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    This is my first dream journal entry I will post past dreams as well if you guys would like :)

    by , 09-10-2012 at 01:11 AM (434 Views)
    I had several dreams last night ( Like usual) I will try to put them in the right order so they make more sense the best as possible.

    Where I remember from, I was sitting in my current house with my roommate Lauren in her room. My house was already a pretty good size for a rental but in the dream it was unbelievably huge. We were talking about the part of the house that we didnt often venture into (the part that doesn't actually exist), she was going off on how that portion of the house was haunted and had an evil feel to it the regular part of the house was well lit by natural lighting but the other side was a grey color and very uninviting. At this point the dream jumped to me being in the dreary part of the house and my mother having me make food for a large party coming to celebrate something. This part of my dream was actually rather boring and mostly had to do with stress and anxiety so i will move on to where the next, more interesting dream begins. This first dream had really no lucid aspect to it.

    This is where I jumped into my next dream, I was in some sort of huge building, all the walls were white and I was with a few people, i'm not quite sure what we were doing. We discovered that this evil being was coming to kill us so we ran down the tile floors and found this hideout in the ceiling in a room. The guy still found us and proceeded to try and kill me. He had brown hair and intense eyes, he was tall and built like a bull (broad shoulders tall and muscular). As he is about to attack me, a handsome man came to my rescue. He made a fatal blow to the assailant and he deteriorated into nothing. I was super relieved but within seconds a quicksilver looking substance began to form his body and he came back to life. Once he was fully formed the silver turned back into his original form. At this point we retreated and my savior, and friends ran with me into a giant room with grey chairs that seemed to be used for conferences or lectures. We were trying to decide what to do and I asked if we had any weapons. They jokingly handed me a silver butterknife which was satirical because it seemed all was lost. At this point I decided that I could create a better weapon (I was semi-lucid at this point) I used the silver of the butter knife and added some metals that I created from mid air. It took several tries, the first couple ending with swords that looked like children's toys more than a weapon, (Blue plastic looking handle with studs on it and a fake silver looking blade, etc) until I was able to create a regal looking sword that shown brightly of silver and gold. It had an interesting shaped blade that started out thin grew larger and ended in a curved on one side and a straight on top blade with a very sharp tip. It was a beautiful piece of work.

    I did not have the opportunity to use the sword at this point because the scene changed to a place where the twisted almost dead looking, old witch woman were trying to coax me into getting a shot with these ugly yellow-orange syringes that they held. I knew they held a fatal poison and if I was to be touched with the small sharp tip, I would be killed. These women represented the fates (I am in a mythology class and obviously the stories are affecting me haha), their nasty grey wrinkled skin black squinty eyes and sharp rotted and yellow teeth snarled and mocked me. At this point Zeus came to my rescue in human form, he was not the huge muscular form that I am used to but in a slim, tall, athletic man, with golden locks about four inches long, and a very handsome face. He took me from the fates' grasp and we went into a room which happened to be in the house in the other dream. ( The first dream)

    Oddly, then I reverted back to the first dream and had to serve my family members around a huge long table that had to have held at least 200 people. That is where the interesting part of my dream ends.

    I had a few more dreams about making vegetables and stuff but nothing really of substance last night. I hope the randomness and jumping around wasn't too much to handle I don't often write down my dreams so I could use a little practice telling them!
    Xanous likes this.

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