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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. The Subway

      by , 12-15-2024 at 08:42 PM
      For the past week or so I’ve thought to resume my dream journey but I had not taken any steps forward until last night when I created a new account here on DV and read through an old dream journal. When I woke this morning with the baby around 3-5am and could not fall back to sleep per usual, I recited that old familiar mantra “I will dream and know that I am dreaming.”

      I received many fragments. I know one of which I was briefly lucid. I was in what appeared to be an underground subway. I knew I was underground, I knew this was a place where travelers found direction and there was a long hallway before me. It was particularly bright, as if there were light radiating from the walls. The walls were two toned. There were small square inch tiles, clean white on the bottom and iridescent blue on top. As I became lucid I tried to grab hold. I focused in on the details of the tiles. The blue shimmered as if it was alive, subtly dancing. It was a beautiful bright royal blue. I reached to touch and they were uniquely textured, rough like sandpaper but soft like sand. I woke again. Every time I woke I recited the mantra and fell back to sleep.

      Other fragments included more dreams about trying to measure my blood pressure in various stressful situations. RL I have struggled with medical anxiety due to several traumas over the past year and it has been the subject of my nightmares for the past few weeks which is one of the reasons I was drawn back here.

      Blurry. I dreamt I was at a party of sorts. The party goers were nurses. I made friends with them. I was at a table with several of them. One nurse spoke to me as if I was diagnosed with a terminal illness, confirming a lack of comorbidities and listing all the reasons I had to be grateful. She was kind and reassuring. I was confused. She thought I had cancer. Another nurse indicated to her that I did not. She looked embarrassed. I probably looked frightened. My husband beside me squeezed my hand.

      There was a large hill. Someone one was hurt at the bottom of it. I tried to help.

      I made more friends. We talked. We shared our vulnerabilities and laughed together. I felt lonely when I woke up.

      Updated 12-15-2024 at 08:48 PM by 103260

      lucid , dream fragment