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    Insane flying and swallowing tiger totem dream

    by , 12-27-2011 at 12:37 AM (358 Views)
    I was struggling to fly, when I realized that if I'm dreaming, I don't need to flap my arms to fly as dreamspace is not bound by earthly physics. I then told my friend who was having a picnic "Watch this Ruthy", and proceeded to take off and fly just by sheer willpower. Actually, more like ironman by directing the force through my hands.

    I was becoming increasingly lucid as I skimmed across the lawn, and began to marvel at the terrain and HD quality of my surrounds. I followed a zig-zag railing along a building till I came to the end of the building overlooking a peninsula of land jutting out to the sea.

    I decided that I would meditate, so sat down cross legged and waited. I presently noticed a pane of glass in front of me, and reasoned that if there is glass there must be a reflection. I became aware of my reflection, crystal clear, and realized with amazement that my eyes were huge, glowing emerald green, and my pupils were that of a tiger. I wondered what it meant and thought perhaps it was a portend of a tiger arriving. Moments later a shadow fell across the doorway, and an enormous head peered round the door. The tiger looked one way, and then the other, seemingly deciding what to do. I wasn't sure whether to be frightened, but as it looked away from me, I leaned forward and kissed it. The tiger had a bewildered look on its face, and with my lips pressed firmly against its soft fur, I started sucking. As I drew in my breath, the tiger grew thinner, and shrunk, till with a final look of shock it disappeared within me.

    As I tardily regained consciousness, my chest felt like it was expanding, and continued expanding till well beyond my physical body! I had this sensation once before, when I awoke the first time after saying a mantra.
    Dreamprofesser likes this.

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