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    A Trip to the Underworld

    by , 07-07-2012 at 07:00 PM (645 Views)
    This dream is extremely cool but it gets a little scattered in parts so bare with me..

    It all starts with me deciding to take a trip to south Africa to help needy people. I remember wondering where i was going to get the money to do it in the dream. I was standing in front of all of my friends and family. Even some co workers were there. I asked everyone that wanted to go with me to raise their hands. One of my friends/ co workers raised her hand in excitement and I said she could go. We were both ecstatic and the next thing I knew we were on a one way flight to south Africa. There were alot of people on the plane getting off at our stop. The plane itself opened up and a white water slide flew out and we were expected to slide down it, straight into the middle of the jungle. I remember being angry that my bags were getting wet and being very unsure of the method of getting us to the jungle. I noticed the humidity straight away. I saw snakes in trees. I saw a crocodile in a lake in the distance. At the bottom of the slide there was a hungry tiger waiting to devour everyone that slid down it. I screamed for everyone to run back up the slide and there was a massive panic as we all started to scramble back up it. It was extremely difficult to try and manouver up the slippery, steep slide.

    The dream breaks off into something seemingly unrelated but the two parts come together to almost make sense in the end.

    I now have the point of view of a man in a masked red and black suit. He is riding down an endless highway in a convertible car. His peaceful ride is interrupted by the hulk smashing in the front of the car. He goes flying out and lands in the middle of the road. The hulk is accompanied by and evil woman. They both approach with an obvious agenda. The woman kneels down and demands for the man to hand over his right of passage. He insists that he lost it and she threatened to harm his family. He said he could get it back but the have to send him to the nether realm to get it. They had to kill him.

    The next thing I remember is being in a very strange dimension. Everywhere was very dark. It seemed like the air around all the objects was dark red. You could only see dark shadows and silhouettes of everything. You couldn't see detail on anything until you were very close to it. It looked like an endless, red desert. It felt very lonely and desperate even. All of a sudden, the hulk came falling out of the sky and landed right in front of the man. He demanded that he take him to get the right of passage and that he was there to ensure that he came out with it. I don't remember how they got there or where they were exactly but they were somewhere on a hill in the underworld surrounded by large stone structures. In the middle of the stone hinge looking things, there was a platform with a ticket on it. I could tell it was the right of passage. The man took it and handed it over to the hulk and he left. The man was left there alone until... I came along to save the day!!! That's right. I was there too! (guess I didn't make it up the slide)

    I noticed the man walking around and I somehow knew the way out of the underworld. I wanted to help and the next thing I know, the man and I are cruising through the underworld in a convertible, headed towards the exit. He was so ecstatic and he was thanking me over and over for helping him escape so he could go home to his family. He offered me the money to get home from Africa when I got out so I could go home to mine. We were driving towards a huge tornado looking portal when I woke up..
    Camo likes this.

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    non-lucid , memorable


    1. Camo's Avatar
      I love this dream adventure. It must have been very interesting to see all those animals waiting to eat people.
      I can't imagine all those vicious creatures staring people with their twinkling eyes lol.
      The hulk part is funny as well. Was he green like in a comic book?
    2. Tristen's Avatar
      Yes he was green and I forgot to mention he also had a little hulk baby with him LOL it was so cute. It looked just like him. It was very fun!
    3. Camo's Avatar
      Hulk baby.... I'm thinking of a dragon right now... ^^
      Tristen likes this.