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    SCPantera's Dream Journal

    Night of 9/13-9/14

    by , 09-14-2010 at 01:30 PM (405 Views)
    Two dream tonight, but unfortunately after waking from the first one I was way too tired to get up and write some notes. All I can remember now was a brief scene where I was up on MS5C (I recall walking down the northwest hallway of the wing towards and around the main nurse's station), only there was some other reason that I was there that had nothing to do with hospitals.

    In the longer dream, I was the leader of a group of fighters. There were maybe five or six of us staying in a room, but for some reason the room we were staying in was in the back of a biker gang's bar. Most of them left to pillage or something, but there was one that stayed behind; he burst into our room and started trying to attack us. There were more of us than him though, so we were able to hold him down and take turns beating him up. Somehow he managed to get loose and escape, just as the rest of the biker gang was returning. We were trying to figure out what to do now; one of our guys was small enough to get out the window, so we told him to go send word to our allies, but after he escaped he just waited outside for us to come out as well. The bikers managed to burst into the room again, but there was no immediate fighting. Instead, the leader came to the front and acted menacing. They grabbed one of my guys and were getting ready to torture him. We were hesitant to fight back at first, but as they were about to drive a nail through my comrade's hand I counterattacked. We all managed to fight our way to the door, despite overwhelming numbers of burly bikers, and we escaped and then scattered to regroup later to the north with our camp. I headed south at first, but then doubled back north to meet up with my group's camp (which was in kind of a swampy forest area), where we prepared a small force to invade southwards towards the area where the bikers' bar was.

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