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    1. Day 8- 6/18/11

      by , 06-19-2011 at 04:23 AM
      I am doing math problems at a Nazi labor camp. (I have no idea what was going on there, but I wrote it down so it must have happened. Weird.)
      Scene Change.
      I am at some sort of sports facility where middle schoolers would have their birthday party. I see an old friend of mine, Dallas, and his family. I ask them how they're doing with a smile, and notice the setting has changed to a funeral. They are deeply grieving for the loss of his mother's sister. His father wants to talk to me in a separate room. I enter, and he disappears. Here I become lucid, and for the first time it is actually pretty vivid and stable. Unfortunately, the ceilings were too low to fly, and I was kind of trapped. I got too excited, and woke up. It was the longest I have been lucid so far, and the most vivid.
      memorable , lucid
    2. Day 7- 6/17/11

      by , 06-19-2011 at 04:17 AM
      I am on the way back from some sort of sporting event with my Dad. We got into a minor fender bender. We stopped at a restaurant and they gave us free root beer because it was Memorial Day.
      Scene change.
      I am drinking in a bar with my friend Elijah who is disguised as a secret detective. I somehow owe him 150 pets. (How do I even pay that?)
      dream fragment
    3. Day 6- 6/15/11

      by , 06-19-2011 at 04:14 AM
      Me, my brother and my parents are at an unidentified ski lodge. Me and my brother argue Borders vs Barnes and Noble. (I have no idea what exactly there is to argue about, but I sided with Borders, which is odd because I actually prefer Barnes and Noble.)
      Scene change.
      My friend John works at a Coke factory. I knock over a bottle, and go to get a towel. I somehow end up in a BlockBuster store, and my friend Adam shows me his favorite Zelda movies. (None of them actually exist, they had Link and Luigi on the cover. How I did not become lucid here is beyond me.) Then I walk back to the factory, and John already cleaned up the mess. He says I owe him 5$.
    4. Day 5- 6/14/11

      by , 06-19-2011 at 04:09 AM
      I was playing at some music festival as a trio with my brother Ellis and our friend Tyler. (I play bass, brother guitar, friend drums.) Ellis and Tyler argue about not knowing songs, and I talk with another friend of mine, Elijah, about the Safety Dance.
      dream fragment
    5. Day 4- 6/13/11

      by , 06-19-2011 at 04:05 AM
      I am in English class, and a substitute teacher yells at a classmate of mine who always quotes Shakespeare.
      Somehow I end up in an unidentified computer lab, taking a Math final with people who aren't in my class. I distinctly remember my actual math teacher. We don't really do anything.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Day 3- 6/12/11

      by , 06-19-2011 at 04:02 AM
      My friend Elijah and I walked downstairs into the kitchen. I saw a commercial for what I thought was a Nintendo remake of the N64 (An earlier discussion of me and Elijah in real life), but turned out to be some dumb special edition magazine thing. He mentions a party at his friend's house. (Note this passive control). I say "Oh, doesn't he live next door?". He thinks, and says yes. (Once I awoke I realized that his friend does not live even close to next door.) I see my parents, and the four of use walk into the park.
      Here the scene changes.

      I am now sitting in the back passenger's seat of an SUV. My parents (Who knows where Elijah went) say they will be back in a second. I see my Dad's friend drive by and wave. Then, a middle aged man I've never seen before jumps in and starts the car. He floors the gas, and I try to yell but nothing comes out. When he finally slows down for a little at a red light, I barrel roll out of the car. He heard me take of my seat belt, and leaps after me. Here I become lucid, and lose a good amount of vividness. The last thing I remember was facing him in comic book style fashion. I did a nose plug RC and woke up.