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    Sick dreams (literally)

    by , 01-20-2011 at 07:45 PM (394 Views)
    I'm sick with a cold atm, so i've slept most of the days and i have had several dreams, but weren't really the mood to write all of them, but i got one of them written down:

    I work at a office. My work is in a game of some sort and it's really really fun. I'm at the job with my friends and gets everything done very fast and i think i actually get addicted at some point.

    I had several dreams about pretty much the same thing. I always have this sort of dream when i have a cold. I seem very restless and everything goes on very fast, i'm not sure what's happening and it's generally just very weird.

    I also remember playing old N64 games and really want to get a Nintendo 64.

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