can’t see very well, and there are kids near me. A DC says “Don’t you remember them?’ and I respond that I can’t see them because they were behind the pillow.

    This one guy is voting, and I have to disguise myself as him to change the vote (we were voting using urinals?)
    One of his look-alikes beat me to it and I am relieved.

    Day 5
    Girlfriend mad at me for not getting Gameboy. I have to prove myself by playing a minigame. I’m at a convention.

    I am in Walmart or Kroger. People are singing and dancing.

    There is a katana in a convenience store. I compare it to a really crappy katana and have to throw the crappy one away.

    I don’t know where I am.
    I’ve lost my sense of direction.

    My friend promised he’d draw a picture of Rainbow Dash for me

    Day 6 (Listening to 3.5hz binaural beats)
    Something about LoL

    Day 7 (same as above)
    Someone prophecizes to one of my real stepmother’s brothers about a lot of stuff: like his cellphone being destroyed.
    Get a new dog (to make a total of like...6)

    Day 8 (OBE Music)
    Had a lot of dreams but didn’t write them down when I woke up :<

    Playing as Poppy on Twisted Treeline

    Day 9 (OBE Music)
    (Shizune is going to start showing up in a few of my dreams. I'll go ahead and let you guys know that I'm talking about the deaf girl from Katawa Shoujo)
    deadmau5 hangs out with me, Shizune’s dad was complaining about his age and I have a FA. ‘Shizune’ (as in, I think, my body pillow) made my dream into a game before I woke up. (I didn't become lucid even after Shizune pointed out the fact that I was dreaming. Fail... ;_;)
    Driving to my hometown.

    Day 10
    Had a car that (Note: Read following text in the heaviest redneck accent possible) “even John Deere would be proud of” and ended up having to dodge through a crowd of deer before finally crashing into one.

    Day 11

    Found new energy source - 8x the power of the sun. Compressed that power.
    Very hectic, tiny robots, carrying an egg around and transporting it.
    Compression complete.
    Egg hatches
    Solar system is blown out of existence.

    Day 12
    Building a house like in Sims 3

    Minecraft crafting: Fish + Paper = Fish Paper?
    Someone’s mad at Tryndie.

    I don’t remember it, but I have a feeling that Shizune was indeed in my dream. (At this point in time, I was actively trying to have Shizune show up in my dreams)

    Driving in town, stop at ALL the Burger Kings. Co-worker from WalMart shows up. Something about a puppy. We are driving in circles.

    Girl is trying to join army
    Suddenly it’s me (or rather, I’m the girl)
    Talking to my real dad about Doctor Who, 9 seasons or summat
    Picking out pants, but I find something in it from “last year”
    Assigned many things, fails.

    Princess receives message, travels through what appears to be a Kirby stage.
    I’m assigned to protect her, but Kenji (From Katawa Shoujo) finds us. Back to girl’s POV. She says that she thought that he’d shoot her, but he doesn’t.

    False Awakening.
    I’m cuddling with Shizune. (Body pillow again probably)
    I wake up after a while of just enjoying cuddle time

    Day 13
    Altair and Ezio upside down from each other in some sort of meditative state.
    In WalMart, my real sister's boyfriend is supposed to sing but he doesn’t want to so I do but I have to vs. two of my friends from high school

    On a mission to chase/destroy a carriage
    Assassin’s Creed style carriage chase, but with a boat-carriage
    We took a shortcut over water and took a rest
    I was going to check to see if some sort of slug was poisonous but my mentor told me they were.

    Day 14
    My real sister gets married, my real mom is with her boyfriend, but I’m suspicious of him
    We were at my grandmother's old house, but then at a con
    Tried to make a nest for ducks but the egg wasn’t...incubated?
    My real mom gave us(?) lessons on nests and Christmas trees.

    Day 15
    Takes place at my grandmother's old house.
    Snake on front porch, reeeeeeeeally long.

    Secret agent taser?
    The Doctor. I toss his sonic screwdriver down from the floor above.

    I have a girlfriend (or ex-gf that I make up with) and we have a famous trio of friends.
    Roll a Natural 20 on our check to look awesome with the trio.
    Some sort of event, taking lots of pictures.
    Go on date with aforementioned girlfriend (ruins?)
    We spend the night at gf’s house. We watch Disney movies and ask if we can sing along
    Watch Powerpuff Girls.

    I sit down beside the rest of the trio at the event the next 'day' and some guy thinks that I’m just a random dude, rather than a part of the trio

    *Before all this, I woke up in the middle of the night and was afraid of something. I thought about putting my headphones back on but decided against it because if I did, I’d never be able to get over my fear
    I tried to block it out of my mind. Why...? (After studying up more on lucid dreaming, I now know it was probably a FA. I didn't do a RC.)

    Was an assassin

    League of Legends

    Hiding in clothes

    Day 16
    League of Legends hack, gives a metric crapton of AP. I played as Amumu and solo defended the Nexus, but went to the bathroom (cause I was getting real cocky) and lost the game because of it.
    Next game, we forgot to put the hack on so we lost...or maybe I quit. I don’t remember.

    Telling a story, maybe a Visual Novel?
    Rabbit pet, Martha Speaks

    Girl (Akira? (My DnD character)) wearing an apron with a camera and some boxes, working on an alarm.

    Storms, went over to my real little cousin’s house for some reason.

    On public computers

    Fighting monsters? One was weak to water I think.

    Visual Novel/Anime that I made, showing it in Anime Club

    Rock fighter! (I have no idea what this means.)

    Solving mystery. Coal and smoke and fuel. There was an old guy there driving a car. Crazy driver; I’m pretty sure he ran through some walls.

    Day 17
    My Little Pony plushie conspiracy
    Subliminal message pictures by my real stepmother.
    Was a ping pong ball inside the Twilight plushie with a quarter inside.
    Real stepmom was arguing with her mom and I stood up for her

    Day 18 – Incomplete WILD transition
    Noises all around, spinning, felt like I was being picked up by my arms
    School? Teacher was giving out work to non-existent student?

    Day 19 – Incomplete WILD transition
    “Englaand” language, real sister asking about dreams, talking about how she was reading a book but it “tried to eated" her, old house’s land and pond. Transition stops. I go to sleep normally.

    Sewing leather guy, bald
    Soda cap hits him in the face

    Asking for extra pair of socks, complicated

    Before: 6-month long League game

    Day 20
    Hanako (From Katawa Shoujo) doing speech/signing in Japanese (Like Wakfu ep?) <- No idea what I meant by this
    Could understand

    Saving some sort of hippogriff?

    M&M contest/snowball

    Day 21
    In front of house, did reality check (nose plug), rubbed hands together to stabilize. There was a cat there. I made a Kit Kat bar appear. I tried to fly and it worked, but I lost control of my dream. I need to stabilize better.

    Tonight, I will have a dream about Kurisu. For the record, I didn't.

    Day 22

    Day 23
    Dystopia - guys can’t physically touch each other
    No one/girls can’t give opinion on someone else’s work unless it’s a compliment.
    Can’t make suggestions.
    Main character (girl) falls in love with another girl and decides to get rid of the dystopia.

    My irl friends spend the night at my old house - time travel to a point where we didn’t own it.

    DBZ characters seeing themselves in the past with time travel?

    Day 24 – 3/30/2012
    At Highlands. Usual Vent people are there. Crossdressing. A lot of people compliment my dress. Something’s after us, but someone says they’ll protect me.

    Batman, no one can beat him in the shadows

    Meadow. Very green. Perhaps a distortion of my old back yard?

    Wakfu clan member star on dock

    Vegetable farming

    Day 25 Nap – 3/31/2012
    Ozen (my right-hand man in my guild) tells me that Cassidy (Our in-game nation's governor) needs copper and iron, so we try to gather some for her.

    My irl cousin is wearing an orange and black jacket, tries to explain orange and black so he points to something to the side, game show host points out that he is wearing an orange and black jacket.
    Orange power ranger and black power ranger? I wake up.

    I am some sort of royalty, maybe? Or from a wealthy family at least. My sister is an assassin. She looks older than me, but I still have the feeling that she is my younger sister. She makes a comfortable pile of pillows or something. Trying to seduce me? I wake up.

    She finds out that she needs to travel back in time to save someone (a little kid, maybe?) She comes to spend time with me in the past. I don’t know who she is. I take her shopping, and I find a tie-dye shirt with the Mane 6 on it. We go into a shop that is laid out like GameStop, but isn’t GameStop. It might be a bit bigger. She wants something, and after a bit, I reluctantly get it for her.

    There’s a kid that is going to be blown up by some dude. I’m on my way to save him. There’s a cat guarding, but my mouse friend beats the living hell out of him with a monocle, finishing by putting the monocle on and striking a pose. I wake up.
    Most badass mouse ever? I think so.

    Day 26 – 4/1/2012
    Last night was hell. I kept randomly waking up in the middle of the night and it was hard for me to fall back asleep (probably because I have never tried DEILDing before.) I don’t think it was the alarm, but it could have been. I hardly remember any of the dreams I had last night.

    My friend Jacob is Akizuki Ryou (the irony of this is just too good. He's made it a point to express just how much he disapproved of crossdressing/traps/homosexuality) in the woods, attached to a ball of yarn. He starts to run down a hill, but I pull on the yarn and he comes back.
    Random girl in same woods, someone important like a princess or something. She runs away, but comes back so people think she’s lying about running away.

    Some sort of apocalypse going on? We are a group sent to Brakmar to help keep everything under control. There is some sort of demon wolf thing who gets mad at us and starts attacking us. It keeps getting hit by these swinging pendulum things, and eventually falls into an abyss.
    In a tavern, really noisy, someone shouts "____ has been defeated!" (the wolf, I don't remember his name) and the tavern is instantly quiet.
    The Brakmarian governor is worried about the wool economy.

    Some guy is in a guild, and as a joke he leaves the guild and waits in the guild bank with a hat and a ring, waiting for someone to come and check it.

    Day 27 Nap – 4/2/2012
    Planning on DEILDing tonight, going to sleep at midnight. Also, since I didn’t get much sleep last night and Codey didn’t get any, we’re going to take a nap as well.
    No luck. Didn’t fall asleep.

    Day 27 – 4/2/2012
    Last night was ALSO hell. I’m not sure DEILDing is for me, but Imma keep at it for a while.

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    Updated 04-19-2012 at 02:11 PM by 53831

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment


    1. melanieb's Avatar
      That was quite a bit to sum up. You sure have a lot of MLP going on, you need to come by some of the threads in the Lounge.

      Same with anime. I can really pick up on some of your interests from the dreams. Anime and MLP we definitely have in common.

      I like the way the more recent dreams read. The detail is important, and makes for a good story.

      If you are bored check mine out. I haven't been keeping track very long but I'm glad I have been writing them down more.
    2. Ryralane's Avatar
      I'm jelly. All of your dreams have so much description <:3c
    3. melanieb's Avatar
      I just spend a lot of time remembering the details. I think you can do it also!