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    Night 7 (8/15-16/10)

    by , 08-18-2010 at 09:20 PM (348 Views)
    Not a whole lot of recall tonight, just remember the last part of the dream:

    My Aunt and I had to go into a building to retrieve somethings that we absolutely had to have. We had no choice. The problem was, the house was infested with thousands and thousands of bees. There were bees everywhere. The house, on a side note, was a two story, white, abandoned wood house that looked to be about 30 years old(unsure because the disrepair of the house may have made it look older.). There was a white mailbox(the style with the red flag that you lift up) outside the front. No other houses were visible when I was looking at it from in front of the house, indicating that it was not a big city or a suburban house, but rather a small town house. It may have been a house I lived across from for about 5 years when I was younger. It was inhabited by a scary lady who got angry about everything, and as I recall, her house was almost identical. At any rate, I was putting off going in the house because I really don't like small things that can sting me, and also because my aunt is allergic to them so it would be potentially lethal for her. While I was putting it off, my mind created a random bug and it appeared on my arm. A friend from highschool comes up from nowhere and tells me the name of the bug, which I cannot hear clearly, and tells me that what it does is inject a toxin that morphs into a random virus when it bites people. I realized that I should be scared to death, because it could be anything from a stomach bug to AIDS, but I just look down at the bug on my arm and think to myself 'that's not good' in a rather disinterested, detached way. The bug looked a lot like a mosquito, but with some strange coloration and bigger. It was about the length of the width of a fingernail. After thinking to myself that the situation was not good, I woke up.

    It was sort of a mild nightmare, in that I woke up frightened but not terrified.

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    non-lucid , nightmare
