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    • Sivason's Avatar
      12-28-2024, 07:01 AM
      HI! I would suggest not doing the imagining part at first. You are trying to fall asleep while staying barely aware. Do this in the middle of the...
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      Hey! I remember you! How have you been?
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      Welcome back, mel! It's great to see you here on DV again.
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      Alright, I'll check the thread.

      And yeah, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. But I'm on medication now, so for the most part I'm doing ok.
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      Doing alright, broseph.

      How's the family holding up? I remember there was some health issues, but I can't recall if I ever followed up on the news. If it's a personal matter, feel free to ignore this. Whatever the case may be, I hope you're doing well.
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      Very excited to see you online! I've read your stories and hope you and your family are doing well.
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      Miss you, Mel. Hope you are well
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      *waves* ^_^
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      Watching Galaxy Quest!
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      Hahahaha!!! Perhaps I will, but I am going to wait until my back gets fixed. You will be the first to see it when I do!!
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    Put that tutorial in a cage!

    by melanieb on 06-05-2013 at 05:34 PM
    The room is white, featureless, indirectly illuminated, and the only object in the room is a black-metal cage, approximately 42 inches on a side. The bars are about 3 inches apart and I can clearly see that nothing is inside the cage.

    My intention is to put the Dream Control tutorial into this cage. It's what I'm supposed to do and it's also what my father wants. I did feel odd having him advise me in any way about dreaming material but he seemed to know what he was talking about, though he was never in the room.

    I struggled for a while with the concept of placing the tutorial in the cage and how it wouldn't escape the particular style of cage, since the spacing between the bars was easily wide enough to slip through (for a tutorial) when I woke up.

    I don't even know what to say about this dream.
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    The camp, the snack-man, and Baja, New Mexico

    by melanieb on 06-03-2013 at 05:03 AM
    My son is headed to camp this summer with the scouts and I've decided to accompany them on the bus. I know I don't have enough money to actually participate in the camp but I felt like I should come along just the same.

    The bus arrives in camp and a sharply-dressed staffer boards the bus to give us the orientation directions. After pointing us in the right direction we all head towards the barracks that will be our home for the next 11 days.


    I must admit I'm fairly upset that my son has brought a huge radio with him and I'm chastising him since I know it won't receive anything anyway. Besides, we're in the woods and I'm sure people would prefer to hear the sounds of nature versus the boombox he is toting around.

    Of course, my son protests, and I decide to back off as we enter the main room of the common area. Immediately I realize how weird it will be to have co-ed sleeping quarters but in all honesty that's not important right now. I see that another parent is there with her son and she is getting him ready for his ceremonial swearing-in as the leader of the contingent. I know he's not ready for the position and isn't up for the responsibility but I keep these thoughts to myself.

    Turning around in the cramped cabin I find my son has placed his radio on a nearby dresser and has turned on the music. To my surprise it is picking up radio stations just fine, but even more surprising is the TV I see mounted to the wall as I look up. I can't believe that we're in this remote location and the camp has hi-def TV.

    My son starts eating a bag of chips and unloading his stuff from his pack. I call him into the hallway and I'm fed up with his constant eating so I start yelling at him though I'm not really upset so I lower my voice and begin talking to him in a more conversational tone. It's good that I did lower my voice as the raised tones caught the attention of the camp scout-leader and he looked worried. My attention returns to my son and then pauses as he turns to ask some of the scouts entering the room about their snacks, bags of chips and goodies that are loaded up by the armful.

    "We actually got there at just the right time, "says Kevin, one of the taller and older scouts. "The line was empty when we got there but by the time we were leaving there were fifty people lining up. I'd suggest getting your snacks now while they still have some."

    I look at my son, knowing he can probably wait, but then I think better of it and just encourage him to head up and get his shacks now. He heads out of the room and I decide to follow him.

    The main area of the camp is slightly muddy from recent rains and hundreds of pairs of boots tromping through the square. The mud continues up the steep hill that leads to where the scouts are all headed to get their snacks. The hill is grassy and has clearly benefited from recent rains but the boots of the scouts have turned the trail into a slippery and muddy path, despite many flat steps cut into the hill to prevent erosion.


    I'm especially impressed with how green this part of New Mexico looks and how nice the air is and I'm glad we're far away in a remote area of the state, distant from all the cities and urban areas that plague our home. My thought is barely finished when I come to the top of the hill and I see the distant vista of downtown Baja, New Mexico, the largest city in the state.


    I nearly gasp seeing the tall buildings and sprawling city laid out before me over the next ridge. My son clearly knew more than I did when he decided to bring the radio on this campout. Even more strange than the view is where the path now leads; We're on top of a parking garage, a muddy trail leading from the hill to the far corner of the cement parking lot. In the corner sits an older man and his friend, two chairs and a white plastic cooler their only equipment.

    I approach as my son finishes his transaction and I get a brief glimpse at their offerings. Cold beverages fill one side of the cooler and various other snacks sit on the ground at their feet, slightly hidden by the open lid of the cooler. I'm a bit put-off by this sight and I had hoped for better from a camp that could afford to put HDTV in the camper's rooms.

    It's time to head back to camp and I see one of the other scouts from our troop nearby, also ready to head down.

    "Let's race!" I call to him and the next thing I know we're both racing down the muddy hillside. I can't believe how fast I can go and after taking a particularly large step I know I'm dreaming. I can see that I'm about to land in a rather muddy spot so I pull up my feet and let my momentum carry me a distance of nearly 25 feet beyond the mud, a great moment of control and satisfaction. I want to wrap up the race in a grand way so I turn sideways and slide down the rest of the slippery hill of mud, a feeling of exhilaration that is as close as I can get without flying. Naturally I win the race.

    Now that I'm at the bottom I start to take a look around and I find the camp actually lies on the edge of a suburban part of Baja, the tree-lined streets almost giving the impression of some small town in Tennessee. Slightly in front of me and to my left is a old, brick firehouse, now abandoned, and a pair of railroad tracks lies between me and the building. A couple of cars navigate the nearby neighborhood streets. I feel so odd having a camp this close to the neighborhoods of the city.


    To complete the odd scene, a motorized contraption straight out of the late 19th century appears, an oddly-shaped machine with spinning wheels and a sputtering steam-muffler. The conveyance is clearly designed to travel on both train tracks and regular roads, overly-complicated with gears and flywheels that make approaching it seem dangerous. I watch as the machine rides the rails around the building and then enters the road on the far side of the building.

    I take this as my cue to follow the driver and I suddenly find myself in a Chevy Blazer, an older model that is both cramped and over-powered. My daughter is driving and I know she is planning on passing up the strange contraption we are rapidly approaching. My cousin-in-law leans in behind me to tell me that, "Everything will be okay, we can easily pass the machine. This Blazer has a V8 engine and is more than powerful enough to catch it."

    We pass up the machine and continue along a road that slopes down towards an intersection ahead, though my daughter shows no sign of slowing. I can see the slightly-obscured stop-sign and I yell at her to stop before we hit something. On cue a man appears running across the road, as far from a crosswalk as he could be, his diagonal path on a clear intersection with ours. I brace myself as we hit the man and he goes spinning up and over the hood, though he shows no real sign of injury and continues on his path.

    "Okay, " I'm thinking, "that was weird." We turn left at the new road and I realize we're heading deeper into the city of Baja, a place I've never been and I can only vaguely picture on my mental map as in the northern part of New Mexico. I still can't believe how green it is, but even that pales in beauty to the snow-capped mountains I see to my left, illustrating how high up we are in elevation. To my right is a wide meadow that is clearly a park used for sports like Frisbee and impromptu games of touch football. The air is warm, perhaps 60F, but there remains a little snow along the edge of the field. Every part of me is marveling at the beauty of this place and I start considering what it would take to move there from Texas.


    Sensing my desire to look around and get a feel for the place my daughter stops driving and parks the vehicle right in the middle of the lane, a bit further out from the curb than one would normally park. I watch as she leans out of the door and sprawls out over the pavement, her head in one lane and her left arm stretching out into the next lane of traffic. A car is approaching and I pull her arm back quickly to avoid it being in the way of traffic. My pleas to get up go unheeded and I can't believe she would go to this length just so I can look around at the trees and mountains, a scene I know my mind has created but clearly a place I want to explore.

    Unfortunately I wake up, remembering a location and experience more pleasant than I could possibly describe.
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    A Visit To The DreamWorld Academy

    by melanieb on 04-23-2013 at 04:59 PM
    I've been working on the reopening of the DreamWorld Academy section of the forum and I guess it has influenced me. :)

    I'm standing on a balcony overlooking a moderately wide castle room below me where my friends stand in front of a large fireplace. The walls and floor of the room and the balcony I'm standing on are all made of large blocks of worn, gray stone. The room is warmly lit by candles and some other unseen source but no fire burns in the empty fireplace.
    The walls are sparsely decorated with a few key paintings and tapestries. The room has a couple small tables near the walls and one larger table in the middle of the room, complete with an oil lamp and some nondescript items on the table. Above the fireplace is an engraving noting the lineage of the DreamWorld Academy but the few words are not written in English.
    As is common in my dreams I have a mixture of celebrities and animated characters as my acquaintances. Tom Cruise is dressed like some kind of ranger, Barry (the fat kid on American Dad) is looking smarter than usual, and an Asian schoolgirl with dark hair and the typical short skirt stands off to the side looking meek but capable. Tom Cruise is holding a long, wooden staff at his side.
    Without warning the floor around the fireplace begins to rotate on a pivot, revealing a new chamber behind the fireplace. Barry and the Asian girl step off the rotating floor but Tom Cruise quickly examines the situation and drops his staff to prevent the panel from completely rotating and cutting off the group's entry.
    A distant light-source is visible from the next chamber and the light appears as though it does not come from a source of warmth. The light appears cold and bright, almost ethereal but not wavering. Just as everyone turns to look in that direction to see the interior of the room...the dream ends.

    It's a good first visit. I plan to try and incubate future visits.

    Lucid and Singing at 7-11 - 04/21/2013

    by melanieb on 04-21-2013 at 06:39 PM
    I'm not usually one to sing around people, at least not on my own, so when I found myself in the middle of a 7-11 singing along with the overhead music I became lucid. It's not uncommon for me to have music in my dream or sing inside my mind while in the grocery store but this is a new treat for me in a lucid dream and I go with it.

    The song I'm singing is All-Star by Smash Mouth, not my first choice for a musical number but apparently easy to remember. As I begin singing I start walking around the aisle, checking out my control and it occurs to me that I should make the most of this neat scene. I have always wanted a musical number in my dream and now I have one.

    As I finish the first stanza I slightly raise my arms and the dozen-plus people in the store all stop in place, shopping baskets in hand, and begin singing the chorus. It sounds really cool and I'm totally digging on making this happen.

    "All that glitters is goooolllddd! Only shootings stars break the mold!"

    I continue singing and I'm even impressed I can recall the words so easily. the novelty of singing in a dream isn't wearing off though I find I'm not so keen on my voice as the solo participant. Still, I keep singing as I slowly walk among the stock-still shoppers.

    "It's a cold place, and they say it gets colder
    You're bundled up now, wait 'til you get older
    But the media-men beg to differ
    Judging by the hole in the satellite picture."

    "The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
    The water's getting warm so you might as well swim
    My world's on fire, how 'bout yours?
    That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored."

    And again the people erupt into song and I'm thankful to blend in with the harmony.

    "Hey now, you're a rock-star
    Get the show on, get paid..."

    I don't know any of these people but it's funny watching them standing there like an awkward music video.

    "All that glitters is gooolllddd!"

    As they sing this part they raise their arms in the air and wiggle their fingers for emphasis. I can't help but smile. :)

    "Only shooting stars break the mo-o-ollld!"

    The song ends and I'm slightly glad the pressure is off. My throat feels dry and scratchy and I wake up, still smiling and feeling happy.

    I'm an All-Star! :D

    Updated 04-23-2013 at 06:47 PM by melanieb

    lucid , memorable , dream fragment

    04/11/2013 - How Lucid Dreams Work - 1st dream (lucid)

    by melanieb on 04-11-2013 at 07:06 PM
    I'm chatting lucidly with a male DC that seems to be almost otherworldly. He appears human but there's something more to him that I perceive as futuristic and knowledgeable.
    My surroundings are unimportant and appear to be contained within some misty cave, dark and foreboding, secretive, the kind of place where stuff like this happens.
    The man is dressed in white clothing and is holding a box to his chest, about 12 inches on a side and perhaps 7 inches thick. It appears to be internally illuminated and glows a light green color, though it is not transparent.
    The man explains to me that if I place my hand on the box then the patterns my hand makes will determine the kind of lucid dream I have. This isn't hand-reading technology but in fact responds to various patterns, and it's these patterns that control all kinds of dreaming.
    I place my hand on the box and the scenery around me shifts to a brilliant blue view of the ocean from cliffs. I flex my hand and it changes again to scenes from past dreams, odd-looking skies and places that don't exist.
    I want to step into one of these scenes but everything gets fuzzy and I wake up, needing to pee. :(
    lucid , dream fragment