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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. SP and Cacti

      by , 05-15-2012 at 08:47 AM
      A few different things happened, but I forgot some things. I'm very tired throughout the dream, falling into SP when I try to go to sleep. I'm at my oldest brother's house with Dave Turnbull (the guy known as Nintendo3DS on YouTube). Somehow he is related to me (I think this is because he was the owner of a forum I used to go to long ago. While he wasn't around all that often, we were all a very close community *sniff*). Anyway, I follow him around and somehow find myself at this woman's house. She's showing us her many plants in her front yard. The vast majority of them are different types of Cacti. Then something about an iPhone app...

      This dream had a few awakenings, many of which were probably false. I also awoke in SP (false awakening I believe it to be). It wasn't bad. Nothing really scary happened, but I decided to try to snap myself out of it just to see if I could. But yeah. Hopefully I can get somewhere if I keep up this Dream Journal stuff, eh? Maybe learn not be so afraid of SP too.
      non-lucid , false awakening