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    1. Return Of Lucidity

      by , 05-27-2012 at 04:21 PM
      After a few non-lucid dreams I found myself in my hallway with my brother, completely aware that I was dreaming. I was doing backflips with him, trying to achieve the perfect flip. I was telling him about how I wouldn't be able to do a backflip if this wasn't a dream. I then tried flipping the dream world as I tried a backflip and it really helped my landing. After a while it finally hit me... I'm lucid dreaming! How could I control the dream world let alone know I was dreaming and still not even realize it...?

      So I charged out of my house, super excited, yelling and screaming out to everyone, telling them that I'm dreaming. I took flight across my road to my neighbor's house from my last dream. It was a very awkward flight though, I was spinning around uncontrollably. I used to have this problem a lot as a kid. Kinda scary and very annoying. Anyway, I decided to go on the hunt for a girl...

      Any nice-girl would do. I walked in a house and saw a few people including a girl I thought was alright. I walked up some stairs and saw my neighbor from the last dream. Despite being a very nice guy in waking life, he seemed a little angry in the last dream and this must have passed onto this dream too. He was yelling at me to keep away from his daughter (he doesn't actually have one in waking life). He then shut the door to this little workshop he was in. I tried locking the door with magic so he couldn't come out. Not sure if it worked, but I pretended it did and walked off to do the exact opposite of what he told me to do.

      So I was hanging around for a bit and got too shy to say anything to her so I walked out of the house (which was also somewhat of a shop). Then I thought "No, this is my dream, there's nothing to be scared or shy of!" so I went back inside and asked her to come for a walk with me. She misunderstood and gave me her three younger siblings to take for a walk. Damn! However I left them at another neighbor's house instead.

      A few things happened and I then found myself chilling in the house/shop again, munching on deliciously crispy food while wondering how I could get her. Then these two older guys grabbed her and tried to take her somewhere! I took this as a great opportunity to be her hero. So I walked up to one of them and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and I grabbed his shirt and sent him flying across the room with one arm. I stood there feeling all awesome and thinking of how impressed the girl would be and how scared the other bad guy would be, but then my brother, who sleeps in the room next to mine, opened his loud ass door in waking life and woke me straight up...

      I tried to go back into the dream but ended up in a non-lucid dream about something else. Oh well. Still had fun!

      Updated 05-27-2012 at 04:27 PM by 54992

    2. Fragmentations

      by , 05-20-2012 at 08:36 AM
      Let's see... I'm going to start off with random fragments here;

      I dreamed I was playing a Majora's Mask MMO Beta that Blizzard was making and I got in trouble for using cheats to hover around.

      I also dreamed I was hanging out with friends and family when this gang turned up. They weren't causing any trouble but they usually do. I pulled out a sawed-off shotgun from the boot of a car and was pretending they were in front of me and I was pointing it at them. Just in case they did start getting rowdy. Then I checked to see if it was loaded and it was! I tried to put it back but the barrel went all funny and I got scared thinking it was gonna go off (they're loud as absolute f***).

      Then I followed this guy home who was trying to get with these girls. Actually he was in my own house, but somehow it was his.

      Minor fragments include skinning stuff in World of Warcraft and finding inflatable instruments in a shop.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Diet School

      by , 05-19-2012 at 08:47 AM
      So I went back to sleep after my lucid dream and had a pretty vivid albeit non-lucid dream. I went to a school that was kind of a competition where you'd get points based on what you eat, do, and for some reason, the weight of your car. When I signed up an old man from a movie (not sure if Christopher Walken or someone else) showed me around. I got out some food that we enjoyed, but he told me not to eat it near this little house thing because the teachers in there have good hearing and will get angry if we eat out of class, especially since it wasn't ultra-healthy food. Anyway, I went to the school and done a few tasks and stuff. I was trying to be goody two-shoes when a rather pretty girl came up to me. She had shortish dark red hair. She kind of looked... cool. And interesting. Anyway she offered me five bucks to find a bag of crisps and have the old man from before eat it in front of the thingy with the teachers in it to distract them while she does something. It was to help her friend with a boyfriend or something. Then she offered me ten bucks because I wasn't really persuaded.

      But then I thought why the hell not. For once I'll be the badass that doesn't follow the rules. I thought I'd be like Mello from Death Note. Anyway, I accepted, and got the crisps in a well pulled off sneaky manner. Then I "saved" the dream like a game and gave the crisps to her, but some janitor stole the chips and was running for the teachers to tell them we had food in class. He was running as fast as anyone has ever run before. We kept fighting over the crisps. Then he couldn't help himself and started eating them...

      Eventually we got caught, so I went back to where I "saved" the dream and tried something else. A few tries later we finally escaped the many people who seemed to want to randomly encounter us while we had the crisps then tell the teachers about it. We drove in a car around this cliff. A crazy and dangerous ride later we ended up in this huge crater like thing that was filled with water and a jet ski. It was so fun to ride in! Then there was a house with a frog inside. It was his home. People would go there to get a special lime drink from him. We both entered and got a drink and ice cream. I also saw some premade jelly mix and decided to start making some jelly so next time me and the girl come back we can have some jelly too. Kinda like a date.

      The sad thing is, the dream turned out to be similar to a video game. Once we completed our task, we were destined to get kidnapped. I was going to break free but wouldn't see her until much longer when I collect all the stones and fight the last boss or whatever was going to happen. She was so fun to hang around with and all I wanted was for everything to be normal so we could hang around and get into more fun adventures together. Then the dream kinda ended. Maybe I'll see her again. I hope I can summon her in a lucid dream! We could be dream friends. Aweshum.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. First Lucid in a While!

      by , 05-19-2012 at 02:27 AM
      I must have had lots of REM because I've only been asleep for 5 hours and recall quite a bit. The non-lucid dream before involved a party. It also involved driving, speeding and swerving through a very odd, almost futuristic construction site to get to the other side several times. I was with my brother. I also saw my friend who didn't see me. We followed him for a while and he took a random dump while hanging off these two bars. Disgusting. Oh yeah, I also accidentally said something offensive around another friend (who doesn't exist in real life), and it took two or three tries but I rewound the dream and kept my mouth shut. I knew I was in a dream but failed to really realize WTF was going on and become lucid. I guess I was more worried about making everything better between us.

      Anyway, skip a bit, and we were finally going home. Unfortunately home was about 6 hours away so we started driving. I fell asleep in the car (in my dream) and had another short dream. Then when I woke up I was like "Are we there yet?" but no, my brother decided to stop an hour into the trip and stay somewhere. Very annoying. I saw a shop with lots of Zelda stuff in it though and wanted to go the next day. Anyway, my brother took me to some resort with lots of girls and stuff. Then, as I was sitting there not doing much, I looked at my hand. Where's the R I usually write on there? (I didn't do it much yesterday). Then I thought "This feels like a dream. RC time!". After about 10 failed reality checks I wouldn't take no for an answer, so I kept on trying with nose plugging, finger through palm and finger checking...

      Then I pictured the member flipsyde. Or more so a picture of some weed dude smoking. And thought about what he once said "I usually start killing people and if the cops show up its not a dream...". For just a moment I thought it was a pretty good idea. Anyway, after much trying my finger started going through my palm. Hooray!

      But, instead of an awesome resort, my dream reverted to me being in my house. Oh well. I ran into my living room and started dancing with my cats. Not usually something I'd do but I don't know. Maybe when the time actually comes to be lucid I just get a little crazy? Anyway, I was dancing, rubbing my hands, crawling around on the floor (a technique I learned here). I was moaning in extacy at the realistic feelings of everything (purposely exaggerated for fun)... Then I tried to spin and appear somewhere else but it only slightly changed the objects in my house. Then my brother wanted to watch a movie. Everything seemed pretty real so I actually started questioning if I was in a dream or not now. But I soon got rid of that thought and found myself rolling on the floor moaning like an idiot again, but it was all good. Then I finally decided to take a stroll outside and test my reality by busting into a neighbor's house. I walked outside and saw that it was morning. It was supposed to be night. And the neighbor's husband had a big fire going outside for fun. I felt better outside. More free and whatnot. As I was walking I tried to make a scary demon appear for a moment, which is extremely stupid because I did NOT want one to appear, but that's how I am. I will tempt things like that for a moment. Anyway, nothing appeared. I kept walking and started feeling just a touch off. I saw some grass where the road was supposed to be and planned to touch it to regain my conscious but just as I tried to do that I found myself wide awake. It felt like I had plenty of stability in my dream. I wasn't phasing out much, I just... boom. Awoke.

      I done a RC in case but nothing, so here I am now. It wasn't a very good dream, but it's definitely something. A start. My techniques are starting to work. Maybe next time I'll do something a little more interesting!
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Bank Robbery

      by , 05-17-2012 at 04:11 PM
      I can't remember what happened before, but I'm at my house and I find out my parents are robbing a bank. Somehow I can see through the security cameras a bit. Anyway, my parents get home with $300K. I'm fretting, thinking the cops are gonna turn up any second. Then I find out this crazy guy was in the bank going nuts with a gun before all this happened so I was hoping the cops would go after him instead. Then I start listening to Wammy's theme from Death Note. I'm not sure if I'm playing this on the guitar I got from my previous dream or not. I'm 80% sure the answer is no, but not certain. Anyway, that's what happened. I think I need better dream recall...
    6. Fragments and a Guitar

      by , 05-16-2012 at 09:46 PM
      Edit: I remember finding out what movies were coming out in 2014. Among them was the US version of Death Note. Light Yagami was going to be played by some guy called Roe Bryan I think...? It was Roe something anyway.

      I'm in a shop, and I must remember to go to a new pet store in town after! However I soon find myself in a strange world where I owe my sister $5000. I might go kill some monsters and sell the loot to a merchant. Actually there's a strange guy that's always slapping his knees at Hyrule Market. I heard he buys fish for $500 a pop. I might do that! But now I'm finding myself in an Op-shop. I find a bass guitar in bad condition. The cords are especially bad. It's $15, so I'll buy it.

      So I'm practicing with it. Now I'm suddenly rocking Zelda's Lullaby better than it's probably even possible in real life. Now I'm playing Light's theme from Death Note, which is going perfectly. But wait, now I'm in a shopping mall? There's a black guy from America telling me about some Super Street Fighter tournament. Sounds interesting, but I wanna play some more guitar first. Whoops, can't do that, I'm awake now. Oh well.

      Updated 05-20-2012 at 08:38 AM by 54992

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. SP and Cacti

      by , 05-15-2012 at 08:47 AM
      A few different things happened, but I forgot some things. I'm very tired throughout the dream, falling into SP when I try to go to sleep. I'm at my oldest brother's house with Dave Turnbull (the guy known as Nintendo3DS on YouTube). Somehow he is related to me (I think this is because he was the owner of a forum I used to go to long ago. While he wasn't around all that often, we were all a very close community *sniff*). Anyway, I follow him around and somehow find myself at this woman's house. She's showing us her many plants in her front yard. The vast majority of them are different types of Cacti. Then something about an iPhone app...

      This dream had a few awakenings, many of which were probably false. I also awoke in SP (false awakening I believe it to be). It wasn't bad. Nothing really scary happened, but I decided to try to snap myself out of it just to see if I could. But yeah. Hopefully I can get somewhere if I keep up this Dream Journal stuff, eh? Maybe learn not be so afraid of SP too.
      non-lucid , false awakening