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    by , 07-11-2012 at 09:24 AM (330 Views)
    Time would be around 3:40AM.

    Woke up, tired as fuck, didn't try to lucid Lost consciousness, but then felt the 'hag'. Started squeezing my body, but never had any trouble breathing. The pressure points shifted and then became a pumping action like you-know-what Couldn't sleep, something inside me snapped. The bitch left, I plopped into a dream.

    Greenish flash at first. I'm non-lucid. I see four people in the hall, I'm in my bedroom. Family of four, including me. Tadaa, I'm spontaneously (low) lucid.

    I suddenly notice a weird looking man sitting on the floor near the open door into the dining hall. His face keeps changing. At first I was convinced he was a demon, my thoughts affected dream similarly. Quickly revised my view of the fellow, he became a tramp. I walked out the door...

    ...onto the road?! Outside my house. Flying comes naturally now. I superjump onto a corridor above (neighbour's house). Dream feels shaky.

    I try stabilizing by interaction. I squat for a while, on cold tiles. Everything around me seems cold. I run my hands along a washing-machine sort of thing with grooves and inlay work. Vision improved slightly, yellow lights were turned on.

    I 'bump into' B and S. They try to dissuade me from something. I cleverly 'distract' B,(wearing a black shirt with green/white/grey stripes) who walks off.

    I try summoning a dragon. S takes offense, starts poking me and walking around real fast. Can't do much.
    I wake up.

    To this masterpiece of a red demon leering at me from my computer chair. I was scared(y the fak i go heel nao!!1! also pls dont do smthing nasty mr. redguy)

    Slowly, I summoned the balls to fight. The thing just sat there, watching me. Horns flashing pink and red. Had a real big adrenaline rush (and a mini heart attack ). Then suddenly, I was alone. (I think this was a false awakening, but the clock read 5:00AM and it was damn near time to get up. note, im almost sure, since I can't see read the time in real life when its dark )

    So I will myself back into normal sleep. An episode of squeezing paralysis was repulsed by white shield thingy I imagined. The end.

    pps: this has got me interested in astral projection

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