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    1. Bad choices, I apparently made?

      by , 07-13-2015 at 06:32 AM
      This dream tossed me into some stressful situations that were results of my bad choices but the weird part is I never actually made the mistakes...I was just thrown into the aftermath and left to deal with the consequences.

      I walk outside of my house straight towards my car. I'm startled to see my new car covered in rust spots all over the hood and along the top. I panic and think how it looks like shit. Am I supposed to tell my insurance? Then I realize oh no I've made a horrible mistake...this isn't my car. There was a mix up when I was at the store earlier apparently. I must of drove the wrong car home thinking it was mine bc it looked just like it (how did I overlook that rust?) I start to think about how I'm going to sort this out.

      I'm then instantly thrown into a even worse situation.

      All of a sudden I'm looking at my tablet browsing some website, then I look up and holly $#!t I'm driving!

      I quicky tried to get the car under control. I was so angry at myself why was I doing that? So stupid I almost wrecked...what the hell was I thinking? I look around, I'm so lost. I'm on a road out in the desert. How long was I driving like that and how many wrong turns did I take? I wonder.

      I'm trying to navigate to any clues of my location so I can make it home but I'm swerving all over the road. Oh no...I'm drunk too! I'm so wasted. I wonder to myself how the hell have I not wrecked yet? So irresponsible. I have to get home now.

      It keeps getting worse..

      I look in my review mirror and see a car and behind that car is a cop car. I think about pulling over to the shoulder and letting it pass but decide not to because it's too suspicious.

      I do my best to get it together and drive right. It works well for a little bit until I look back again to check on that cop. It's way back everything is fine I think. Then I look straight ahead and notice I over shot a turn and was now driving down a intersection on the wrong side. Damn it!

      As expected the cop hits the lights and races towards me. I pull over. I know the gig is up. I think about the expensive dui I'm about to get.

      I wake up. So relieved that wasn't real!
    2. Lucid Nap

      by , 07-05-2015 at 10:41 PM
      I took a nap today and was going for a wild but dozed off like always.

      I don't remember where I was when I became lucid, pretty sure I was outside. I was losing it the second I realized what was going on. I did the spin around and around to save it which did seem to work.

      I'm now standing in a yard. It's daytime...it's on a property I lived at growing up. I fly around but it's really hard to go any higher than floating a couple feet off the ground. I try harder and send myself way up into the air in one gust. I did that because for one I wanted to get on top of the church next to my old house. I had looked at that church for many years but could never see the top of it. It was flat with a brick trim so it was a big mystery.... in my dream I really wanted to see what it looked like up there. The other reason I launched myself so high in one shot was bc I knew I would have to learn to fly good now or crash hard.

      As soon as I flew up I went straight down. I thought I was going to crash and lose the dream. I grabbed the edge of the roof on my way down and climbed onto the roof. Finally I can see what it looks like..

      I walk around on the rooftop, it's just a flat roof black with dried tar. It was very realistic I'm sure it looks just like that in real life.

      I wonder since I can't fly how will I get down? It's just a dream I don't care if I fall hard! I jump long distances from rooftop to rooftop.

      I finally land and walk across a empty grass lot. I try to remember some tasks or goals or something to do but I can only remeber the ones I already did.

      I talked to a man walking his dog. I tried to have a conversation with his dog. It never talked and I started petting it and got distracted.

      Updated 07-05-2015 at 10:44 PM by 81263
