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    1. Night 10 (8/18-19/10)

      by , 08-19-2010 at 10:44 PM
      I woke up and could only remember vague feelings in my dreams, which soon slipped away. Irritating to say the least, but I really wasn't intent enough last night as I was tired from a very long day at work.
      side notes
    2. Night 9 (8/17-18/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 09:39 PM
      I was working at Office Depot, and before my shift was to start I was given a scratch-off card because the company was giving out some money in a sweepstakes to its employees, and told to scratch it off when I was ready. So, I walked outside the door, and took a look at it. Apparently the max amount one could win was 7 million!!! So I got kind of excited at this point and daydreamed(daydreaming in a dream.....mind boggling) about getting that 7 million. I scratched it off, and the amount of money I won was 7,128 dollars! Nowhere near 7 million, but it would buy the car I was saving up for! I ran inside to tell my manager, and she told me to log on and get to work and that the amount would be transferred to my bank account. So I went to the computer, and when I tried to login the computer got glitchy. Now, it is normal for the computers at my work to be extremely slow, but at this point I got very nervous and remembered that technological issues can be a sign you are dreaming. I really really wanted that 7 thousand, so I sort of willed the computer to work as it always does, and it did. So then I was like, "sweet, its not a dream!" and I went and told all my coworkers the news. The dream ended and I woke up disappointed but quickly fell back asleep.

      This time I was working in a store that reminded me of Wal-Mart and I was stocking stuff(on the east side of store) and talking to a hot coworker. After a little while of doing this I got transferred to the opposite side(the west) of the store. Strangely, my Grandmother on my Mom's side was there in an assisted living sort of area, upstairs in a clothes section(in the north side of west). It was closed off but she had windows. Looking out her window, I saw a trail in the country and some people, and I also saw my Papaw, who divorced her years ago. I went out and talked to him and told him about what was going on with her mental health as of late and he gave me a message to give to her. I looked at it and it was a request to let him help her. So I went back to my Memaw and told her that he thought he could help, and after some initial emotional tug-of-war I sensed flowing through her, she decided to go with him. So he took her and left. Then, strangely, in the back(south area of west) of the store we were suddenly being sieged. So all the workers got together and boarded big moving platforms to fight the intruders and drove them back. Then the dream ended and I woke up to my alarm clock.
    3. Night 8 (8/16-17/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 09:23 PM
      I remembered my dream when I awoke, but laziness coupled with being tired from the day before resulted in my not recording the dream until 30 minutes of dozing had gone by, at which time I had forgotten the dream. *dissapointed in myself* But I guess thats life.
      side notes
    4. Night 7 (8/15-16/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 09:20 PM
      Not a whole lot of recall tonight, just remember the last part of the dream:

      My Aunt and I had to go into a building to retrieve somethings that we absolutely had to have. We had no choice. The problem was, the house was infested with thousands and thousands of bees. There were bees everywhere. The house, on a side note, was a two story, white, abandoned wood house that looked to be about 30 years old(unsure because the disrepair of the house may have made it look older.). There was a white mailbox(the style with the red flag that you lift up) outside the front. No other houses were visible when I was looking at it from in front of the house, indicating that it was not a big city or a suburban house, but rather a small town house. It may have been a house I lived across from for about 5 years when I was younger. It was inhabited by a scary lady who got angry about everything, and as I recall, her house was almost identical. At any rate, I was putting off going in the house because I really don't like small things that can sting me, and also because my aunt is allergic to them so it would be potentially lethal for her. While I was putting it off, my mind created a random bug and it appeared on my arm. A friend from highschool comes up from nowhere and tells me the name of the bug, which I cannot hear clearly, and tells me that what it does is inject a toxin that morphs into a random virus when it bites people. I realized that I should be scared to death, because it could be anything from a stomach bug to AIDS, but I just look down at the bug on my arm and think to myself 'that's not good' in a rather disinterested, detached way. The bug looked a lot like a mosquito, but with some strange coloration and bigger. It was about the length of the width of a fingernail. After thinking to myself that the situation was not good, I woke up.

      It was sort of a mild nightmare, in that I woke up frightened but not terrified.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. Night 6 (8/14-15/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:58 PM
      This has by far been one of my favorite dreams of my life. Anyway, here it is.

      I went on a vacation with my family to Europe. On the vacation I met someone who told me that I had the ability to transform into a canine(not specifically wolf or dog, just canine...hard to explain) He brought me to his clan, who could all do it as well. He told me of their history, that there were three clans. Their was the Protector clan. They did everything in there power to keep the race alive and defend from threats. Another clan, a neutral clan, did next to nothing for anybody, had no name or respect, and merely stuck together and went through life like a normal human. I got the distinct impression they were looked down upon and began to feel the same way as my mind began to adopt the pack way of thinking that dogs have and I understood how selfminded they were.. The last clan, the avengers, where a group who settled the scores. They would take any offenses to the clans into their own hands and take revenge for those offenses. Upon finishing the relation of their(our) history, we journeyed to meet the avengers. Once again, the "neutral" clan was completely dropped off the radar. When we got there, we met with their leaders, one of whom I knew from highschool, we had been good friends, and we greeted each other as such and were glad to have the same ability. He invited me to be in his clan, however the protectors wished me to stay with them as well. After a moment, the leaders of the avengers decided that we could decide that later, but that for now we should have some fun. So they took us to a Night Club they owned on their turf that was solely for our kind, and we partied. There were people playing hockey in an arena inside the club but with a regular ball instead of a puck, and at one point they accidentally shot the ball off into the dance floor, near which I was standing. I saw the ball and decided to try out my new form again(I had done so often in the dream, especially on the journey to the avengers) and I jumped through the air towards the ball, changing into wolf form midflight, and landing beside the ball fully changed. Some girls by the bar thought it was cute that I was so fastenated by my new form and commented on it saying, "Oh look! He is still fascinated with his fangs!" and then giggling. I felt a little like a noob, but in a welcomed sense, as though I would be mentored and taught in a fun, teasing manner. Everything was playful, I imagine this was due to the effect that the wolf form had over our mind. Attempting to pick up the ball, I realized my mouth was too small to pick it up so I changed back into a human as I picked up the ball in one smooth movement. With practice I knew I would eventually be able to hold the ball in my mouth. Beautiful girls, comrades, shots, and a fun atmosphere occupied the rest of my dream, and I never was required to choose a side that night.

      I expect very much to revisit this a lot when I get down LDing and Dream Control. This has filled my thoughts a lot over the days following it. I may write a book.....a very memorable dream to say the least. The fact that my mind was affected by the experience was amazing. The vividness extended farther than sight and sound....Does anyone else have their mind/thoughts affected by shapeshifting?

      Updated 08-18-2010 at 08:01 PM by 35606 (wanted to highlight dream portion)

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Night 5 (8/13-14/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:29 PM
      Two Dreams this night:

      I was merchanting and making a lot of money, but all the money I was making was being given to me in Runescape currency(an mmorpg I quit after this dream). In the dream I was consciously aware that the money was worthless and that I was wasting time and skills.

      I was in Office Depot and my whole family was there. We had hamburgers and hotdogs, but one of the hamburger buns was moldy
    7. Night 4 (8/12-13/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:21 PM
      I dreamed that my family and I visited Ireland. I kept utilizing my fake Irish Accent, much to my sisters dismay and embarrassment. We went to a Pub, after walking around a lumberyard, and my mother and father got mugs of beer(strange because they don't drink), my brother and sister got soda(do Pubs sell soda? I think they do....but idk), and I got a Tankard of Ale. It was much bigger than anything the rest of my family got.

      That was all for that dream, I woke up and recorded it before returning to sleep.

      In this dream all I remember was fighting people at my workplace.
    8. Night 3 (8/11-12/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:15 PM
      I was working at Office Depot, and I was stocking merchandise and dealing with customers who were quite weird. One lady was chewing 4 month old gum and had what looked like a big seed stuck under her tongue. She reminded me of a parrot in regards to this, because when I saw it, all I saw was a tongue that looked exactly like a parrot's. I did not see her face or anything else, just a vision of her tongue and a seed under it.

      Very Strange Dream...

      Updated 08-18-2010 at 07:22 PM by 35606 (forgot to put date)

    9. Night 2 (8/10-11/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:09 PM
      This was my first really interesting/cool dream since starting my DJ.

      I was working in a store with my younger brother and some other people. All of us had Superpowers/abilities, but I can only remember that I could fly. A group attacked us and killed a lot of us. In the center of the store there was a Tree that extended up to the ceiling. It had a secret area inside that was a sort of base for us. Anyway, we were rescuing survivors and I spotted my brother surrounded by fire and I knew that he was in danger. Since I could fly, I flew down and grabbed him and flew him back up to the entrance to the tree. The others worried that people may have seen, and that the secret might have been revealed.

      Updated 08-18-2010 at 07:23 PM by 35606 (Forgot to put category and date)

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Night 1 (8/09-10/10)

      by , 08-18-2010 at 07:02 PM
      I was very congested this night, so my dreams were kind of short. Before going to sleep, I repeated some mantras to myself over and over as I had seen that on the forums. Here was the result:

      I was picking herbs out of a woman's garden. I knew the woman, but I do not know her name, nor can I place her face.

      I was woken up by my nose, and did not remember any other dreams after going back to bed.

      Updated 08-18-2010 at 07:24 PM by 35606 (forgot category and date)

      non-lucid , dream fragment