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    Dream #1: Shadow Escapes My New House

    by , 04-23-2014 at 09:44 PM (377 Views)
    My parents and I had just moved into a new house. My mom's schedule got changed at work, so I was supposed to be watching over the house for the night, which would be something I'd normally be afraid of, but in my dream I wasn't.

    I can't remember exactly happened, but sometime during the evening I'm pretty sure my dg (the one in my picture) got loose. I scrambled out of my house and got in my dad's truck. I was terrible at driving, per usual, so I ended up just going into a big circle. Somehow Shadow (my dog) appeared in the back seat, so I thought nothing of it and drove in another big circle back into the driveway.

    So Shadow and I go back into the house where the other two are sitting. As I'm making my way into the bathroom, I notice that a door to a bedroom we don't really use is open. I brush it off, thinking it's the wind and then the dream faded.

    Things that stand out:
    • My mom uses the truck, so I couldn't have driven it in reality
    • I lived in a house that I didn't know
    • Shadow randomly appeared in the truck

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    Tags: dogs, new house
