, 12-13-2010 at 08:06 PM (605 Views)
...That night I had two dreams.
Dream 1: I was some kind of a secret agent and I was in the car with some other man. Then we started chasing some guy. Then my dream had fade out. It was about 3 o'clock. I went back to bed.
Dream 2: In my school some game became popular over night. It was like round table with green and red light. I was good at it. That day was a tournament in that game. It was in some other city. In the last moment I stepped in the bus, and then, I started to watch my dream from 3rd person. I knew that I cannot watch myself from 3rd person and I did a reality check. I pinched my nose but I kept breathing. Then I figured out that I was dreaming. I was like: OMG, THIS IS MY FIRST LUCID DREAM!!! Then for some reason I saw a picture of a jungle and I heard creapy music. I saw some text and i only recognized something like ''Press X''. I tried to wake up because music was freaking me out.Then I heard drums and I oppened my eyes. It was about 07:30 o'clock...