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    1. NOT October 2013 Task of the month

      by , 10-27-2013 at 01:33 AM
      I tried a WILD today for the first time 8 months. the results were mixed, but I succeeded kinda.

      I'm sitting in the reclining chair I fell asleep in not aware that I am already asleep. I create the feeling that I'm spinning to help me realize I'm asleep. I stand and look around everyone that was in the rooms still is, but I know I'm asleep. I'm not very deep though and it's hard to interact with them. I fly across the room(literally, I've always found flying easy) and try to fly through the window out into the world as usual, but I can't get through. I think this is because the world was very... Fuzzy for lack of a better term. I try to trick or treat a few people for the task of the month, but barely any of them respond.I get a someone to look at me, and she gives me something(It was something, that was nothing. I knew it was there but it had no form).

      Updated 10-27-2013 at 01:37 AM by 58948 (Thought the task was to trick or treat, but that was last year.)
