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    1. The Mysterious Doctor

      by , 10-08-2013 at 02:27 AM
      DJ entry: (non-lucid)
      I was Bender, the robot character of the animated TV show Futurama, to some extent (as in, I might have just felt like him or actually been him, and all I know is that I associated him with myself in this dream in some way). I was in the middle of the ocean on a sunny day, and a black fishing boat drove by and sucked me in with its propellor, but I was holding a shirt which got caught in the motor and ended up jamming it. However, I knew that if I let go of the shirt, the propellor would unjam and kill me, but a doctor of some sorts wearing black clothes somehow made me appear in his office on the boat, and the propellor was now just an electric tooth brush with the shirt jammed in it, and he just took at the batteries.

      I remembered this faint snippet from another dream that night: My mom pulled into our driveway in her Ford Flex, and when she opened the door I noticed that the floor of it was covered in dead/wet grass, and I contemplated offering to clean it up for $15.
    2. Trampolines and Flaming Trashcans

      by , 10-07-2013 at 09:34 PM
      DJ entry: (non-lucid)
      Me and my 'friends' (I can't recall who they were, just that they were friends) were into doing tricks on trampolines in this situation, and we were practicing on some home-setup ones. Something caused me to want to start a fire, so I did so in a trashcan because I recall my family doing the same thing before (IRL I have not). I accidentally put the burning trashcan in the middle of the trampoline as my friends were jumping, however, it did not fall over. I removed it and placed it to the side of the trampoline. My dad appeared and put out the fire with a skateboarding-filming camera setup (GL2/MK2 for the film geeks) which could apparently spray water like a hose. He told me that it was a new trashcan. I was shocked because I thought it was the regular burning trashcan, and sincerely apologized and offered to buy him a new one, but he said it was fine and didn't seem angry at all.
    3. Alex Broskow Offroad Edit

      by , 10-06-2013 at 04:13 AM
      DJ Entry:
      I was at Woodward West Camp (as usual) and was filming a highly renowned rollerblader named Alex Broskow, except instead of skating the parks he wanted to make an 'off road' edit, where I would film him doing tricks as he skated down a mellow hill of grass. We began filming, and I was using a large 3CCD camcorder with a Raynox fisheye, and he was holding a Canon HDSLR with a Tamron 17-50mm and told me that he'd rather have the 3CCD camera so we switched. I started filming him doing tricks, and that was about all I can remember.