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    Username's phantasmagoric dream journal of psychedelic delirium

    Canyon trials?

    by , 12-08-2011 at 03:28 AM (552 Views)
    I was in a giant canyon that had a blue and green tint to it. There were a lot of pine trees that were that same color, but no pine needles or leaves on the ground. Come to think of it, it was perfectly clean for being outdoors. I was part of some sort of trials or competition. I was in a group of about four other people like me and one who mediated the challenges. The way it worked was if you out did everyone you were with you moved on to a group of other people in other groups that did the same, like a tournament I suppose... I beat everybody at what we were doing and moved on, or perhaps I stumbled the next group up, I'm not sure. Anyway I was about to begin the next set of obstacles but I woke up. I can't recall any challenges I needed to do specifically besides maneuvering inside of a house/tree built into the side of a hill, but that's it. There was a women inside with me, I don't know if I was competing against her or if she had something to do with the challenge.
    I wish I remembered more of this dream because it was really interesting

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