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    Second Lucid Dream; Attempting A Few Things

    by , 09-09-2011 at 07:54 PM (559 Views)
    I'm not going to put the colour code in mainly because it was quite confusing, so bear with me if it is.

    I dream that I am wondering around my driveway. It's raining really hard, and amazingly, I can
    actually FEEL the rain hitting me. I realise I'm dreaming because of how I told myself that I
    would lucid dream, and then I became lucid. Straight away, I looked at my hands. This time,
    remembering how I couldn't read my right hand, I decided to count both of them properly.
    I count about 8 on my left, and about like 9 on my right. Next, I remember what I wanted to do
    in a lucid dream, so I get my index finger, and push it gently through my left palm. It feels really
    strange, but it actually just slips right through, although it feels like I'm putting my finger in a
    hole or something. Then, I say to myself: "WAIT! Before I wake up, let me try and do something
    before I wake up" so I realise it's raining, and it's starting to annoy me now, so I try and make it
    stop raining. I snap my fingers, and briefly it stops raining...but probably because I can't actually
    snap my fingers, soon it starts again. I get pissed off, so I try again but it doesn't do anything.
    I go back to my back garden, and I see a blue crate. I try to pick it up with my hands using some
    telekienis powers, but it doesn't work. I think that when I try, it lightly moves a little, but then
    it just falls back down, also I think it had blue sparks coming off it when I pick it up. I then got
    really angry and then lost lucidity, and started another dream which I cannot recall.

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    Updated 09-09-2011 at 09:43 PM by 49757

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening


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      Hey umm how do I edit the DJ?
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    2. Geodae's Avatar
      Click the "My DJ" link on the dark blue bar near the top of the screen, and when you mouse over the titles of your entries (NOT the title of your entire dream journal, just the specific dream) a pencil should pop up. Click on it. There you go! Let me know if you still need help
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      Dude, thanks man! I've edited it out.