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    Book of Dreams


    by , 06-16-2016 at 01:57 PM (294 Views)
    I had several dreams last night but only managed to record one of them.

    I was walking home with someone I have never met IRL, but in my dream I think he was an acquaintance, and we were talking about a band he was in. He wanted me to see the band perform, or listen to their album or something. I told him I definitely would, but I got the impression he had asked me this before and I hadn't, or something. He just seemed like he didn't believe me. Eventually, we got to his place and said goodnight. He went inside, and I began walking home to my apartment. Somehow I ended up taking a back way that I never have before, and I remember fumbling with my keys, getting a very nervous feeling. As I got closer to home, I became actually frightened, but there was no immediate threat or anything, just a feeling I had. I realized I went down the wrong street, and reached a dead end, so I turned around. Eventually I got onto a street where my building was on, but it was the back, and somehow I didn't recognize the building and passed it, but when I looked back I realized this and ran up to the back door (my building IRL has no such back entrance, but you know how dreams are). I realized there was a refrigerator on the back lawn. I passed it and went to unlock the door, but thought, "I better make sure this refrigerator is locked," and pulled out a key. I locked the lawn refrigerator and the proceeded to enter the building. The back door led directly into my kitchen (even though I live on the 3rd floor), and when i got inside, I noticed there were christmas lights set up all over the apartment. This was not shocking to me in the dream, however. These must have always been there. I was still feeling scared, so I began shutting all the blinds to the apartment. In the living room, my roommate's grandparents were arguing about something. In the dream, it became clear to me that they lived with us and always have. I asked what they were talking about, and the grandma told me that there was a dead mouse on the stairs, and no one had taken care of it. 4 months ago, she saw it and it had startled her and she fell down the stairs. This is when I woke up.

    I realize that in my dreams, there are a lot of facts that aren't true, but in my dream I just know the background story, like how I knew I had a key to this mysterious fridge, or the fact that it was Christmas time and my roommates grandparents lived with me. It's like the dream gives you instant background knowledge. I need to figure out a way to document these facts in the DJ without having to explain the whole situation. Maybe after reading some other members' DJ's I'll figure out a way to distinguish these "dream facts", but if anyone is reading this, do you experience these same understood "dream facts" in your dreams? and how do you document them in your DJ?

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