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    4 dreams in one night! :D

    by , 07-04-2012 at 05:14 PM (619 Views)
    The dream started off in the college near my friends house where I was trying to steal a bike which I successfully did. I just walked away with it. It was a nice bike too. I'm still not sure why I had to steal the bike though. Then I got back to my friends house and there were a bunch of huge spiders. Like...amazon jungle spiders. We had to get them out of the house. I couldn't get any of them because I was too afraid. But my friend who is deadly afraid of spiders was picking them up and throwing them outside like it was no big deal at all. That should have triggered a lucid dream because it was so inconceivably unrealistic. But it didn't. I freaked out and told him "You can't just throw spiders that big out the window. They will eat people!".

    The dream then changed. For some reason my uncle travis was there talkin to me about weed at a Lances groceries store. Then all of a sudden I was at my grandma's house. She told me that there was soda in the fridge so I went to get one. I found a root beer and started drinking it. It tasted SOOOOO awesome. My dad was there too. He then told me there was also a cream soda. I LOVE cream soda's. So I went in the fridge and grabbed the cream soda. It was in a neon yellow can. It was the best thing I've ever tasted in a dream or in reality. It was like I was drinking the nectar of the gods. My uncle travis gave them a bunch of soda, an entire bin full, for some reason. There was a bin in the fridge that contained some of the pop. They looked odd. Like...some walmart brand pop but the colors were so vibrant. I don't normally pay to much attention to colors since I'm colorblind but these colors just caught my eye. I remember my grandma laughing and saying something about "He has enough carbonation". My mom was also somehow involved but I can't really remember how.

    Then I was in an apocolyptic situation where I had to go through this apartment building/hospital in a city and search for materials. Before I left to go though, there was a woman who was following me around. She was very attractive, and she was very scared. I felt a very deep connection and love for this woman. I HAD to protect her. But the only way to protect her was to leave her behind. Going out and searching for things was dangerous. So I had to leave her there all alone. It hurt very badly to do that. Then I was off searching for things. The entire place was dimly lit, and it still looked in order. You'd never guess it was the apocalypse. I then found a room with some nice clothes that were in a bag. Like some one had packed it and left it there. They all fit me perfectly. I was going through them then all of a sudden some guy who was in charge of me found me and got mad. I tried to explain myself but he just got even more mad. I'm not sure what kind of apocolypse it was, but the whole thing felt ominous, and dangerous.

    In this last dream I had just got done smoking pot and I was just strolling around my old middle school being high. The thing is about me being there is that everyone I went to school with was there too. But we are all way to old to be in middle school. It was very strange. I was about to leave when these two guards looked at my shoes and brought me to the trailer. It was odd because a lot of my classmates were there too. They were going to search me so they made me take my pants off but nothing else. They did the same for everyone. No one in the room had pants on. Then I just had to sit around with no pants while this lady that looked like my old band teacher was harrassing everyone. There was one girl who I knew and she said she had some type of anxiety problems so she had pills with her to take. She started to freak out so she took some. She gave the rest to me and then the people took her to the back part of the trailer. So there I was stuck in this trailer with a couple of pills. I figured that they could help me out too, so I took one. It tasted AWESOME. I couldn't believe it. So I took another one. Then another, and another. Finally the bottle was all gone. I started to worry about what the effects would be after I realized I took every pill in that bottle. Nothing happened though. The people in the room were all wearing leather shoes like me. The school was singling out people with leather shoes for some reasonn. Then we all somehow managed to get outside of the trailer. I think the people who were searching us let us out for some fresh air. I remember stainding outside of the trailer that was somehow now in a trailer park talking about leather jackets for a bit. Then they let us go. Then I was walking on the walk way with a bunch of other people until it was just me and a few others. I still didn't have any pants on. When I got back to my house I explained to my dad what had happened and then we looked out the window in my kitchen and there was a woman that I know riding my little brothers electronic truck. My sister came out of nowhere and my Dad asked her why that woman was riding my brothers truck. My sister had no idea. I was about to say something to my dad but then my dad woke me up for breakfast.

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    1. paigeyemps's Avatar
      Ooooh that's really good recall! And dream food --- AMAZING, RIGHT?! nice job sn0wy